Today I had the honor and pleasure of seeing Sen. Ted Cruz–conservative giant, legal powerhouse, wonderful human, and Republican Presidential candidate.
He was introduced by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, his former boss when Ted was Solicitor General of Texas. Abbott was gracious and effusive in his praise and endorsement of Ted.

The many hundreds of us who came out to an industrial area of Houston on this cool and sunny February 24, 2016—just six days before Super Tuesday, March 1–were here to show our unwavering and steadfast support for a man who has been hit over and over with everything and the kitchen sink: everything except the truth about Ted Cruz and facts about his record.

There has been one candidate who has consistently and purposefully stated publicly, and I’m sure to his staff, that personal attacks have no place in this campaign and will not be tolerated.
That candidate is Ted Cruz.
Ted’s record is unassailable. He is consistently conservative on all issues. He is vociferously pro-Second Amendment, pro-traditional marriage, pro-life, anti-illegal alien amnesty, anti-sanctuary cities, pro-free market and capitalism, pro-American exceptionalism, pro-fiscal sanity, pro-rule of law, pro-religious liberty, pro-First Amendment (ALL of the First Amendment), pro-military, and pro-sending seventh century Islamic terrorist barbarians straight to their 72 virgins in Hell.
He is also, as many have witnessed, a devout Christian and is rarely shy about sharing his faith. His father, Rafael, a pastor and an escapee from Cuba many years ago, has taught him well.

Ah–but here’s the rub.
There is a difference between campaigning and preaching.
We are a Judeo-Christian nation. Anyone (cough cough Barack Obama) who wants to say Islamic values–or some such nonsense–helped form America’s identity is clearly delusional and/or a propagandist. This country’s Founders were almost exclusively Christian and it can be convincingly argued that the Judeo-Christian (read: Western) values of equality, liberty, individualism, following The Golden Rule, charity, equality under the law, the Ten Commandments, and free will have definitively shaped the character of America.
In America, women are treated as equal to men and aren’t shrouded in black, faceless robes. In America, gay people aren’t thrown off buildings. In America, little girls’ genitals aren’t mutilated. In America, one may choose his or her profession and mate. In America, you are innocent until proven guilty and if found guilty are not stoned to death. Etcetera, etcetera.
All of these qualities of America’s Judeo-Christian foundation have been under attack by the Cult of Diversity—which states that every religion and culture is equal (except America’s, which sucks), and how dare you think otherwise.
Now, Ted has forcefully made these points many times before—but my fear is he’s losing those political “fencers” who most certainly want to support him, but because of the Religious Revival-esque tenor of many of his rallies, speeches, and public supporters, are turned off to him.
We are a nation founded upon Judeo-Christian principles, but we are not a theocracy. I think, unfortunately, many voters have a pre-conceived notion of Republicans as holier-than-thou Judge Judys—when the vast majority of us could care less what people do in their private lives or bedrooms, or how they want to live their lives. But—by attempting to over-court evangelicals, Ted is potentially running off many others who should be on Team Cruz.
Additionally, it is far past time to “take off the gloves” and fight back. I know debate moderators have been loath to let Ted speak for more than 20 seconds, because, like all liberals, Republican Establishment, and most of the media, Ted Cruz is the candidate they fear most.
Ted has been so forthrightly consistent about taking on even members of his own party—when practically nobody else will—he’s made some enemies along the way. And good for him—because these are the actions that make the American people stand up and cheer! Ted will not buckle and he will not bend—because he knows he is right–and his positions have been proven correct Every. Single. Time. They. Are. Tried.
So, going forward, I am praying Ted gets right up in their faces (figuratively, of course) and vigorously deposes his naysayers like the brilliant lawyer he is. Drop the preaching and go for the jugular.

I’m very happy to report the Ted Cruz I saw and heard today was funny, charismatic, laid-back yet intense, off-Prompter and spontaneous, confident, grateful, intimate, and brazenly conservative. He made it clear that as America, we are running out of time to right this ship. We do not have another chance to get it wrong. As it is, this country is hanging by her fingernails on the edge of a cliff.
I want the entire country to see the Ted Cruz I saw today, and have seen before—the Cheerful Warrior who takes a stand no matter if it’s popular or not. He is the personification of “Do the Right Thing”.
Near the end of the rally today, Ted quoted from the famous letter to all Texans and Americans by Texan Lt. Col. William Travis, written during the siege of the Alamo:
“I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna. I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man. The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword. If the fort is taken I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls. I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch.
“The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days.
“If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country.
This presidential election is no joke. We must nominate a candidate who will restore this country to its founding moorings and begin to right the rapidly sinking ship.
I urge everyone to vote for Ted Cruz—and Ted, please start punching back.