Trump Calls Hillary “Such a Nasty Woman”–It’s About Damn Time!

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Another day, another fake outrage from the liberal media which has shown itself–through its actions and leaked Wikileaks documents–to be completely in the tank for Hillary Clinton.

Wednesday was the final debate before the climatic end to the 2016 Presidential election.  While Donald Trump handled himself well, and indeed, won the debate, he once again missed a lot of low-hanging fruit that should’ve been shoved into Hillary’s maniacally smiling face.

Donald Trump and the Dark Mistress of the Ninth Circle during the third Presidential debate October 19, 2016
Donald Trump and the Dark Mistress of the Ninth Circle during the third Presidential debate October 19, 2016

When Trump called Hillary “Such a nasty woman”—almost as an afterthought under his breath—news pundits and liberal cave dwellers on Twitter all clutched their pearls in mock horror. How could ANYONE say something so sexist to the first female Presidential nominee?

Keep in mind, these are the same people who have screamed “Rayyyysisss!!” if anyone disagreed with the equally nasty and awful Barack Obama.

So much for content of character and feminism, right guys?

While the chattering magpies fomented fake outrage, millions of us—who know EXACTLY just how nasty Hillary and Bill Clinton are—stood up and cheered. Once again, it has taken a political outsider to defrock the Naked Emperor.

This woman has been in public life for a very long time. There’s a long and varied record of her nastiness. We could be here for hours discussing it.

But let’s just talk about five of the ways Hillary Clinton is “such a nasty woman.”


During her tenure as Arkansas’ and America’s First Lady, Hillary Clinton was in charge of “Bimbo Eruptions” and steamrolling the character of women who either had affairs with or were assaulted by her husband Bill Clinton. This is not in dispute. Neither she nor Bill have ever refuted any claims by these women. Instead, they smeared their character or intimidated them into silence.

Hillary and Bill Clinton have smeared--and worse-- women for decades.
Hillary and Bill Clinton have smeared–and worse– women for decades.


As Secretary of State, Hillary oversaw the complete collapse of the Middle East as she and her boss Barack overthrew compliant Libyan dictator Gaddafi and denied our Libyan embassy in Benghazi security over 600 times.   

She lied to the parents of the dead and to us.  She publically blamed the attack on a Muslim film but privately admitted to her daughter that it was terrorism.


Hillary Clinton installed a secret, private, unsecured email server in her basement to thwart the prying eyes of the media from finding out she was using her office as a pay-to-play scheme in order to make the Clinton Foundation very rich. She took money from countries that support ISIS and radical Muslims, throw gays off roofs, mutilate little girls, and stone women.

*Nothing to see here* Some of the people Hillary Clinton befriended in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries--for MONEY.
*Nothing to see here* Some of the people Hillary Clinton befriended in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries–for MONEY.


The Wikileaks dump proves that Hillary Clinton and her staff were actively looking for ways to circumvent a Congressional subpoena and determining which of the 33,000 emails they should delete. In addition to sending and receiving classified emails on her private server, her boss Barack Obama was also caught sending unsecured emails using a pseudonym—which he lied about.


We now know, through Project Veritas and Wikileaks, that the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Obama White House, the DNC, and the media were all working in cahoots with each other.

Anderson Cooper being forced to cover Wikileaks dump by Julian Assange
Anderson Cooper being forced to cover Wikileaks dump by Julian Assange

They worked to perpetuate voter fraud, incite violence at Trump rallies by hiring mentally challenged people to start fights, facilitate illegal aliens to vote, give at least one question to Hillary Clinton before a debate, and to excuse her actions when she told a group of bankers classified information about the death of Osama Bin Laden.


These examples only scratch the surface of just how awful, how nasty, how criminal, and how thoroughly unfit for office Hillary Clinton is. She is a festering boil on the backside of the American people.

Don’t elect her President: lock her up.

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