What Is Happening Here??!!?

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Here’s a little nugget for you: Joe Biden said we need to “lower the temperature of rhetoric” and unite—as he calls us Nazis and Biden voters beat up Trump supporters in the streets. 

Well, whoever runs Pepaw’s Twitter needs to let him know that 73 million patriots are not rolling over for this election fraud. 

As the worldwide gaslighting of America by Democrats, the media, and Big Tech continues, wherein the juggernaut that is Joe Biden and Sen. Kneepads won the 2020 presidential election in a landslide (even as evidence of widespread and rampant fraud continues to mount), hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters descended on Washington, D.C. last weekend and not one media outlet covered it fairly – if at all.

The massive Million MAGA March on Saturday was one more example of just how duplicitous and devious the media, working with Democrats and globalists, have become.

Not only that did they not cover this uplifting, spirited rally in support of President Trump, they completely ignored the violence that took place afterwards. Elderly people, families with children, young couples, and lone patriots were viciously attacked by the scum of Black Lives Matter and antifa. The police did nothing. They’ve been told to stand down by Muriel Bowser, the decrepit Democrat mayor of Washington, D.C.

There were at almost a million people at the Million MAGA March – the pictures (not photoshopped, filthy leftists) prove it.

It was an event filled with hope, peace, joy, resolve, and fight. President Trump drove by in his motorcade and it was like being at a Beatles concert for the people who were there. 

You’re telling me that the man who could not get ten people to show up at a car honking “rally” or stand in fifteen precisely drawn circles won the presidency while the millions and millions and millions of people who CONTINUE to show up for the President means Trump lost?!

The fix was in from the beginning. And if we still have an honest Department of Justice — which is in dispute at this point – all this tremendous fraud will be proven. 

The media gaslights us and tells us there’s “no evidence” of voter fraud when thousands of people are figuratively and even literally screaming from the rooftops and signing sworn affidavits under the penalty of perjury — which could put them in jail for five years if they are lying.

Dominion Voting Systems (which were used in Venezuela and Cuba to rig elections and are partially funded by George Soros and various Democrats, actors out of China, and other globalist elites) have been shown conclusively they were involved in vote switching, vote removal, and all kinds of chicanery in favor of Biden.

But the media willfully and blindly refuse to report ANY of this and calls the Dominion vote switching yet another conspiracy theory.

Like all gaslighters, they are trying to make you think YOU’RE crazy.

We beg of them: look at all the sworn affidavits, the rigged Dominion Voting Systems (where it’s EASY to switch votes), the thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of dead people voting, the hundreds of thousands of “found” Joe Biden-only ballots dropped off in the dead of night, not allowing any Republicans to watch the count and object to disputed ballots, no signature verification, running Biden votes through the system five to ten times, and all the horrible things these Democrat operatives did on election night and TO THIS DAY.

And in response they tell us there’s NOTHING TO SEE HERE and you’re clearly CRAZY.

So: what exactly is happening?

I was mistaken. I thought that after the election, regardless who won, the Rona would magically disappear (because, while the virus is real, the propaganda surrounding it is fake).

On the contrary: Joe Biden and his Deep State homies are promising MORE draconian lockdowns and a nationwide face mask mandate. I will say this until I no longer must: there is still NOT ONE study that proves masks or lockdowns do anything to stop the Rona except torment people. In fact, the cities and states which have mask mandates and severe lockdowns have higher Rona caseloads than the ones who don’t. No matter: both are symbols of compliance and control. As St. Dr. Fauci said: you need to “do what you’re told.” 

And now, with their figurative masks off, the globalists have promised us The Great Reset – brought to you by the China Virus. So, basically everything we’ve been telling the dummies about all year they’re finally admitting. Did someone say “conspiracy theory”?

The people who voted for Joe Biden don’t even know why they voted for him, and have no idea what’s coming. They just hate Orange Man. That’s literally all they have. And the reason they hate Donald Trump (and his voters) is because they listen to their media. On top of the media narrative, they don’t hear alternative voices because Big Tech censors them.

They are gaslighting everybody to this day.

Donald Trump’s thrust of his whole campaign and presidency is to Make America Great Again. That means for ALL Americans. It doesn’t matter what you look like or where you came from. If you are an American, you are a part of this American family and we welcome you and we want success for you.

The Democrats, on the other hand, use violence, gaslighting, intimidation, lies, and propaganda to shoehorn their horrific, globalist, communist agenda down America’s throat.

I have said this many times before — people who tell the truth are in short supply. People who toe the line and “do what they’re told” are a dime a dozen. What you saw at the Million MAGA March on Saturday were people who do NOT toe the line and do what they’re told “just because.”

We are dealing with drones versus freethinking human beings. Almost 100 years ago George Orwell wrote about our current nightmare in Animal Farm and 1984 — and the left still arrogantly insists he was talking about us.

Nope, YOU’RE the baddies, leftists. 

We are at a dangerous crossroads in this country. If this fraud on Donald Trump and the American people is not exposed, our Republic is doomed.

This is the stuff of revolution. 

I don’t know when and where the first shot would be fired, but we are getting close. This level of gaslighting and lying is not sustainable. 

The dummies who consume a steady diet of MTV, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Blackish, The Daily Show, and whatever other woke nonsense they eat like pigs at a trough are going to set off a chain of events that will be unstoppable.

When this fraud is exposed in a court of law, they will think that Trump stole this election –because that’s what their media will tell them. 

Everyone better buckle up.

These people have shown us exactly who they are. They don’t want to EVER go back to normal. For them there’s no going back. It is full on dystopian control going forward for every American.

Stealing this election from Trump is the first step, but WE have always been their ultimate target.

The Deep State and globalists have moronic “celebrities”, illiterate athletes, woke, multinational corporations, tyrannical Big Tech, communist academia, and the irrevocably corrupt media.

Donald Trump has 73 million (and counting) patriots.

I know that #GodWins, but I sure wish He would hurry up.

We’ve got a country to save.

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