What a Relief! The Left’s Glaring Hypocrisy Continues Unabated!

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This article is not a defense of Roseanne Barr’s awful comment. 

But the swift banishment she received highlights the Grand Canyonesque difference between how speakers on the right are treated when they misstep versus speakers on the left.

Being a leftist in today’s society basically allows you to get away with whatever you want. As I’ve often maintained, leftism IS the status quo.

Great while it lasted, Connor Family.

On Tuesday, the politically correct henchmen of Disney decided to lower the boom on the very popular reboot of “Roseanne” because Roseanne made a disparaging comment about Valerie Jarrett.

You remember Valerie: she was the senior advisor to Barack Obama.

Roseanne said that Valerie looked like the progeny of the Muslim Brotherhood and a character from Planet of the Apes. Politically incorrect and not nice? Certainly. But her opinion? ALSO: certainly.

Let me be clear: I am not defending Roseanne’s remarks. They were ugly and NOT helpful. Roseanne immediately and profusely apologized for her comments.

In 12 hours, Roseanne went from being on top at ABC to out–because of a deleted tweet about Valerie Jarrett for which she apologized.

But remember, boys and girls: only leftists are allowed to make controversial statements and get away with them.

Colin Kaepernick can ignite a racial nightmare for the National Football League, and Black Lives Matter and liberals everywhere demand he gets hired. (Side note – he walked out of his contract, and nobody wants to hire him, for various reasons.)

After an entire season of giving the middle finger to fans, the NFL brass have wisely chosen to listen to the people who pay their bills over some pampered, hyper-racialist brats. They have instilled a “no kneeling” policy during the National Anthem. Kaepernick and his supporters are still demanding he be hired by a team–ANY team.

Human muppet Colin Kaepernick: a leftist’s dream boy

April Ryan of CNN recently claimed Donald Trump was the perpetrator of a child sex ring, run out of the White House. She is still employed.

Barack Obama was buddies with domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn—so much so, he kicked off his political career in their Chicago living room.

He was also close with the notorious Rev. Jeremiah Wright–not to mention rabid anti-Semite Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Over the weekend, Farrakhan said the elimination of white men was what would be best for the world. (Again—not too different from your run-of-the-mill leftist, but still.)

As we all know, absolutely nothing happened to Barack Obama or Louis Farrakhan.

Kathy Griffin, who used to be funny, last year was publicly shunned for approximately six months for beheading an effigy of President Trump. She’s now back selling out comedy shows to fellow travelers in America and abroad–and has since walked back her apology to the president. She feels no remorse for her actions, and instead somehow casts herself as the victim of a right-wing cabal (I WISH!).

Barack Obama and Louis Farrakhan: the photo that was purposefully suppressed by the media before the 2008 election

But back to Valerie Jarrett. Valerie is of Iranian descent—and has been purported to have Muslim Brotherhood ties. So does Hillary Clinton’s advisor and bestie Huma Abedin–and so do quite a few others who used to work in the Obama Administration.

Several countries classify the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. The Muslim Brotherhood is basically a kissing cousin to Hamas and Hezbollah. Roseanne’s comment about Valerie Jarrett’s looks might be overboard, but to the left, the truth in part of the comment doesn’t even matter.

The truth is, the Muslim Brotherhood enjoyed extensive access in the Obama Administration

Another recent example of leftist hypocrisy in action happened in Maryland. A white police officer named Amy Caprio was intentionally run over and murdered by four black “youths” in Baltimore County after they were caught breaking into someone’s home. Their behavior is excused by leftists—because they’re black and just don’t have a chance.

Naturally, according to the media, the real problem is that white people move to Baltimore County. They’re not blaming the individuals involved in this burglary and murder. They’re not blaming the fact that the city of Baltimore, Maryland has become a Third World city under Democrat rule: No.

(Don’t believe me? See: https://www.officer.com/command-hq/news/21006888/baltimore-county-maryland-police-officer-amy-caprios-death-ignites-a-racial-firestorm)

The media is blaming “white flight”. Yes, something is inherently wrong about decent people of all colors, ethnicities and creeds who move away from dysfunction and don’t want to be victims of violent crime or live in destroyed neighborhoods.

Baltimore County officer Amy Caprio–slain by some misunderstood “youths” who just were doing some of the burglarizing regular Americans JUST WON’T DO

The amazing thing is that leftists never connect the dots between their policies and the outcomes of their policies.

Leftist policies have ruined cities, states, and countries large and small. Baltimore, California, and Venezuela come to mind. But remember, you’re not supposed to point that out.

Instead, you’re supposed to join in on wishing assassination on British conservatives like commentator Katie Hopkins or jailing Tommy Robinson for actually having the courage to speak out about the effects of unfettered Muslim immigration.

You’re supposed to hail revivals of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and cast Caesar with a President Trump lookalike–and then enthusiastically applaud when Caesar/Trump is stabbed to death.

You’re supposed to take seriously grown females who wear pu**yhats and foam vaginas screeching about how President Trump and his nefarious protege Mike Pence are going to round up women and force them all to give birth to as many babies as possible. But before that, you’re supposed to find Madonna and her tortured English accent waxing ridiculous about blowing up the White House very enlightening.

LET’S CHEER THEM ON, right, Peasants?

You’re supposed to laugh when “comedian” Michelle Wolf mocks Press Secretary Sarah Sanders’ appearance or implies that the President of the United States wants to have sex with his own daughter.

The examples of vicious leftist rage are endless—but, according to our leftist masters, you must accept it.

As a conservative, you’re supposed to embrace being maligned and smeared every day of your life.

It is a shame that Bob Iger – chairman of the Disney Corporation, which owns ABC and ESPN, kowtowed to the politically correct fascists surrounding him.

You know who they are. They demanded Roseanne‘s head on a platter after she sincerely apologized for her comments, but just gave Keith Olbermann a multimillion-dollar contract with ESPN.

Olbermann is the little lamb who, on several Twitter and video rants, has called President Trump (and conservatives in general)–a Nazi, bigot, racist, and worse.

Pear-shaped leftist freak Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann is one of the foulest of foul leftists–and that’s saying something. After all, the title of one of his books is “Trump is F*cking Crazy (This is not a joke).”

But if you’re a left-wing lunatic, money just magically flows your way!

Also on ABC is the completely unwatchable hour of drivel called “The View”—which should be renamed “Four Leftist Harpies and One Hapless Semi-Conservative”.

Every day, these screeching harridans spew venom about conservatives–and literally nothing happens to their livelihoods. They still collect multimillion dollar paychecks.

I daresay this is not the last we hear of Roseanne Barr, nor of the glaring hypocrisy on the left when it comes to non-politically correct commentary.

What they haven’t counted on is an electorate who is beyond the point of ticked off at leftists in media, government, and The Swamp in general.

We are an electorate who is standing up and defending entertainers like Roseanne Barr, police officers like Amy Caprio, and figurative and literal political prisoners in Great Britain like Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson.

They keep underestimating us – to their peril. We are not here to play with them any longer.

Is it November yet??


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