Trump Beat the Rona, and So Can America

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The collective left was all atwitter last weekend when President Trump was admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center with what the media was hoping was bubonic plague. 

However, it was not to be.

When President Trump was diagnosed with the Rona, along with almost two dozen other White House staff (certainly curious), Democrats thought they finally had the last proverbial arrow in their quiver to use against the president. 

The President had other plans.

Trump immediately begin taking different types of therapeutic treatments including antibodies, Remdesivir, and Regeneron. As of yet, he has not stated whether he’s taken hydroxychloroquine (which he had used as a preventative a few months ago).

Just 72 hours later, the media further lost their minds when he took Marine One back to the White House and then saluted the Marines and the American people with his return home. And then — he took off his mask. 

Well, that was just too much for the rabid lunatics who control our culture!

The subject of COVID-19 has been so fraught with misinformation and lies from the beginning. And the Democrats have nothing else, so they just ratchet up the panic. 

When Trump tweeted that we should not be afraid of Covid or let it dominate our lives, one would’ve thought he just drowned a litter of puppies on national television. The left went insane.


Trump exposed the dirty little secret of the Rona — IT’S NOT THAT DEADLY, not by a long shot. After all, if a 74-year old man who is overweight and doesn’t exercise can get better within 72 hours, what does that say for you and me?

The media must ratchet up the fear and righteous indignation at all costs.

How could we NOT be afraid of a disease with an over 99% survival rate? Are you crazy!? 

Facts are facts, after all. Covid pretty much only affects the elderly population and people with several co-morbidities or underlying conditions. We’ve recently learned that only 6% of Covid-related deaths were actually caused by Covid. The psychological, emotional, and financial stress and toll taken on all Americans has been far greater than the virus.

Yes, but: how could you take this so cavalierly when 200,000 Americans have died from this disease?! Bringing up the this dubious 200,000 “dying with” Covid death number is the Democrats’ latest disgraceful talking point. But President Trump is not taking anything cavalierly. He’s been the one who has been serious (but realistic) about this from the beginning — but he also understood what the Democrats were doing with it. 

They were politicizing Covid from the beginning. 

The China-centric WHO and CDC recommended Trump NOT close the borders to China and Europe (he did it anyway, which probably hundreds of thousands of lives). Democrats and media demonized hydroxychloroquine (which has been approved for use for over 60 years). Our “best and brightest” woke medical professionals and media class applauded Black Lives Matter and antifa riots and looting, but woe be to the average citizen who wants to go to church, school, shopping, or out on the town. Democrats all over the country have statewide shutdown orders until the day after the election (weird, right?).

And of course, the mask has been the biggest symbol of control the left could’ve ever conceived. When I first started noticing more and more people wearing the stupid, ineffective, virtue signaling masks I became very alarmed. 

These masks are political theater. There’s not been one study that proves they work. It is the equivalent of an emotional support animal or a blankie. If you want to wear a toxic diaper, knock yourself out — but they should not be mandated, required, or forced. After all, if masks work, why did Democrats release a bunch of felons when they could have simply told prisoners to strap on a paper mask? If masks work, why are they still stoking fear about voting in person?

The Democrats want you to stay scared and controlled as long as possible so they can push their vote-by-mail scheme and steal the election. It’s obvious to anyone with a brain. Places like Seattle and Los Angeles have admitted they’re lifting draconian lockdown measures on November 4, which just so happens to be the day after the election. Is the virus going be completely eradicated by then? This is a VERY savvy virus, indeed.

Democrats, the media, and the collective left want to keep America scared and shut down. President Trump and Republicans want to live freely and open up the country. To me, that’s the beginning, middle, and end of the argument.

We didn’t know that at the beginning of this mess that this virus has a survival rate lower 99%, but we do now. But even after learning everything we have, our woke overlords continue stoke fear and illogical, disastrous, inhumane policies. 

Fear control, masks, virtue signaling, and lies – that’s all Democrats have.

Here’s hoping President Trump makes this abundantly clear before it’s too late.

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