What Do Antifa, The Handmaid’s Tale, and the VMAs Have in Common?

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A trick question to start off today’s commentary, comrades.

Can anyone (Bueller? Bueller?) in the audience tell me the connection between the left-wing terrorists of Antifa, Hulu’s acclaimed series The Handmaid’s Tale, and MTV’s always eye-rolling VMAs, which were recently hosted by the comedian Sebastian Maniscalco?

“Nothing!” you say.

Oh, how wrong you’d be.

We all know how actually fascist the “anti-fascist,” Orwellian, violent, leftist gorillas (typo and it stays) of Antifa are.

Whether it’s attacking innocent people as they cross the street or get off a bus, bragging about their shadow-funded (cough George Soros cough cough), organized, violent intimidation, or the armed takeover of the streets of Seattle, Washington or Portland, Oregon – these knuckle-dragging, #woke proglodytes mean business.

They accuse praying soldiers in the Patriot Prayer group and conservatives of the Proud Boys (in addition to all other Trump supporters) of being racist, white supremacist, irredeemable Nazis (duh) and believe they — and us — should be destroyed by any means necessary. They are violent criminals who set fire to private property, scream and tantrum like toddlers, pummel a gay, conservative journalist (Andy Ngo) so much he sustains brain damage, and wreak havoc everywhere they go – all while disguising their faces in white – whoops, I mean BLACK – hoods and masks.

They are championed on CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Hollywood, and all media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest give them a platform to literally threaten violence against individuals – with no consequences. They have the backing of all the #woke and important authoritarians in our society. They are untouchable.

Which leads me to Hulu’s celebrated series The Handmaid’s Tale.

Admittedly, I have been wary to indulge this dystopian liberal fantasy because I knew the premise by which it was created — but it finally roped me in.

Fade in: it’s the near future, and a bunch of right-wing, puritanical Christians have set out to end America as we know it. No woman can work or drive a car. They force fertile women into red shrouds, complete with white bonnets. Once a month, women are forcibly raped by their “commanders” so the land can be repopulated. “Gender traitors” (gays and lesbians) are castrated or have FGM (female genital mutilation) performed upon them. Women are stoned to death. Radical environmentalism has caused “Gliead” (the new non-America) to be self-sustaining with wind farms and solar panels. People are deathly afraid of saying what they really think and feel, because their new overlords are hanging or shooting any gays, priests, doctors, or anyone who has a problem with The New Boss. Armed guards keep people in — not out — of the country. There is a collective, communal feel to the oppressive society, and nobody is allowed to be an individual. An armed militia roams the streets imposing order — and woe be to anyone who steps out of line.

Hmmm. Why does this sound SO familiar to me?

Margaret Atwood wrote The Handmaid’s Tale in 1984 – during the tenure of President Reagan. Like any good feminist, she naturally assumed the Reagan Administration would bring about all these horrors detailed in her novel.

Like today’s moronic #woke, who believe life under the “Trump Regime” is hell on earth and his Moral Majority takeover is just a few months away, Atwood also hysterically believed it was Christians who were running around quashing personal liberty and treating women like chattel.

But let’s think about this: which religion does Atwood’s (and Hulu’s) vision truly resemble? If you’ve seen a Muslim woman clothed head-to-toe in a black felt tent burqa AT SEPHORA (which I have), you’re reminded very clearly that it’s not Christians subjugating and imprisoning women.

It’s not Christians who throw gay people off roofs. It’s not Christians who subscribe to Sharia Law — which includes stoning women and FGM. It’s not Christians who torture and kill people for either leaving Christianity or not converting to Christianity. It’s not Christians whose seventh-century practices are excused by progressives with “But…it’s their CULTURE!”

In fact, every single premise highlighted in The Handmaid’s Tale (minus the easy Christian bashing, because the show’s creators know Joel Osteen’s followers won’t behead them) can either be applied to an Islamist theocracy or a communist/leftist one.

The fact that the creators of the show and its multitude of enlightened liberal fans don’t see this simple fact proves just how far down the rabbit hole we’ve all gone, Alice.

This blatant hypocrisy also reminds me of the Women’s March – that annoying, annual bitch-fest put on by radical Islamist Linda Sarsour and other vile, leftist shrews.

Every last one of these harpies (many wearing Handmaid’s Tale costumes) walk arm-in-arm with women wearing hijabs. These Muslim leftists preen around pretending that the most radical elements of their religion don’t support Sharia Law and that it’s the big, bad conservative Christians who cut off women’s genitals and tell them they can’t drive a car or need two female witnesses to prove a rape occurred.

Sure, Jan.

Furthermore, the Brownshirts of the social media Stasi and Gestapo which seeks to “cancel” anyone who deviates even slightly from the #woke dominant cultural narrative, have caused such a level of fear of personal destruction that people are truly afraid to be honest about their political and religious views. This behavior is Straight Outta Commie.

But they, like Antifa, get away with it. Why? Because:

They are championed on CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Hollywood, and all media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest give them a platform to literally threaten violence against individuals – with no consequences. They have the backing of all the #woke and important authoritarians in our society. They are untouchable.

Which, finally, brings me to the hilarious uproar of last week’s MTV’s VMAs (Video Music Awards). The very name is an oxymoron because MTV plays leftist propaganda 24/7 — not videos.

The formerly closeted conservative comic Sebastian Maniscalco bravely chose to bust out of that political closet on MTV’s dime — and it was awesome. As he hosted the *venerable* VMAs (because aren’t ALL elites’ award shows, venerable, comrade?), which, live, garnered a total of probably 27 viewers, he came hard for the millennial and Gen Z “influencers” and “artists” sitting in the audience.

What makes his hosting gig so memorable is the almost literal explosion his monologue caused.

Maniscalco decided to hilariously skewer the very propagandists who had hired him to host the show. He blasted participation trophies, snowflakes, safe spaces, emotional support animals, adult coloring books, crying blankets, being “triggered,” and all the other virulent insanity millennials and their enablers have foisted upon Normal America.

Naturally, social media had a meltdown and demanded #CancelSebastianManiscalco IMMEDIATELY! Or else!

The uproar was so great that Variety, one of millennials’ enablers, gave a platform to some super-important blogger to decry how the VMAs used to be a “safe space” – until that meanie Maniscalco came in and RUINED IT ALL!

The article is some nineteen paragraphs long, replete with self-pity, rampant and malignant narcissism, and all the creamy goodness you’ve come to expect from Generation Participation Trophy.

Wonderfully, the reader comments to the article certainly demolished the blogger’s self-esteem and proved why Maniscalco’s monologue was so desperately needed in the first place. Normal America spoke and blasted this snowflake writer into submission. Win-win!

It really is a pity all millennials can’t score a lucrative blogging gig at JezebelThe Atlantic, or The Nation. All would be right with the world.

Sadly, these freaks live and walk among us, and one day in the near future, they will take over the reins of power. As Joe Biden would say: “Gird your loins!”

But, like Antifa and The Handmaid’s Tale, these #woke crybabies get away with all of their ridiculous demands and behavior, because:

They are championed on CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Hollywood, and all media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest give them a platform to literally threaten violence against individuals – with no consequences. They have the backing of all the #woke and important authoritarians in our society. They are untouchable.

In essence, the dominant culture is simply a massive circle jerk where only the cool kids get rewarded – and they all play along. If you don’t, why, you’ll be #cancelled. The only people who seem to be above this madness are those who have enough “F-you money” (Dave Chapelle comes to mind) to give two big middle fingers to the establishment.

The only way to put a stop to this madness is to rise up against it. And because most conservatives bathe and work instead of attend screeching protests with filthy degenerates all day, the best way to do that is to stop facilitating these freaks.

Stop buying their products. Stop going to their movies. Stop listening to their unce-unce-unce and unintelligible “music”. Stop watching their television shows. Stop watching CNN and MSNBC (their ratings show we’ve almost got that one covered!). Stop reading their newspapers. Fight back against academia and their nonsense, butthurt propaganda.

In November 2020, vote out all Democrats from sea to shining sea – and never, ever let them back in power.

In the meantime, it sure is fun to watch them squirm.

You see, once you start paying attention, it’s easy to connect the dots with seemingly disparate topics such as Antifa, The Handmaid’s Tale, and the VMAs.

Maybe – just maybe – conservatives are getting #woke – and wise – as well.









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