Vive Le Pen and Death to the EU!

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April 25, 2017

France has shown signs of life this week—after decades of unmitigated, European Union globalism– when Marine Le Pen took second place in its first round of presidential elections.

Like Great Britain’s Brexit and the election of President Trump before, the French election is shaping up to be a referendum on globalism and mass immigration without assimilation–not to mention the destruction of traditional French culture. #FranceForTheFrench is not just a slogan—it is a rallying cry.

Marine Le Pen, you're my hero!
Marine Le Pen, you’re my hero!

You see, to the worldwide Collective Left, destroying Western civilization (a.k.a. European-based culture) is perfectly acceptable. Because, according to them, it’s white people who have destroyed the world. Never mind all the myriad inventions, literature, philosophy, art, science, and Judeo/Christian values promoted by evil European and American types–it is now fashionable by even fellow whites to promote #WhiteGenocide.

Emmanuel Macron has sought support from globalists like Barack Obama and Angela Merkel. Defeat him!
Emmanuel Macron has sought support from globalists like Barack Obama and Angela Merkel. Defeat him!

Le Pen has been brandished a racist (of course) as all conservatives and nationalists are.

Basically, if you don’t want to see your country destroyed from massive immigration and preserve the language and culture with which you were raised, you are a xenophobic nativist.

Le Pen's rallies remind the world of the ones of Donald Trump. Rut roh for the Left!
Le Pen’s rallies remind the world of the ones of Donald Trump. Rut roh for the Left!

The Collective Left continues its march towards globalism, rampant multiculturalism, and the wanton destruction of western civilization and traditions which promote civil societies. Every election matters—no matter where it occurs.

Last week in Georgia, a little Democrat nobody named Jon Ossoff tried to snatch a Congressional seat from the reliably Republican sixth congressional district in Georgia. 

Democrats latest little tantrum thrower Jon Ossoff
Democrats latest little tantrum thrower Jon Ossoff

So eager were leftists to prove the #FlipThe6th race was a referendum on President Trump that over $8 million came in from outside liberal groups, Hollywood idiots, George Soros, and other miscreants. Ossoff had to crack 50% in a field that included 11 Republicans. He did not succeed, and, with 48.1%, is headed to a runoff with Republican Karen Handel. It is widely assumed he will go down to defeat.

But Democrats are nothing if not persistent. They will throw money at something until they achieve their goals. Conservatives and Republicans (who are usually out working for a living and don’t have time to don black masks, tantrum, and riot) would do well to follow their model once in a while.

These people are a mutant conglomerate of leftists from the Island of Misfit toys self-balkanizing into categories of differing levels of crazy.–none of whom bathe particularly often.  The Collective Left are not to be compromised with: they are to be defeated. This is war. 

Liberals understand this truth and this war intrinsically, and, to their credit, they are finally attempting to rebuild their bench after depending on their messianic worship of Barack Obama to push them over election finish lines for eight years.

A May Day protest coming to a city near you!
A May Day protest coming to a city near you!

This weekend we will see filthy little hipsters, People’s Climate Marchers, Black Lives Matter thugs, LBGTQXYZ types, and radical feminists around the world stomping their feet at their May Day #Resist protests. (It’s worth mentioning that May Day is a distinctly Communist construct.)  

I will gleefully be attending one of these marches. I’ll be the one holding a sign that says “You People Are Idiots. It is my deepest wish that one of these fools engages with me–because I’m packing. (Just sayin.)

The extremely violent "Antifa" group will no doubt bring their special brand of crazy to the #Resist marches!
The extremely violent “Antifa” group will no doubt bring their special brand of crazy to the #Resist marches!

The Left continues its march, often violently, and with several goals. They include an eradication of borders, a globalist economy, the suffocation of Western Civilization, abortion on demand, hijab and burqa normalization, the politicization of weather and gender, promotion of Islam over Judeo/Christian values, and every other ridiculous left-wing cause known to man.

Bring it on, you filthy leftists!
Bring it on, you filthy leftists!

Let us hope on May 7 that France, like Britain and America, stops the bleeding and votes to elect Marine Le Pen over Obama’s newest sycophant Emmanuel Macron.

Most people don’t give Le Pen a chance.Then again, nobody gave Donald Trump much of a chance either.

The world saw how that one turned out. 



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