The Psychopathy of the Left

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We are simultaneously living several Big Lies, all courtesy of the collective left. 

As such, we are not dealing with a mere political movement or a “color revolution” (although we certainly are). We are also dealing with a deep and growing pathological psychopathy.

The word “psychopath” generally conjures up people like serial killers, rapists, child molesters, devious CEOs, or tyrannical dictators. 

While those types of people would be classified as psychopaths, there is a more insidious problem brewing: the psychopathy of the collective left.  

Hyperbolic? I don’t think so.

Here are the hallmarks of psychopathic behavior:

–Socially irresponsible behavior

–Disregarding or violating the rights of others

–Inability to distinguish between right and wrong

–Difficulty with showing remorse or empathy

–Tendency to lie often

–Manipulating and hurting others

–Recurring problems with the law

Sound familiar? 

The modern left has consumed our entire culture, and the Big Lies they push all fall within the bounds of psychopathy.

The psychopathy is contained in political bureaucracy, academia, Hollywood, sports, corporations, Big Tech, and in media. Cultural Marxists have conquered us from within – and they did it without firing a single shot.

The psychopaths have greatly accelerated their plan — because now they control all levers of power in society. Culturally, politically, academically: they’ve got it all. There are no holds barred.

Big Lie #1: the China Virus Scam

For almost a year, the world has been fed the Big Lie of the coronavirus – most likely purposefully produced in a Wuhan lab and released into the world. While the virus is real, the propaganda about it has been extreme and overblown. The entire purpose of last year was to get rid of Donald Trump, because he was the biggest existential threat the Deep State has ever encountered. 

The China Virus was able to usher in a level of leftist psychopathy not seen since Hitler took control of Germany.

Many whistleblower researchers now believe the virus was manufactured in a lab – but don’t tell that to the World Health Organization. They have absolved China of any purposeful involvement and instead are attempting to blame America (i.e., Trump and his voters) for the spread. 

Blue state governors like Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Tom Wolf and others were specifically instructed by Trump’s team NOT to place coronavirus patients into nursing homes. Why? Well, because the elderly population is more likely to contract and die from the virus, obviously. Instead of heeding this warning and using the various makeshift hospitals and hospital ships built almost overnight by the Trump Administration, these malignant psychopaths put patients into nursing homes – jacking up the death rate. 

Herd immunity and hydroxychloroquine were demonized for almost a year until the installment of the fraudulent Joe Biden as President. Miraculously, right after the phony inauguration, the WHO to reversed course. They now say of COURSE herd immunity is a thing, and oh yeah, although we and the worldwide left told everyone HCQ would kill you (even though it’s been an FDA-approved drug for 65 years) now it’s fine. Also, we are going to lower the PCR cycles of the coronavirus test so fewer cases will be registered. 

We’re also going to make masking mandatory, although ZERO studies show this actually works. It’s a devious, demonic control mechanism – and the left goosesteps along.

Although cases in children are rare, and deaths are even rarer, we’re going to close down all schools and dumb down the next generation, so they are more easily swayed by propaganda. Then, teachers’ unions will demand to stay home and not go to work (because they’re too busy vacationing in Cabo on the taxpayers’ dime).

Multinational corporations will hand-wring and lecture about “staying safe” and “social distancing” and “where’s your mask” as they get richer and richer – as Middle America and small businesses crash and burn. 

Anyone who questions any of this clearly wants to kill Grandma, is a threat to society, and must be silenced and punished.

All of this ratchets up unnecessary, irrational fear – which allows the psychopaths even greater power and control.

Big Lie #2: Trump Supporters are Violent Insurrectionists, but Black Lives Matter and Antifa are Peaceful Protesters

Unless you were living under a rock last summer, you witnessed what happens when the psychopathic left enables and emboldens its military wing. Leftist-sanctified scum of Black Lives Matter and antifa burned down cities, looted businesses, rioted, destroyed private property, killed police officers and citizens, and assaulted innocent bystanders.

They used the death of George Floyd and other black people as an excuse to claim everything and everyone is racist, and to silence any opposition to their mayhem. 

Every last bit of this was sanctioned and celebrated by the left. As the riots went on and on, the same multinational corporations bleating about “safety” and “social distancing” and “wear a mask” were encouraging the rioters and demonizing anyone who didn’t support them. Woke pandering is the language of the day – and if you aren’t on board, you will be destroyed. 

This is why, on January 6, the psychopaths running our culture used an actual peaceful rally hijacked by mostly crisis actors of antifa and BLM (and some Serbian neo-Nazis who just so happened to be in attendance) to smear at least 75 million Americans.

What we witnessed at the Capitol was not the hallmark of Trump supporters. Indeed, once the Capitol was “breached” (or when the police basically escorted protesters inside), the violence committed was mostly done by BLM/antifa and other leftist agitators posing as Trump supporters. And, when Trump offered the Washington, D.C. mayor and police reinforcements, they turned him down flat. Why didn’t they want the help, I wonder?

The two bombs planted at the RNC and DNC were done at least a day before the “insurrection” – but, curiously, the FBI just can’t seem to find the perps. But Delta, United, and American Airlines sure can use facial recognition to punish anyone seen at the rally that day – and refuse to let them fly on their airlines. Because, you see, Trump supporters are domestic terrorists!

All of this was done to stop the objection to the Electoral College certification, and to make sure legitimate and overwhelming claims of voter fraud were never heard. 

As I write, the Democrats (and some turncoat Republicans) have already impeached Trump again – and are attempting to block his ability to ever hold elected office. 

Why didn’t they hold their members accountable for the actual violence they promoted and celebrated, often done to average Americans simply exercising their First Amendment rights? 

Why didn’t they call their objections to Trump’s election in 2017 “an attack on democracy”? 

Why does someone like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez claim to have been a victim of a sexual assault, and then use this “assault” to claim she was “retraumatized” during the Capitol breach – even though nobody was in her hallway? Plus, we all know if she HAD been raped, she would have humblebragged about it during the #MeToo/Brett Kavanaugh debacle. This unoriginal fool is the epitome of leftist psychopathy.

Big Lie #3: Joe Biden is the Most Popular President in History

The psychopaths who run the media lie to our faces and claim Joe Biden, who could barely get fourteen people to show up and honk their horns at a “car rally” or stand in perfectly, pre-drawn social distancing circles, somehow received 80 million “legal” votes.

This is a lie, and a massive one – but the media continues to ignore reality.

There has been credible, substantive, tangible, in-your-face, and overwhelming evidence of election fraud.  Fraud that was large-scale enough to easily change the election results.

This fraud was perpetrated by actors in our own country, the media, and foreign governments. The case was credibly made by several people – most recently in Mike Lindell’s “Absolute Proof” – which our media has censored, derided, and mocked without substantively disproving any of it. 

The psychopathic left lies and says all of the cases have been dismissed. Not true. The cases that were dismissed were done so without ANY evidence presented. The ones which were not, while not publicized by the media, are working their way through the courts. The evidence, when presented, is deemed not only credible, but incredibly troubling.

This election was stolen by the collective left, and recently, they’ve even bragged about it in Time Magazine. They think they’ve gotten away with all of it. 

The worst part? Every last thing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing is hurting the American people.

His overwhelming number of Executive Orders, which, by his own admission, make him a dictator, are directed at punishing Normal America.

Open borders, killing the XL pipeline, amnesty for illegal aliens, stopping programs targeting opioid abuse, transgenders in women’s sports, demonizing half the country: the hits keep coming.

The best part? The American people see it all.

Where are all the Presidential Approval Polls the media took every day for the last four years? I haven’t seen them. That is most likely NOT good news for Joe Biden.

As well, take a look at the official White House Youtube channel and you’ll see a dislike to like ratio of at least 10:1 that will renew your faith in humanity. Bonus: they’ve turned off all the comments! Weird, right? The most popular administration EVER (not) can’t take the heat from We the People it seems.

Big Lie #4: Leftists Believe in Science

We’ve all heard the drill: Democrats trust THE SCIENCE.

But do they? 

The psychopaths running their party most certainly do NOT.

Leftist psychopaths believe that life does NOT begin at conception, which is what science tells us, but at this magical time and place called “birth.” They say life begins ONLY when it’s convenient for the woman carrying the mass of cells, fetus, or whatever one calls “Mommy’s little problem.”

Leftist psychopaths also believe that humans can change the weather. Even though the climate has been changing for millions of years and there used to be this thing called an Ice Age, and there STILL these things called “seasons” and “weather,” Democrats believe that you drinking from a plastic straw, puffing an asthma inhaler, not composting your rotten vegetables, or driving an SUV is contributing to “man-made climate change.” They demand absolute obedience to this religion that pretends joining in the Paris Climate Accord, buying “carbon offsets,” and making elites even richer somehow will affect the weather. It’s a Big Lie within a Big Lie.

These psychopaths also believe you can change your gender on a whim. Gender is merely a “social construct” and not a biological reality determined at conception. No, gender is a byproduct of the white male-dominated, hetero-normative patriarchy! In fact, shoving yourself full of hormones the rest of your life and mutilating your body is considered perfectly normal to Democrats. One of Biden’s first Executive Orders mandated that biological males would be able to compete in sports with biological females. This is a slap in the face to women and girls, and a horrifyingly hilarious example of what happens when you populate an entire administration with Women’s, African American, Gender, and Latinx Studies majors.

The left’s obsession and fearmongering about the Rona (Big Lie #1) is also obviously not based in science. The psychopaths promoting total compliance and acquiescence to their edicts are pretending the China Virus is the next bubonic plague and reason to shut down the world – at least until they can get The Great Reset at full capacity. Strangely, the same people pushing back on the Rona insanity also just so happen to be the targets of leftist psychopaths in every other regard!

Big Lie #5: Your Worth is Based on Your Sexual Orientation, Political Affiliation, and Gender, Racial, Ethnic, and Religious Identity 

Cancel culture is in full bloom, and that’s all due to the explosion of the accepted and accelerated psychopathy of the left. But cancel culture only goes one way: towards individuals who will not bend the knee at the left’s altar.

The quaint idea of judging an individual by “content of character” not color of skin promoted by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is dead.

So too are the notions of blind justice and equal justice under the law.

Today, it is very obvious there is one standard of justice for the Woke psychopaths and one for the rest of us. This standard is determined by immutable characteristics such as ethnicity and gender, and, even more Orwellian, by pollical ideology.

Anyone not fully prostrating himself upon the altar of Wokeness is a target for destruction. 

Illegal aliens, by their very existence, are more noble, honest, and worthy than native (and especially white) Americans. To suggest otherwise is racist and clearly exhibits white privilege. The more crimes they commit, the more noble they are, as they are fighting against white, heteronormative, colonialist, nationalist Amerikkka.

A straight, middle class, non-athlete white male is about as likely to get into an Ivy League or top university as he would be to circle the moon. Arrogant, rampant BIPOC privilege is alive and well and flourishing in the halls of Ivy League universities. Wokeness is the language spoken, and woe be to any interloper who dares to question it. “Identity” is what matters – not merit, not life experience, not grades, not test scores. We’ve now reached critical mass where self-segregation and “safe spaces” have been normalized due to fears of “microagressions” by white, or, God forbid, Trump-supporting, students. These universities have become pathological echo chambers where only one side is accepted, and even questioning these practices will get you cancelled, fired, blackballed, and destroyed. 

Obviously, this applies to religious philosophy as well. Christians, and to a lesser extent, religious Jews, are much lower on the religious totem pole than Muslims. Therefore, Christians and religious Jews are easy targets for mockery, derision, and persecution by the psychopathic left. Muslims, on the other hand, are revered and sanctified. Any questions about radical Islamists are immediately shot down as Islamophobic xenophobia.

Transgenders and members of the LGBTQXYZ “community,” like illegal aliens, are obviously more noble and held in higher esteem than those who believe pronouns, like biological sex, are not subjective.

As we’ve seen with another Big Lie (the lie that Trump is a Russian Agent), only certain people are deemed guilty enough (again, by immutable characteristics or political ideology) to be held accountable in a court of law. Every single perpetrator of the Russian Hoax has gotten away with it. Even Trump’s own DOJ stabbed him in the back. By contrast, anyone associated with Donald Trump has a target on his or her back either legally or professionally and are often bankrupted by the persecution. Similarly, the thugs of Black Lives Matter and antifa are NOT prosecuted at all, while Trump supporters who entered the Capitol are gleefully overcharged and imprisoned.

There are more Big Lies than I can count. 

The Big Lie that all women are angelic victims and all men are rapists and predators.

The Big Lie that America is a racist, awful country that started not in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence, but instead in 1619, when the first slaves were brought to the Colonies. 

The Big Lie that Trump Supporters are knuckledragging, toothless troglodytic domestic terrorists on par with ISIS and al Qaeda. 

The Big Lie that the war on our Constitution, freedom and liberty isn’t happening. 

The Big Lies go on, and on, and on….and they are all brought to us courtesy of the manipulative, malignant, narcissistic, histrionic, woke, virulent psychopaths of the left.

Why don’t they ever face the same scrutiny conservatives face?

Answer: because they are psychopaths, and they run the show.

Change my mind. I dare you.

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