Today in Groupthink: Donald Trump and the Confederate Flag

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A funny thing happened on the way to history revision.

After a lone, disturbed, racist, anti-American psycho shot up the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, killing nine innocent people, the American Left and liberals in general were quick to somehow blame conservatives for inspiring the nutjob to do his dastardly deed.

It didn’t work. Conservatives, like all Americans, were disgusted, horrified, and deeply saddened by the tragedy.

So, what’s a good leftist to do when your first attempt to demonize your enemy (conservatives) backfires? Why, you engage in some media-driven groupthink.

Groupthink, in essence, is when individual thoughts and opinions are shut out for the good of the collective. It is a sort of thought peer pressure and extreme conformity. When one ventures outside of the groupthink norm, the collective rallies against the individual.

One of the media’s cause du jour is getting the public ginned up into a frenzy to demand that states, counties, cities, businesses—wherever–ban the Confederate Flag. Because Dylan Roof displayed one in his online manifesto rant, I guess that means that everyone who owns such a flag or is from the South also shot up a black church, right?

In its quest for total conformity and submission, Walmart, NASCAR, TV Land, Amazon, Ebay, states across the country, and every left-wing politician also demanded the Confederate flag be banned. Naturally, the good little goosestepping media also complied with this demand and reported gleefully that Southern Civil War monuments were being desecrated with “Black Lives Matter” graffiti or being torn down and defaced. (Sidenote: what exactly is the difference with what the ISIS lunatics are doing to ancient artifacts and antiquities and what the fascist Left is demanding happen to a major part of American history?)

confederate battle flag

These actions are insidious and should alarm and disgust every free-thinking individual.

Dovetailing on these events are remarks that Donald Trump made about illegal aliens; namely, that rapists, murderers, drug dealers, gang bangers, and assorted other thugs, criminals, and terrorists are crossing into our country with impunity because liberals (and scared, weak, pandering Republicans) refuse to secure the border and enforce existing immigration laws. The media, some GOP candidates, and many of Trump’s sponsors completely abandoned him and, in essence, called him a racist nubjob.

But—isn’t Trump completely correct?

He’s not saying, as the media would have the naïve believe, that all Mexicans are criminals. This is yet another canard the Left likes to shove down our throats. Evidently speaking TRUTH about the illegal alien invasion is RAAAYYYSSISS and uncomfortable, so let’s shut any dissent down and quickly. The beauty about Trump is that he’s not backing down…not one iota. I personally truly appreciate his actions; there are so few people willing to stand up and take the lumps the leftists and the media dish out, and I admire all who do.


But again, like with the Confederate Flag, (which has varied, positive and negative connotations to many people and is being used, literally, as a “false flag”—a cynical distraction to take Americans’ attention on things that actually matter), the Trump issue shows how pervasive groupthink has become. Media pundits, illegal immigrant advocates, liberals far and wide, and easily-led corporate entities have bashed Trump for speaking actual truth about the tragedy and exploding invasion brought about by illegal immigrants.

Notice that adjective the media and groupthinking, goosestepping liberals like to ignore: ILLEGAL.

What is it about the word “illegal” that is so troubling to liberals? I submit because if they actually debated facts about the illegal alien invasion, they would lose—and mightily. Therefore, they must demonize anyone who brings up these ugly truths about what many illegal aliens are doing in America and to Americans. Very Alinsky 101.

But what do we have here? Two more innocent people have been added to the roster of those murdered by illegal aliens—people that would be alive had our government not completely abdicated its sovereignty and its duty to secure the border and to not incentivize people to come here and stay.

In San Francisco and in Laredo, Texas, two illegal immigrants, one deported five times and one deported four times, both with criminal records and who both resided in sanctuary cities, murdered two women last week. And basically the press is bending over backwards to ignore the facts—that because of our lax, insane immigration policies and the incomprehensible policy of assigning certain communities as “sanctuary cities” these two innocent women lost their lives.

It pretty much gives Trump the biggest “I told you so” he could’ve asked for…and yet–and yet, his GOP presidential competitors by and large have bashed him for his views and his boldness in speaking them. Groupthink comes on all sides, it seems.

When will the GOP pull its collective head out of Mexico’s butt and realize that securing the border, deporting criminal aliens, and denying taxpayer bennies to “non-criminal” aliens (I put this in quotations because, in my opinion, anyone who actively seeks to broach our sovereignty is automatically a criminal) is a winning issue? Fully 70% of the American public support such actions.

What exactly are they afraid of?

Or who?

I submit, like with so many jumping to march in lockstep to ban the Confederate Flag (burning books are next, I suppose), those in the establishment wing of the GOP who are bashing Trump and refuse to follow the will of the American people when it comes to illegal immigration, are scared to death of the leftwing, groupthink media who run the agenda. It seems that people who think for themselves, who refuse to be swept along the politically correct, fascist wave with the cause du jour, who understand facts and events as they actually occur—not what the media spins them to be–are Enemy Number One.

Today it’s the Confederate Flag and Donald Trump speaking the truth about illegal immigration….tomorrow, who knows? Groupthink is an all-out assault on freedom. It’s far past time free-thinkers stand up and shout it from the rooftops.

If you refuse to push back, you–and the rest of America–get exactly what you deserve.



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