The Web of Destruction that is Liberalism

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Liberalism, like capitalism, has many tendrils and acts as a web where so many interconnected actions take place. Unlike capitalism, which is voluntary, liberalism is an imposition of ideas onto the public in myriad forms. Liberalism IS the status quo. It runs media, academia, Hollywood, the bureaucracy, etc.–and it ruins everything it touches.


I was attacked by saying “black culture” needs to be addressed and fixed. When I say there’s a problem with black culture, and culture in general, we must look at factors as to why.

There are far too many tendrils of destruction liberalism facilitates; for my purpose today, I’ll focus on three.

Liberals Run Education

For decades, liberals have run the education system completely. This is not in dispute. They also control curriculum, teacher unions, textbook publication, etc. Here are two of the ways the education system, run by liberal Democrats, have poisoned America.


Because liberals run academia in all forms, from a very early age children are indoctrinated to believe how rotten America is, how racist, how colonialist, how elitist, and how unwelcoming to other cultures. Other cultures are portrayed, in general, as morally superior to American culture. Therefore, when black people hear their entire lives how awful white America is, and how whitey is keeping them down, some would naturally develop chips on their shoulders. This isn’t surprising when all your hear is the drumbeat of negativity about America, instead of the miracle of our founding, the millions of people we’ve liberated, the countless inventions that have made the world what it is today, and that the United States, is, at its core, exceptional.

This is also not helped by the fact that race hustlers and poverty pimps, every election cycle, go into black communities and spread the same lie.

(Not for nothing, but the institutions and laws passed actually oppressing black Americans–slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, the KKK–were all started or proposed by…wait for it…DEMOCRATS.)

In addition, during the late 1970s-early 80s there was a push by radicals in education to completely do away with corporal punishment.  Also removed were other punishments like removal of recess and other privileges because progressives thought that would hurt students’ self-esteem. (This is also when the detestable liberal invention of the “participation trophy” and “there are no winners and losers” nonsense began.)

Students quickly realized nothing discipline-wise could really be done to them. In addition, parents also stopped supporting teachers as much as in the past and would begin to blame them for the behavior of their child. And teachers got less and less support from administration.  This is a vicious cycle which leaves only one person empowered: the child with the behavior problem.

Obama and Eric Holder’s Justice Department gave a directive to schools to stop “writing up” as many black students for discipline referrals because they said doing so was racist–even though the overwhelming majority of infractions were committed by black students–not due to racism, but due to their own actions.

Liberals Run, and Destroy, Inner Cities

Another part of the cancer of liberalism that is affecting black culture is a denial of problems and putting blame where it does not belong. Every single inner city is run by Democrats. Every. Last. One. Democrats depend on a constant, undereducated underclass of people to continue voting for them, to justify taking resources from someone who is producing and give to someone who is not. Fostering dependency is a major tenant of liberalism.

Every two or four years, a racehustling politician or poverty pimp strolls into the black community and starts telling black people deflections instead of truth over and over, and over again:  “Look at that shiny ball over there! It’s the evil white man and Republicans who are keeping you impoverished and down! Racist white people have ruined your community!”

A lovely inner city run by liberal Democrats

Nefariously, this is done so black people won’t ever want to see the truth–that Democrats have run EVERYTHING in urban areas for as long as anyone can remember and that the “Great Society” promised by President Lyndon Johnson  has caused incredible amounts of damage to the black community. In addition, the current coddling of illegal immigrants by the Democrat party hurts the black community the worst when it comes to employment and opportunity.

When you tell a mother she doesn’t need a father to help raise children, that the government will take care of her and her children, when 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock; when black-on-black crime statistics are through the roof; when 93% of all black murders are committed by other blacks (not evil white police officers); when drugs and crime and sorry and misery infect the inner cities yet the same people get voted in over and over again: that’s a problem.

Liberalism Depends on Division

Finally, we come to racialist groups like the New Black Panthers, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the Black Lives Matter movement. (among others). Black Lives Matter was created based on the lie of the Trayvon Martin case (too long to go into here), as well as the erroneous belief that white cops are just indiscriminately shooting black people all the time. It ginned up during the myth of the “hands up don’t shoot” Michael Brown case and really came to a head during the Baltimore riots over another myth, that of the case of Freddie Gray.


While the good work these groups do does promote black unity and support for one another, the damage they do is inescapable and unconscionable. When they excuse the out-and-out destruction of Baltimore neighborhoods, when some in these movement call for the murder of random white people and cops, when EVERYTHING, including the incident with a black student and a white police officer in South Carolina, is made into race issue, it is very destructive to society.

Speaking of South Carolina, we’ve learned some more very interesting facts about the case: namely, that the girl was disrupting the class; she was asked numerous times by a teacher, then an administrator, and finally a police officer to put away her phone and comply with a directive. She refused, and then punched the officer, and began to buck in her chair/desk. In order to prevent her from hurting another student, the officer got her out of the way. Was he too harsh? Possibly. But we can’t know everything because we were not there.

It’s also telling that students in that school have rallied to have Officer Fields reinstated. Not just one or two, but HUNDREDS. The media doesn’t want to tell you that. Also, not one person in that classroom came to her aid. This fact alone tells me this wasn’t her first Disruption Rodeo, and had she been a little angel, the media would be the first to tell us so. Yet, on the subject of her past behavior it’s Cricket City.

In addition, last year at the same school another very similar incident occurred–except for one slight change. The student was a black male and so was the police officer. And we heard NOT A PEEP from the media or racialist groups about it.

If white people aren’t allowed to discuss black culture and the reality we see around us, then what is the black community’s solution to all the problems it faces? I know some answers: Conservatism. Morality. Family. Faith. Freedom. Personal responsibility. Real education. Following the law. Respecting authority. Good behavior. I am in no way implying the majority of the black community doesn’t already believe in these values—I know they do. But there are some who do not, and that’s of whom I speak.

Physician–if you don’t want any outside opinions–then heal thyself.


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