Vote by Mail: Another Spoke in the Coronavirus Hoax Wheel

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So much of the propaganda (coronavirus and otherwise) we are being subjected to is simply a Deep State hoax, shrouded in smoke and mirrors. The corruption by the Obama Administration is deep and wide, and for most of America, it’s just now starting to bubble to the surface.

#Obamagate was trending on Twitter, then magically it wasn’t. They removed millions of retweets/counts. Now it won’t auto-populate. Guess we hit a nerve.

For those of us paying attention, however, the events of the last week signify the first domino that brings down the whole corrupt house.

The exoneration of Gen. Michael Flynn was just the beginning.

Democrats are doubling down on the coronavirus hoax — just in time for Obamagate. That’s okay – we can dismantle both simultaneously.

Last week, disgraced, #woke Dallas district judge Eric Moye figured out pretty quickly that you don’t mess with Texas. As salon owner Shelley Luther stood her ground and channeled her inner Braveheart, it reminds us that we should all be like Shelley and stand up to the tyrants who are attempting to bully Americans into submission.

The Democrat agenda could not be more obvious.

Democrats are treating our national security and law enforcement apparatus as an arm of their political party to be used to investigate and attack their opponents.  This is what happens in a Third World dictatorship – not a western democracy.

And yet that’s exactly what Democrats are doing.

Democratic governors have accelerated their fascism against the citizens of their states in the name of “safety.” Pennsylvania’s Gov. Tom Wolf and Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen Whitmer are just two examples of when authoritarianism becomes part of daily life. Their willingness to hurt their own people with economic shutdowns is akin to African dictators who watch their citizens starve if needed to maintain political power.

It’s almost like swing state Democrat governors are being told what to do by their puppet masters — to NOT reopen their states so they can try and blame this interminable lockdown on Trump!

But that CAN’T be, could it? (Insert LOLs here.)

Of course, New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey’s Gov. Phil Murphy are also still acting like despotic lunatics, and California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom is just beyond the pale.

Newsom has now ordered fraud-rich vote by mail (in reality: cheat by mail) for the November election, but there’s been a little hiccup.

California is having a special Congressional election this week in CA25 to replace the throuple-loving Katie Hill. Newsom, because he CARES about your SAFETY, is making this a vote by mail election. But whoopsie: the early voting results heavily favored Republican Mike Garcia. What’s a good cheater to do? Well, duh: Newsom is opening IN-PERSON VOTING in DEMOCRAT areas of the district.

But wait, I thought this was about SAFETY? How come Democrat areas get the opportunity to vote in person, but not Republican?

Stop asking logical questions, you right wing Nazi!

In fact, cheat by mail has become the Democrats’ latest propaganda talking point. Just like the celebrity Mask Nazis who get photographed wearing their stupid masks to sway the masses, now every has-been and wannabe is shoving vote by mail down our throats.

(Side note: how is Hollywood going to defend their mask propaganda when it’s time to start shooting their movies and TV shows again? After all, how will they “act” covered with a mask?)

For Democrats who claim absentee voting is the same as “vote by mail,” it is not. Absentee voting is quite different than what the Democrats are attempting to do. As a registered voter, you can request an absentee ballot, but it is not the norm – because if done on a mass scale, it’s rife with fraud.  

It has been shown time and again that the easiest way to cheat and ballot harvest is through absentee voting. That’s why it is so important for every citizen of voting age to take that right seriously and actually SHOW UP at the polls to vote. I’m not a huge fan of early voting either (although I usually do it) but mail-in voting on a nation my level is just asinine. Anybody can fill out a ballot and send it in, and Democrats always magically come out on top whenever that happens.

All their scams are connected. Obamagate, coronavirus hoax, vote by mail, mask propaganda – doesn’t matter. They want control over people’s daily lives, gain and retain power, and get away with their numerous and egregious crimes.

After Michael Flynn was finally exonerated last week, the Democrat panic machine went into overdrive. It’s not going to be a good summer for them. My question is, will their complicit and corrupt media actually even report when people are either indicted or arrested, or will it all be seen as a political hit job by Trump – when it’s 180° the other way?

As they get closer and closer to the end of their scam and to exposure on all of their crimes, expect hoaxes like endless, unjustified shutdowns, masks, and vote by mail (because: SAFETY) to be pushed more and more. The only way they can win is by cheating. That’s why they don’t mind if dead people and illegal aliens vote, and that’s why they say using a voter ID is racist. They have to cheat to win.

Now they’re not even pretending anymore.

I pray that the citizens of these blue states who are being held hostage by their despotic governors (who are getting their marching orders from George Soros) will very soon mutiny and start taking back control of their lives.

If people aren’t awake by now, I don’t know when they will be.

Think for yourself.



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