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Will You Be Silenced?

by Angela Box


“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” —George Orwell


I’m here to tell you a true story about fascism, rampant political correctness, lies, distortions, and destruction. I’m here to tell you a true story about what happens when one individual sounds the alarm about a president, a religion, a political philosophy, and a way of life that is hanging on by a thread. I’m here to tell you MY story.

My name is Angela Box. I live in Houston, Texas, and up until December 5, 2014, I was a school teacher of third graders. I loved my ducklings, and worked very hard to keep up with the constant demands of teaching and the ever-changing culture of education. I am also, and always have been, a very political person. I have been a conservative all my life, and have been in countless debates with liberals and uninformed citizens. I’ve never been shy or retiring. I am not a wallflower.

In September, 2014 I was asked to perform on Tommy’s Garage, which is a Houston Public Access show seen at midnight on an extremely limited basis—each show had around 10 YouTube views. I appeared on seven episodes of the show. At the time, Tommy’s Garage had been in production for two years, and was essentially a labor of love for its producer and host. We talked about politics, the culture, and fluff—and skewered everyone who deserved it. We also praised everyone who deserved it—regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality.

I loathe the Left and what it has done to the world—indeed, everything the Left touches turns to dung. This is my underlying philosophy for everything I do and believe. I am also extremely alarmed at the march of radical Islam in the world, and how much of the world seems to be asleep or refuses to understand its threat to mankind. When discussing what these barbarians are doing, or when discussing how certain members of the Muslim faith demand taxpayer funding for their halal food, I used some off-color remarks to describe them. I did not threaten anyone or say anything that was not true. But “bacon-hater”, “goat-f**cker”, and “boy-raping” evidently set off more people hell-bent on silencing opposition than what radical Muslims are doing around the world.

When I spoke of “Ebola taking one for the team and taking down Obama” the Left lost its mind—as if for eight years, collectively, the Left wasn’t wishing and hoping for President Bush to be assassinated or worse—and the ludicrous notion that I was making a threat against Obama caused them to lose all sense of humor—that is, if they ever had one. (A quick aside: I was recently in Washington, D.C. and no, I did NOT rush the White House and try and rub Ebola all over the doorknobs.)

There are other things the Left was “offended” by—and sought to silence me because of it. The videos are online for all to see. I never brought my opinions into my classroom; I never revealed on the show or in social media where I worked or even that I was a teacher. The people who are attempting to silence me did that for me.

When the New Black Panther Party, CAIR, and the radical Left come hard after you, you must be doing something right.

The last time I checked, a responsible journalist and news station would not scrub a hit piece of all context and imply a person was something she is not simply because he disagreed with his subject—but that is what Randy Wallace of Fox 26 Houston did to me. The last time I checked, a serious community activist would not fabricate a horrific racist quote to someone with whom he disagreed—but that is what a race-hustler named Quanell X did to me. The last time I checked, I never made a threat against anyone—but Quanell X made one against me and my students. If “her opinions put her life and her students’ lives at risk” isn’t a threat, implying members of his religion and groups would do harm to me or my students, I don’t know what is.

Because of their actions—and ONLY because of their actions—I had to resign from my teaching position that I loved, and leave the children I adored. The environment at my school was extremely poisoned and it was an impossible situation for everyone involved. It broke my heart to leave, and it broke my heart that the colleagues I respected turned on me so rapidly. It was frightening how quick they were to believe the lies told about me.

It strikes me that now we, sadly, live in a world where the government wants to question and control my character as a teacher, but teaching character education in schools (with an emphasis on God as the author of character and morality) is discouraged.  This country was founded upon the notion that we were all born in a state of Liberty, with God as our Creator, but we, as adults, took on the responsibility to educate our children so they could be free-thinking individuals. Now, in our society, we grant overwhelming “freedoms” to children and deny them lessons of personal responsibility so that when they become adults our government will treat them as children—and thus the Left has determined they will never be truly free.

When someone screeches “I’m offended!” what that shows is a lack of depth or understanding of the role of the individual in a free society. I’m offended on a daily basis by what the Left and radical Islam are doing to the world—but I don’t make death threats or try and ruin people’s lives over what they say and do. I do the one thing that the author of liberty and freedom—God—set us up to do: speak out. Be strong. Be bold. Be unafraid.

By becoming a responsible adult, I earned the right to my vices and opinions–which is why I am such a threat to a system that fears and despises independence and empowerment of the individual.

The one thing the Left counts on is for conservatives to go away quietly into the night. I am not one of those conservatives. I will not be bullied or silenced by hypocritical liars. My fight is your fight, and I am honored to have you on my side.

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