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(Author’s note: I am writing this article on the day Facebook banned me for a week for posting a screenshot of a Daily Mail article commenting on Covid cases dropping after Texas dropped the mask mandate and fully reopened. As well, I am suspended for a week from YouTube for openly challenging the veracity of the 2020 election. We are in the middle of a totalitarian purge, and the woke cult’s followers cheer this on.)

The Miriam Webster dictionary defines “cult” several ways:

Definition of cult

1a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see SPURIOUS SENSE 2)alsoits body of adherents the voodoo cult a satanic cult

2agreat devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book) criticizing how the media promotes the cult of celebrity especiallysuch devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad

bthe object of such devotion

ca usually small group of people characterized by such devotion the singer’s cult of fans The film has a cult following.

3a system of religious beliefs and ritual also  its body of adherents the cult of Apollo 

4formal religious veneration WORSHIP

5a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator health cults

If these definitions ring true and remind you of our rapidly degenerating culture and the mindless zombies surrounding the rest of us, congratulations. You are NOT in the leftists’ cult.

But for the rest?  

I mean…what else would you call people who wear their precious masks as they run, at a park, OUTDOORS?

When I think of today’s left, which has overtaken absolutely EVERYTHING, I am reminded of the classic story The Emperor’s New Clothes. 

The media, Democrats, Big Tech, Hollywood, academia, and globalists play the role of the two thieving “tailors” who outfit the naked emperor with invisible clothes. The public, for the most part, play the role of the sheep-like sycophants who tell the naked emperor how royal and regal he looks (as he struts around naked).

Precious few of us are that little boy on the side of the road pointing and shouting: “But he’s not wearing any clothes at all!

This article is dedicated to those of us who point and laugh at the naked emperor.

When you believe in things that are literally insane, and are not backed by science, reality, or logic, you have crossed the line into Cult Town. And everything – AND I MEAN EVERYTHING – these leftist freaks fervently believe is literally insane. 

The terrible, and fascinating, thing about the leftist, woke cult is that it encompasses so many topics – and yet, the same people believe all of it.

#MasksSaveLives, #genderfluid, #BlackLivesMatter, #ClimateChangeIsReal, #StopAsianHate, 

it’s not a baby unless it’s convenient, #StayHomeStaySafe, and #GetVaccinated. 

What do all of these insipid phrases have in common? That’s right — they’re all uttered by people in a cult who do not question ANYTHING they are told. 


Think I’m being hyperbolic? Decide for yourself.

The left believes you can choose your gender. That is literally insane.

The left believes life does not begin at conception, but at this magical time called “when it’s convenient for the mother.” That is literally insane.

The left believes human beings can control the climate (otherwise known as “the weather”). That is literally insane.

The left believes a piece of paper, a bandana, your hand, a t-shirt, or various other implements will stop a virus particle that is .1 microns in size – when we have never worn masks before for any other viruses. That is literally insane.

The left believes we should continue to shut down the world over a (more than likely) lab-created virus with a survival rate of over 99%, when such things have never been done before. That is literally insane.

The left believes Black Lives Matter is a civil rights organization instead of the latest offshoot of various terrorist organizations like the Weather Underground. BLM’s main fundraiser/shakedown artist, the very white Susan Rosenberg, is a founding member of the 1960s terrorist group. BLM seeks to browbeat and threaten society at large into renouncing “whiteness” while making themselves rich (billions raised so far for these racehustlers). The left’s support of this group is literally insane.

The left believes that white supremacy is the single biggest problem we face. Forget actual crime statistics that show that it is, in fact, black people who commit the plurality of crimes and almost 50% of murders in America – no. Whites must be tormented and discriminated against because of the color of their skin. Forget going through life “Golden Ruling” it, or judging others based on content of character – nope. The left – and the left alone – judges others based on color of skin (and other woke parameters). That is literally insane.

The left believes if you question their media about the China Virus or the stolen election of 2020 you should be silenced and punished. Yet these are the same cultists who still swear that Donald Trump is an agent of Russia – because their media told them so. That is literally insane. 

The left believes all men are predators and potential rapists and murderers, and all women are helpless victims. That is literally insane.

The left cancelled Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben, but worship demonic beings like Cardi B. (who performed a lesbian sex act on live television as she sang about her “Wet A** Pu**y”) and Lil Nas X (with his Nike-sponsored Satan shoes). That is literally insane.

The left thinks America was not founded in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence but rather in 1619, when slaves landed on American soil. (Forget the pesky fact that, sadly, every society has had slaves of all races since the beginning of time, because only America’s sins count.) That is literally insane.

The left thinks opening our borders to illegal aliens and human traffickers –while they themselves “separate children from their parents” — as American citizens get screwed is the very definition of “compassion.” That is literally insane.

Get the gist?

Any proper cult’s adherents are true believers.

No cult today has more true believers than these cultural steamrollers on the left.

They are arrogance and narcissism personified. They think everybody agrees with them. And why wouldn’t they? They’ve cornered every cultural market. They’ve even targeted our military for a woke makeover, since they’ve captured everything else! 

As they continue their push of totalitarian insanity, very few people push back – and that is the problem.

I’ve got news for these freaks: the majority of America (and normal people around the world) do NOT agree with them. They’ve got 30% of the population — max. 

The rest of us are DONE with their lectures, woke pandering, and desecration of everything decent and good. 

People who don’t consider themselves political have reached the precipice and are awakening. They are begging — for the love of God: STOP.

These cultists have created an entire subclass of people who don’t necessarily “identify” with conservatism, but they hate THEM, the woke cult. And hey, with a little more research, it’s a small hop, skip, and a jump to actually becoming a conservative. 

As the left continues barreling through the culture at breakneck speed, more normal people are figuring out their ideas are completely demented. They make no sense.

The left believes that everyone agrees with them, but it’s only because they listen to their own little echo chambers. They watch MSNBC and CNN and stalk leftist Twitter, and they think THAT’S America. 

That isn’t America. It’s their woke psychotic bubble.

I dedicated this article to those of us pointing and laughing at the naked emperor.

And slowly, more of us are reaching that mythical precipice where we will demand change.

The American people (at large) have not reached the point yet where they are willing to tell these cultists that they are all frauds. But they see it. 

The quicker we expose this pure lunacy the quicker Normal America is going to get on board with taking back their God-given liberty. 

So far, the collective left has succeeded in murdering the greatest country on the face of the earth, and for far too long kind people with good hearts and generous spirits have stood back and allowed it to happen.

But now the time has come to stop being afraid of these woke, leftist cultists. 

The time has come to push back everyday, all the time, and in every way possible. Only then will this country start to regain consciousness and return to sanity.

Until then, keep up the fight – and laugh at all the naked emperors.

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