Those #PeacefulProtesters Got Some ‘Splainin To Do!

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Praise be to God! The comatose among us have seemingly finally awakened from their slumber and are starting to add 2+2 together to realize who and what the Democrats truly are.

As the #PeacefulProtests in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, Chicago, New York City, and other Democrat utopias build to their fiery climax, new polling has shown that Democrats are taking a spanking for all of it.

This is obvious to anyone with a brain, except media and the morons who read/watch them, because for the last three months Democrats have either denied the riots were happening or they said they were peaceful protests and that Trump and his evil stormtroopers were trying to suppress democracy by keeping law and order.

But, as usual, the truth is the Democrats’ worst-ever enemy. 

After the compare and contrast lesson of the last two weeks watching the Democrat and Republican conventions, Americans see which political party actually gives a crap about restoring American greatness and which party actually wants to tear it all down.

Prominent liberals are now raising the fire alarm. People like Michael Moore and Bill Maher, as filthy as any leftists who live and breathe today, are starting to get really nervous. 

I mean — who could have guessed it? 

One party wants to import half of the Third World into America and then give them citizenship, welfare, and health care. The other party wants to deport them and have a sane, legal immigration policy based on merit – and Build the Wall.

One party wants to defund the police and surrender all major-league sports to a bunch of woke, tantruming leftist terrorists called Black Lives Matter. The other party supports law-enforcement and wants to give them better training and more resources so they can actually do their jobs properly. 

One party wants to cozy up to China and send all of our jobs back to them and allow the Chinese communist government to dictate the terms of American life. The other party wants to stick it to China and fully realizes the geopolitical, military, economic, and cultural threat they pose. 

One party says a virus with a 99.99% survival rate will kill you and wants to stifle personal freedoms by forcing people into wearing a toxic diaper over their faces. The other party believes in reason and logic. New CDC numbers released show actual Covid-19 deaths are only 6% of all counted (meaning 94% of all deaths had comorbidities attached to the deaths), yet Twitter removed that from Trump’s tweet about these inconvenient truths. Why, it’s almost as if the leftist media has a stake in keeping Americans living in fear and continuing the shutdown of schools and businesses!

One party believes in abortion on demand up to and EVEN AFTER birth (the Artist Formerly Known as Infanticide). The other party believes in science and believes that ALL lives matter, even unborn children in the womb. 

One party believes in strict free-speech codes which censor conservatives or people just to the right of Chairman Mao. The other party believes in the First Amendment in all of its glory – freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and yes, even of the press. 

One party believes we should eliminate all forms of fossil fuels and instead run our cars, airplanes, and lives off of air and water, which is TOTALLY realistic – just look how great it’s going in California with all those blackouts! The other party believes in and energy policy of “all of the above”, where we understand that fossil fuels are the name of the game right now, but we are always looking to innovate with different sources of energy. Fun fact: we have become the country with the cleanest fossil fuel emissions in the world. 

One party believes everything is racist, so let the government take care of you (because clearly you can’t do it yourself). The other party believes in self-determination, individualism, and the belief that individuals can choose what’s best for them.

One party trusts leftist teacher unions whose main job is indoctrination of the next generation of progressive activists. The other believes in school choice and allowing parents to have the right to send their child to a school that believes in actual education and discipline.

One party wants to put everybody into identity politics boxes and claim that if you’re black and not voting for Joe Biden, then you must actually not be black at all. The other party embraces everybody regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. – liberty and freedom are for everyone, and liberty and freedom have no color.

There are myriad examples I could give, but then we’d be here all day.

The minute the Democrats went down the anti-American road (about sixty years ago when they decided to re-enslave the black community), their fate was sealed. It just has taken us a very long time to get here – and for enough people to see the Democrats for the monsters they are. 

Americans are patient people. We are tolerant of differences. We all want to find common solutions to problems. But the solutions Democrats offer are literally scary. We have seen what happens when their brownshirts decide they can murder Trump supporters just because they are Trump supporters. Or riot, loot, burn down buildings, and assault random white people. The Democrats’ brownshirts of antifa and Black Lives Matter CELEBRATE it.

Do we really want this insanity to come to all of America? Joe Biden might think he can control his shock troops, and has basically threatened America that the violence won’t stop unless Trump is sent packing. But even if by some horrific miracle Biden is elected, the violence will just continue to grow. 

We’ve now seen what a mob of emboldened, walking and talking, gender confused, Critical Race Theory UC Berkeley majors and their ignorant, mindless followers can do. And it scares the hell out of most Americans.

So have fun with your #PeacefulProtests, Democrats. 

You’ve earned this Trump landslide. Every last percentage point of it.

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