Whatever Happened to Sticks and Stones?

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Remember back when sanity reigned if someone called you a bad name or hurt your feelings? You shook it off by following the advice of your mother:

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

A funny—if not so mind-numbingly disturbing—new word has slowly crept into the public consciousness. It’s called “microagression.”


A microagression is not an overtly racist, sexist, homophobic, or whatever other insult the kids are offended by these days—it’s simply the appearance of one. For example: a white person eating Mexican food on Cinco de Mayo is a microaggression. Because, you know, that offends Mexicans and screams “cultural appropriation” for some stupid reason. Or a white boy wearing a gold grill on his teef in honor of his favorite hip-hop rapper. That’s a huge macroaggression, you Neanderthal racist!

Let me state at the outset that only wimps, sissies, aging socialists, racehustlers, Williamsburg, Brooklyn denizens, college-aged hippies and malcontents, Urban Outfitter employees, women with hairy armpits, and creatures wearing man buns actually use this term. But members of Generation Participation Trophy are nothing if not determined—determined, at least, to further wussify the culture.

Sigh. I can't.
Sigh. I can’t.

Last week, before taping my Outside the Box segment on Isiah Factor Uncensored (Fridays, 9pm on Fox 26 in Houston), I was sitting towards the back of the restaurant where we record the show live and Isiah (Carey) asked me if I was in a timeout. Now, I’m sure there are many who would love for me to be in a timeout, and I said as much.

But this started me thinking about the absurdity of macroaggressions. Wasn’t his assumption of me being in a timeout actually a microagression against a woman with a strong opinion? And I guess as a woman I’m not allowed to speak my mind and more than likely you’d prefer me in the kitchen wearing a burka, wouldn’t you?! (Wait. Not a burka. That’s cultural misappropriation and Islamaphobia.)

And furthermore, a MAN asking me if I was in a timeout was probably the most patriarchal microagression of them all!

(Frankly, I’m surprised Saturday Night Live hasn’t tackled this ridiculous microagression phenomenon, but they’d probably offend half or more of their writing staff and performers, so let’s nix that idea.)

The truly stupid concept of a microagression stems from the exceedingly liberal notion (taught in most schools) that competition is bad, outcomes should be equal regardless of effort, America is a racist country hellbent on oppression, merit-based anything is racist and sexist, and everyone is SUPER special–in his or her own way! (Or, for those enlightened who don’t subscribe to the outmoded binary gender construct, you transphobic rube–in ‘their’ own way.)


Additionally, another exceedingly liberal notion of “the ends justify the means” (a very Saul Alinksy-esque scheme applied with much success by liberals around the globe) is used when one’s goals are to perpetuate the myth of institutionalized racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamaphobia, etc. by any means necessary—even if it means telling a big ole whopper.

Fake hate crimes are nothing new, and they are generally perpetrated by the very people who complain the loudest about things that aren’t actually happening.

There are too many miscreant race, religion, and gender hustlers to list here, but let’s take the very recent example of the three little angels attending the University of Albany. The girls claimed that, while riding the bus, a group of white people started attacking them and calling them racist names.

Liar Liar Pants on Fire
Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

It so hurt their delicate sensibilities that they went to the press and SUNY Albany officials to complain about the “racist attack.” They claimed it had caused them so much emotional damage it was the duty of all white devils to admit their white privilege and apologize to them.

The “racist attack” was so upsetting to liberals and the press (same difference, but just roll with it) that their overwrought protests brought the incident to the attention of The Dark Mistress of the Ninth Circle of Hell, Hillary Clinton. Her Majesty was so upset by the girls’ plight she publicly showed them support in a rally and on social media.

Hillary Clinton's tweet about the latest fake hate crime
Hillary Clinton’s tweet about the latest fake hate crime

But whoopsie! Guess what. It was all a lie.

Yes, once the bus video footage and accompanying passenger cellphone video was examined, it was found, conclusively, that Asha Burwell, Alexis Briggs and Ariel Agudio were ACTUALLYagressing on some white people by accusing them of racist taunts and attacks. In fact, all three girls were charged with battery on a young white woman, who was just sitting there minding her business when the sweet little radical lambs attacked her. Their case is yet another instance of liberals rushing to judgment when it comes to accusations against people of the fairer skin pigmentation.

But the hilarity doesn’t end there. Instead of the insipidly hypersensitive know-it-alls giving their best mea culpa, they doubled down and insisted that it was still a macroaggression by whitey against these little thugs because now it would mean we aren’t paying attention to the needs and feelings of black women. In fact, the New York Times quotes an activist covered elbow-high in smug, righteous indignation as saying, “People were forced to think about things that they didn’t think about, maybe, before,” said Amberly Carter, a coordinator at the university’s Multicultural Resource Center who helped organize the rally. “So do we now stop defending black women because of what happened?”

Can't anyone be CURIOUS about someone else's culture anymore?
Can’t anyone be CURIOUS about someone else’s background anymore?

Um, what? What is Ms. Carter smoking? Under what rock has this woman been living if she thinks that the Left’s never-ending multicultural, diversity push and the cries of racism around every corner have not been processed by every single man, woman, and child living in America today? White people are scared to look twice at their own shadows for fear of being accused of microaggressions and racism!

One of the problems with today’s wussified and coddled liberals is they claim to revere Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. but in fact they do everything possible to reverse the gains made by the Civil Rights Movement. Instead of treating everyone equally based on character and not skin color, today’s liberals are obsessed with race and never miss an opportunity to accuse everyone but themselves of white privilege and racism—regardless of any evidence to suggest they are right. It’s revolting.

Leftists have warped the culture almost irreversibly. At this point, the only way to deal with these entitled, clueless morons is to mock them. And if that fails, ignore them completely.

Your sanity may depend on it.

This one makes me extra stabby.
This one makes me extra stabby.


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https://youtu.be/p4Z-Fa9hkkM https://old.bitchute.com/video/deAdqydtapjf/ https://rumble.com/v6qhvhu-this-is-getting-annoying-say-it-with-me-boys-and-girls-reciprocal-tariffs.html Hello, my fellow patriots and filthy leftist stalkers! Thank you for taking the time to watch. This is Angela’s Soap Box, and I say what you’re thinking.