The Wokepocalyse is Upon Us

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“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Sound familiar?

How’s that Summer of Love going for you so far? Had enough yet?

As we enter the fourth week of the Grievance Olympics, the left is showing no signs of letting up on their onslaught against American history and anyone who has the audacity to want to judge people based on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.

The woke mob is now tearing down statues left and right, and before the statues come down, they’re defaced and graffitied with racial slurs and vile epithets — so everybody knows which particular inmates are running the asylum.

No longer are the terrorists of antifa and Black Lives Matter content with erasing Confederate plaques, statues, pictures, and movies from our collective consciousness, but now they’ve graduated to tearing down statues of any person who had any relevance in the history of America or Western Civilization. Christopher Columbus, Catholic priests, Civil War Union generals: it doesn’t matter. Even an 80-year-old statue of Teddy Roosevelt which stands outside the Metropolitan Museum of Natural Science in New York City is set for destruction.

But the racial terrorists aren’t content with simply removing plaster and bronze.

Aunt Jemima, Eskimo Pies, Uncle Ben, the chef on the box of Cream of Wheat, Mrs. Butterworths – and other beloved pieces of Americana — are now being memoryholed by the Wokepocalypse. 

Every corporation in America has bought into the Black Lives Matter propaganda – without exception. If they didn’t, they’d become targets of the mob. It’s nauseating to see this extreme, obsequious virtue signaling literally every ten seconds, with threats of violence and #cancelltion if one does not cower and bend the knee to their masters. 

One tiny bright spot: Seattle’s beautiful satellite city of CHOP — always so lovely in the summer — is in the process of being dismantled because of a murder that took place last weekend. Naturally, no police were allowed to stop it. Is it wrong to say I’m not sad about it? There has been untold violence by these animals against people who disagree with their psychotic, terrible aims. Glad to see Seattle’s feckless Mayor Jenny get a clue. Better late than never, dummy.

As a shocked America looks on, the revolution enters the Robespierre stage of “off with their heads!” Leftists far and wide are now not only content with merely destroying conservatives and guilty white liberals. Much to my extreme pleasure, the plantation overseers of the Wokepocalyse have now begun cannibalizing each other. 

Beware the sword of identity politics: if you live by it, so you shall die by it.

Former blackface aficionados like Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Tiny Fey and Jon Hamm are in the process of being #cancelled for blackface stuff they did years, if not decades, ago, Sorry, guys, You threw in with this lot. You get no sympathy from me.

Actual racial discrimination is so rare that half-black NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace might have pulled a Jussie Smollett and planted a “noose” in his garage – right after he paraded around in an “I can’t breathe” shirt and painted his car with Black Lives Matter. HOW CONVENIENT!

For months, our overlords told us that gathering in groups and demanding states be reopened was tantamount to MURDER.

Then, just a week later, when violent psychotics rioted, looted, burned down buildings, tore down statues, and attacked innocent people, we weren’t allowed to call their lack of “social distancing” and mask wearing into question! If we did, we were RAAAYYYYYSIS, and as the Rona spiked all over the country, we were dutifully instructed to ignore WHY.

Remember: the Chinese Virus is woke AF, y’all. Spikes of the Rona are not the fault of anyone who is black. EVER.

In Lincoln County (oh, the irony), Oregon, the Wokepocalypse has taken actual discrimination against anyone NOT black to an 11. Their draconian face mask ordinance, in which ineffective and dumb masks are required to prevent the Rona (even though they don’t), gives an exception for some very special people. 

That’s right – if you’re a “person of color” you’re not required to mask up because of “racial discrimination and harassment.” 

Stop the world, I want off.

If we are now cancelling anyone who has ever said or done anything negative against blacks, why aren’t the racial terrorists of Black Lives Matter (our new dystopian overlords) showing up every weekend in Chicago or Baltimore, bemoaning the violence against blacks by….other blacks? Why aren’t they demanding the Democrats who run their crappy schools be exposed, sacked, and exiled? 

Well, we know the answer to that! There’s no MONEY to be raised off of actually holding those responsible for the mayhem accountable for it. It’s all about blaming whitey and getting rich doing it. 

Black Lives Matter is not a recognized charity, and so this elaborate shakedown of corporations and guilty white liberals is literally making a handful of criminals rich – and the rest is funneled to the Democrat plantation. You think the Federal Election Commission will soon rear its head to demand accounting for these tens of millions of dollars? You know the answer to that, you filthy racist! Of COURSE not. These innocent little lambs are merely repairing the decades and centuries of “systemic racism” by getting rich off of one man’s death!

President Trump, who saw firsthand at the Tulsa rally what happens when the mob prevents political expression, has said he wants Americans to truly SEE what life would be like under a radical left system. Those of us paying attention didn’t need this visual, but millions of Americans who are sound asleep evidently do. 

Now they see with their own eyes the violence, thuggery, outright discrimination, intimidation, and destruction of statues, history and livelihoods of anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the left’s insane vision for America. 

Okay — I cry UNCLE. 

These feral, rabid animals need to all be put back in their cages and tranquilized into next year. Hopefully by then, their special brand of destruction will lose its luster for the woke trustfund kids who are holding us all hostage.

Make the Wokepocalypse stop!

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