Coronavirus Isn’t a Hoax – But the Propaganda About It Is

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I feel like we’re in a never-ending show. There are infinite acts on display and there’s never a conclusion. The show, of course, is called “Destroy Trump.”

First there the Access Hollywood tape and infinite accusations of misogyny and rayyyyycism.

Then there was Crossfire Hurricane and the Russia collusion hoax, which culminated with a thud courtesy of the Mueller Report. Next came the Ukrainian hoax, which brought impeachment hoax, which ended with a whimper.

Along the way, we have had Trump’s various comments about this and that or tweets that offend this person or that person, which naturally are supposed to finish him off once and for all.

And now we have the coronavirus and the market crash that is, of course, Trump’s fault.

The market crash of the past couple of weeks and the media’s hysterical reaction to a virus that A. already existed and B. isn’t particularly lethal is quite illuminating.

It reinforces my belief that most people truly are sheep.

When the media hysterically claims we are all going to die from coronavirus and Trump is not doing anything about it and it’s all Trump’s fault, you know they are getting desperate.

Here’s a thread from Trump rapid response leader Steve Guest, who has chronicled at least 14 times the media and/or Democrats have politicized this virus:

Here are FACTS:

Everything that President Trump has done has been in the interest of Americans.

He was the first person to suggest and to implement China travel restrictions — in January. He declared this a crisis long before the media had caught onto it. The CDC has a 52-page plan to help combat it. He has the best in the nation working on this issue and they’ve been working on it since January. But the media won’t tell you that.

Irony: the same people who screech that building a border wall and wanting to know who comes in our country is racist are now wringing their hands about the fact that Trump has not sufficiently done enough to contain the virus.

But when Trump points out how an open border isn’t helping matters and implementing travel bans could help protect Americans, they complain that it’s racist to close the border to people from China and the southern border entirely.

So: which is it, media and Democrats?

When President Trump called the coronavirus a hoax, he wasn’t saying the disease itslef is a hoax. Clearly it exists. People have died from it. But it either around as deadly or less deadly than the flu – around a 1-2% mortality rate. It’s certainly not as deadly as Ebola, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus), or any of the other weird viruses we have seen come down the pike over the past 10 years.

The hoax is how the media and Democrats have tried to place this solely at Trump’s feet.

Isn’t it funny that when a Republican is in charge, every single outbreak of a crazy disease is blamed on the Republican? And since they hate Trump THE MOST, absolutely everything under the sun is blamed on him.

Barack Obama just threw money at the Ebola problem and the media didn’t say a word. As far as I know, he didn’t shut down any travel from countries that had Ebola outbreaks. With the swine flu, Obama waited a full year to declare national emergency.

President Trump did so within two weeks of the current coronavirus becoming a “thing.”

The media and the Democrats have continued to overplay their hand and they are overplaying it again.

I urge all my fellow Americans to stop listening to these lunatics. They have never been right about anything. Live your life. Go buy some stock in your favorite company now because the comebacks going to be big. Take precautions. But for the love of God – do not fall into the mass, Trump-hating hysteria the media wants you in 24/7.

It’s just more evidence that they are panicked – because they know they can’t beat Trump.

They also know what is coming when Attorney General Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham drop their truth bombs. Hopefully, what’s coming is true justice for people who spied on President Trump’s campaign and then attempted a coup d’état to remove him after he was elected. That’s what this latest panic hoax is all about.

You’re welcome.

This week’s Angela’s Soap Box:



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