Why is Texas Governor Abbott Hesitating on Defunding Sanctuary Cities?

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Last session in the Texas House and Senate, the vote to defund sanctuary cities (those jurisdictions where illegal aliens feel even MORE safe and secure to live off the teat of the American taxpayer and do all those great things some illegals do–like raping, killing, assaulting, robbing, etc.) stalled. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

After all, this is Texas, the supposed “reddest of the red states” where, generally speaking, we eat liberals for breakfast. Despite the efforts of scurrilous liberal groups trying to “Turn Texas Blue”, we have remained stalwart in our opposition to their foolery.

Now, Rep. David Simpson (R-Longview ) has signaled he would very much like Gov. Abbott to call a special session to deal with this outrageous thwarting of federal law once and for all. Since Barack Obama won’t do it, and has threatened to veto any bill defunding sanctuary cities (because at his core he detests the American people) it’s now up to individual states to show the feckless, weak Republicans in Congress how it’s done.

However, Gov. Abbott has said he would “prefer” to wait until the 2017 session begins. (Sidenote: Texas’ legislative sessions happen once every two years, for some inexplicable reason.)  So let me get this straight: our allegedly “conservative” Republican governor, who knows such a move is supported by the overwhelming majority of Texans, would rather wait so more murders and rapes and assaults and grifting in sanctuary cities can occur, rather than handle the mess?

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has signaled he would fast track such legislation if a special session is called, but, of course, the usual suspect RINOs are loathe to buck the governor and, it would seem, would rather screw over their constituents than make Abbott angry.

In Texas, what is truly deplorable are the number of sanctuary cities that currently exist. Austin, Baytown, Brownsville, Channelview, Denton, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston, Katy, Laredo, League City, McAllen, El Cenizo, Port Arthur, and San Antonio (which is looking to become an official sanctuary city) all give protection to illegal aliens. The police and border patrol are essentially powerless to stop them from living, working, using taxpayer resources (welfare, schools, health care, food stamps, Section 8 Housing, etc.) and generally behaving as if they are above the law—because in sanctuary cities, they are.

Laws in sanctuary cities help shield illegal immigrants from deportation, even after they’ve committed felonies—and illegals commit a LOT of felonies. Because of rampant political correctness, our government refuses to release actual statistics on how many illegals commit crimes. What has become abundantly clear, however, is that our government is more concerned with offending criminals who have broken into our country than they are with actual American citizens.

Some innocent little lambs breaking into America
Some innocent little lambs breaking into America

Look at these statistics. In 2013 and 2014 alone, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) released more than 66,000 illegal immigrant criminals who had over 166,000 convictions (30,000 for drunk or drug driving, 414 kidnapping, over 11,000 rapes or other sexual assaults and 395 homicides). And now, thousands of those innocent little lambs have already been convicted of new crimes in the United States–including felonies–since their release.

Ask all the families who have been directly affected by a criminal alien—rapists, murderers, child molesters, armed robbers, drunk drivers, etc.—if they think Gov. Abbott should call a special session to deal with defunding these safe havens for criminals (and YES, they are ALL criminals if their first act in America was to break and enter into America). Ask the hardworking Texans and Americans at large who are getting their wages slashed or their jobs lost altogether because of illegal aliens undercutting wages and taking their livelihoods if they think Gov. Abbott should call a special session. Ask the teachers whose workload increases tremendously because school districts have to bend over backwards to accommodate criminal aliens’ children if Gov. Abbott should call a special session. Ask the doctors and nurses in hospitals overrun by illegal aliens who never pay their bills if Gov. Abbott should call a special session. In fact,  ask anyone but the cronies on the Left, who want a perpetual underclass of Democrat voters if they get their way with amnesty, and the RINOs, who are so beholden to the Chamber of Commerce and their buddies in the donor class they have no problem sticking it to the rest of us.

Gov. Abbott should do the right thing and call a special session so these ridiculous, lawless, unfair, illogical, and just plain assbackwards sanctuary cities get defunded.



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