What the world needs now is not love, sweet love.
What the world needs now is a good ass-whipping, courtesy of an “I do not play” parent.
I can remember when I was Lil’ Ang in Oklahoma City, riding in the backseat of our car with my sister. I was about seven and Allison was five. We were arguing loudly about nonsense, as we were wont to do, and my mother, in dreaded five o’clock traffic, slammed on her brakes in the middle of it all and just sat there. She said nothing. She did not look back at us. She just sat there as people honked and tried to get around her.
After what seemed like forever, she looked back at us said: “Are you done?”
We were, indeed.
My sisters and I were lucky. We had a mother who DID.NOT.PLAY. We actually never did receive an asswhoop, because a simple THE LOOK from our mother, and maybe an “I’m so disappointed in you,” was generally all it took to get us back in line. My friends who had strict parents tell me similar stories. Some of them got spanked, some did not, but to a person they are all thankful they had parents and not friends.
The world could use a good parent right about now.
Let’s analogize your typical liberal as the parent who acts like your friend—the Buddy Parent Liberal.
Buddy Parent Liberals have so twisted the meaning of “tolerance” that virtually anything goes. It has taken the form of changing the meaning of personhood and gender. The latest ridiculous notion is called “genderqueer,” or not “identifying” with any gender. Liberals have taken actual words, which mean things, and rendered them as subjective as opposed to objective. It’s the ultimate in playing dress-up. You say you’re a purple-hoofed unicorn? Then you are. You were “assigned a male gender” at birth (as opposed to being made a boy with XY chromosomes) but “feel” like a girl? Then you are. And anyone who disagrees with your subjective view of yourself is a right-wing bigot!

This radicalized form of “self-actualization” has been in the liberals’ wheelhouse for a very long time. As with most things that suck, this psychological twisting started in education. Starting in the 1970s, it became more important for Bobby to have positive self-esteem than getting an answer correct. It became more important for Jane to not feel left out, so competition was damned and mere participation earned trophies.
Take this down the line to our current state of awful and we have individuals walking around who demand sex-change operations from their employers and insurance companies, and if denied, they tantrum until they get their way. And, of course, the media, who are made up of Buddy Parent Liberals, cheer on their social terrorism.
Political correctness under the threat of annihilation—that’s the state under which most corporations now must operate. And most find it easier just to let the brat have the cookie than actually putting a stop to the brat behavior.

Now let’s look at how Buddy Parent Liberals have handled world affairs. Coddling and denial seems to be their modus operandi. They believe America is just one big bully and now we are finally getting our comeuppance.
Take Islamic terrorism. Liberals make excuses for these seventh century barbarians. They ask insipid questions like, “What has America and Western civilization done to these cultures to make them hate us so?” The answer is simple, if only they would listen: WE EXIST. Radical Islamists want a Sharia Law caliphate. They have wanted it since the very beginning of Islam! END OF STORY.

Like Israel has dealt with since its inception, the rest of the Western world is now getting a taste of all that tolerant Islam. But instead of looking to Israel as a model on how to kick their asses, Israel is instead seen as another bully to be stopped.
See the problem? The people who actually know how to annihilate Islamic terrorists are being called the terrorists by liberals! This is akin to one parent punishing a child and then the buddy parent coming along and removing the punishment—and badmouthing the first parent.
The Iran nuclear deal is a great example of this. Shrouded in secrecy, Buddy Parent Liberals gave a psychotic, Israel and America-hating Iranian regime lots and lots of cookies (in the form of $150 billion in sanction lifting and allowing uranium to be enriched for “energy”), and all they had to do was promise to be good.
Except they didn’t have to promise to be good.
As recently released documents have revealed, Iran is getting all the cookies but really has to do nothing for them. Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged that Iran would most certainly use the $150 billion to fund terror. And we now know that the mythical 15-year timeline for Iran to not enrich uranium for nuclear weapons was a lie. They will indeed get to make a nuke—and very soon.

Buddy Parent Liberals are nothing if not consistent moral relativists, so they reason: why shouldn’t Iran get a nuke? We have ours! It’s not FAIR that America lords its nuclear abilities over the world! Again, this line of thinking is akin to a teacher giving all students a C on a test, even if they busted their butts for an A. It’s in line with taking from the productive and giving it to the lazy. It is the large-scale equivalent of a Participation Trophy.
The recent, awful spate of police assassinations is another Buddy Parent Liberal failure on full display. Groups like Black Lives Matter, who have turned the myths of Michael Brown and others into gospel, have been given celebrity status by the media and liberals. They’ve visited the White House. Black actors and athletes justify some in the black community’s rioting, looting, and behaving like fools. Their lies about police shootings and police brutality have caused people to give credence to the false narrative. The Buddy Parent Liberal allows the tantrum and justifies it. Now, we have five dead police officers in Dallas and three in Baton Rouge—all because Buddy Parent Liberals fanned the flames of a toddler’s nonsense.

The blanket of political correctness and Buddy Parenting has proven ruinous. Lack of standards, boundaries, morals, and understanding of basic facts have made us a worldwide Groundhog Day.
Like in the classic movie, we keep waking up to the same awful crap, over and over again. Terrorism. Police shootings. Millennials getting stupider with every passing second. Inventing new words for new sexual deviancies. Our education system (run by liberals) getting worse by the day. Rewarding illegal behavior. Reinventing meaning of language. Embracing globalism at the expense of a secure country. Refusing to make English America’s official language because it might hurt someone’s feelings. Taking from people who work for a living and rewarding grifters, all for future votes. It never ends!

The world needs a parent, not a friend.
Not an overlord, not a nanny—but someone to come in and firmly say “STOP.” Someone to set the bar high on all fronts. Someone to return the world to a semblance of order and stability. Someone who will unapologetically annihilate Islamists and domestic terrorists using fake racism as their foil. Someone who will remove the idiotic concept of both macro and micro “Participation Trophies” and “Everyone’s a Winner.” Someone who tells the truth: that we are all equal in the eyes of God and the law, but that equality of outcomes is an impossibility. Someone who encourages—not blames–greatness and competition.

I’m encouraged by Brexit and by other E.U. secession movements. Globalists, for the first time in forever, are on the defensive. I’m encouraged by what I’ve seen at the Republican National Convention this week. Donald Trump was not my first choice for President, but he is light years more my choice than The Dark Mistress of the Ninth Circle of Hell. And the more I hear, the more I like his brand of firm parenting.
The contrast between the philosophies of the Left and the Right could not be clearer. It’s time for all of us to put on our big girl and big boy pants and demand the adults in the room be put back in charge–and quickly.
And liberals? It’s time you took a permanent Time Out.