They’re Baaack: Slander, Lies, and CAIR

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I received a private Facebook message the other day letting me know that our local chapter of the terrorist-coddling, Hamas-founded and funded organization CAIR (Council on American- Islamic Relations) had slammed me in their latest email blast. (Why was my Facebook friend on the list? Friends close, enemies closer, of course.) They used my likeness (a terribly unflattering photo, naturally) and the lies they and others have spewed about me in order to sell an upcoming dinner celebrating “tolerance” (for speech they alone approve).

Here’s the email:

Quick! Click it before it goes POOF! (Like Lois Lerner’s and Hillary Clinton’s emails.)

Of course, being the shy and reticent wallflower I am, I sat back and did nothing. No, that’s just silly. What I did was put these tyrants in a social-media chokehold. Ruth Nasrullah is the director of media relations for the Houston chapter of the unindicted co-conspirator Hamas front group. If these people are going to use my story and my picture to shill for a fundraiser, the least they could do is let me address them. I would answer any and all questions they have. And, I have a few of my own questions for them. Let’s go over a few, shall we?

Does CAIR want to clear up why it supports Sharia Law, a medieval system of jurisprudence that calls for the stoning of women, genital mutilation, constant jihad against non-Muslims, permits lying in order to advance Islam, permits the killing of non-Muslims without receiving the death penalty, allows for rape and subjugation of women, calls for removal of limbs for stealing a loaf of bread, four witnesses needed for a woman to charge rape, and any other number of ghastly and truly insane dictates? (See more:

Does CAIR want to clear up that pesky and persistent rumor that their “peaceful” organization gives millions of dollars to The Holy Land Foundation, whose very goals are to wrest Israel away from Israelis through jihad,  which has known terrorists speak at its events, and has ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood (as CAIR itself does)? (See more:

Does CAIR want to clear up why it sides exclusively with Palestinians over Israelis? The same Palestinians responsible for thousands of atrocities committed in the name of Islam against the Jewish state? The same Palestinians who call for the annihilation of Israel? The same Palestinians who name some of their football (soccer) teams after known terrorists? (See more:

Does CAIR want to clear up how its very founding was by Islamic terrorists, Hamas supporters, Hamas members, and with the support of the Muslim Brotherhood, another well-documented terrorist organization? Perhaps they can also clear up why, in 2004, they substantially drew back a defamation lawsuit against Andrew Whitehead, founder of Anti-CAIR, because they knew their case would collapse in court and they would be exposed as the terrorist-coddlers Whitehead determined them to be? (See more: and


Perhaps CAIR would like to clear up why they claim to espouse seeking “tolerance” for themselves—but not for anyone critical of them or the goals of radical Islamists and their supporters? How is bullying me out of my teaching career espousing “tolerance”? How is “tolerance” defined as stomping their collective feet and wailing how I was a bigoted hatemonger (who never had one single formal complaint from any parent, student, or administrator) preaching intolerance in my classroom and demanding I be fired—without a shred of evidence I ever did anything wrong or said anything inappropriate or hateful to any child, regardless of religion or ethnicity?


And finally: perhaps CAIR and Ms. Nasrullah would like to clear up why they refuse to let me speak to their gathering if what they truly seek to promote is tolerance, inclusion, and warm fuzzies—all while using lies, hate, and quite literally the worst picture of me on the planet in order to rook their fellow Muslims into plopping down $50 for a dinner and some keynote speakers.


So, CAIR Houston: I’ll be waiting. I’m sure you’d like to get all these matters cleared up. And I can think of no better place to clear the air than at your little event on April 4, 2015. Call me!



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