Full disclosure: I am a Ted Cruz supporter. From Day One. From the time I saw him speak at Houston’s King Street Patriots before his Senatorial runoff election against David Dewhurst, I knew in my gut that he was the real deal—our generation’s Reagan. I still believe that.

But it’s becoming very clear that the Donald Trump juggernaut shows no signs of letting up.
In between getting threatened with assassination by some lowlife thug rappers at the hotbed of intellectual discourse known as the Coachella Music Festival, Trump continues his campaign—whether it’s positive or negative.

The #NeverTrump people and the #LyinTed people continue to tear each other apart—to the alarm of so many of us who know the true enemy is The Dark Mistress of the Ninth Circle of Hell—Hillary Rodham Clinton. She is as lawless, as ruthless, as unconstitutional as Barack Obama, and will continue the same purposefully destructive policies he has implemented.
Donald Trump could be the massively positive, aggressive shakeup America needs, or he could be a disaster. There are really no other alternatives.

Donald has legitimate strengths that other candidates don’t have. They stem from his many years in the business world. He didn’t become worth $8 billion by sitting on his derriere.
What’s comical are people who have done nothing financially yet constantly mock his income and employment accomplishments. He’s helped thousands provide for their families.
He’s also brash, politically incorrect, ballsy, and basically doesn’t give a rat’s ass who he insults—everyone is fair game.
For those of us who have been paying attention to the trade deficit between America and China, Mexico, and other countries, Trump’s simplistic approach of raising tariffs (without providing details) seems to be a panacea. It is not. We saw what happened during the presidency of Herbert Hoover, when tariffs were raised dramatically—it helped to usher in the Great Depression. As always, the American people get stuck with the bill no matter what, because the federal government is the entity collecting the extra revenue.
We already have tariffs on thousands of goods coming into this country—does Trump really believe stifling free trade is the answer? The way to handle this deficit is to incentivize American companies to come back to America and not penalize them for doing so by taxing the hell out of them. Our corporate tax rate is the largest in the world. It’s punitive and regressive and discourages business and industry.
Instead of shutting down trade (and remember, much of the goods we consume every day come from other countries), a President Trump should slash corporate taxes to 15-25%–and you just watch the engine of America spring back into life.
Donald Trump has spoken out against overregulation by the federal government, but again, his answer always comes back to trade. This is a neo-populist approach. What Cruz and other consistent conservatives have always advocated is a complete bureaucratic shakeup on every level—starting with the Environmental Protection Agency, which, under left wing radicals in the Obama Administration, have made it its mission to cripple long-standing American industries—like coal, for example. Or farming. Or fishing. All in the bogus name of “clean air and water.”
No, what liberals advocate is total centralized planning and control—and that includes over businesses large and small. The effects of overregulation can be seen in every industry, and a President Trump would be wise to audit and then completely gut every bureaucracy in the federal government.
On immigration, Donald Trump is so correct it’s scary. The Obama Administration has made it its mission to inflate its deportation numbers by using “catch and release,” which means Border Patrol catches an illegal and then is forced to release the illegal right after he “arrests” him. Obama will not enforce immigration laws. He looks the other way on sanctuary cities, and willingly allows illegals to collect taxpayer benefits–in fact, offering up Obamacare as yet another “right” illegals have.

As well, Obama has used Executive Action he claimed at least twenty-two separate times he had no authority to use to basically give amnesty to tens of thousands of illegal aliens. (Twenty-six states are suing his administration over his amnesty Executive Order and the case is before the Supreme Court right now.) He looks the other way when illegals kill American citizens. He does nothing when his border patrol agents beg his administration to let them do their jobs. He has made it his mission to “fundamentally transform” America, and that includes his destructive unwillingness to not follow the law.
For those of us following the growing, festering problem of the illegal alien invasion for years, we found Donald Trump’s candor about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, frankly, awesome.
Hell yes we should build a wall, and hell yes we should deport those who have broken the sovereignty of the United States! Every other country in the world (well, at least until Europe became complete hostages to their extremely liberal open borders policies) has immigration laws and enforces them. Why shouldn’t America?
We cannot have open borders with a welfare state. It cannot be done, and it’s not sustainable.
Not to mention all the truly degenerate lowlifes who have snuck into America only to commit horrific crimes against all manner of Americans.
And to those pantywaist liberals who think Trump is a xenophobe, a bigot, and a racist? POUND SAND.
He’s 100% right on immigration, and this is a big reason I will support him if he’s the eventual nominee. The fact that Mexico and other leftwing Latin American countries are stomping their feet about him and his ideas makes me thrilled.
Trust me—Americans do not care what Mexico thinks. Mexico’s immigration policies make ours (which aren’t even being enforced) look like a cakewalk.

Trump is also refreshingly badass about what we face with radical Islam.
Unlike the current feckless, Muslim-asskissing administration, he’s not afraid to call out these barbarians for what they are—and his plan to not only annihilate the cockroaches but also place a moratorium on all Muslims entering America. It’s the right thing to do until we get a handle on our borders and a handle on the growing cancer that is radical Islam.
However, because people can be deceptive, the better way to handle this *little problem* is to follow the lead of Sen. Rand Paul, who called for temporarily banning around 60 counties who have populations with known terrorism ties from entering the United States. Win-win.
If I delved into every single thing that gave me pause about Trump, we’d be here for days. But there’s a big issue he must get a handle on if he wants to unite the Republican Party (that is, if the GOP Establishment doesn’t figure out a way to completely undermine his nomination).
Stop with the personal attacks. JUST STOP.
It makes Trump look like a foolhardy bully when he calls the most consistent conservative Ted Cruz an unlikeable liar (Lyin’ Ted), comments on Megyn Kelly’s menstrual cycles, makes fun of Carly Fiorina’s looks or Marco Rubio’s stature, or any other of the low-blows Trump is fond of taking when he’s backed into a corner. It makes him look like a chump. And chumps aren’t presidential.
Aside from all of this, Trump’s biggest hurdle for me (and other lifelong conservatives) to overcome is the simple fact that he’s hasn’t been a true conservative. He has donated to liberals for years. He wouldn’t defund the baby-parts seller Planned Parenthood. He can’t really describe what it means to actually BE a conservative. He talked about how he was very liberal and very pro-choice as little as a few years ago. And there’s this nagging question about if his business and negotiating instincts might kick in when dealing with the hard issues—like following through on deportations and building the border wall.
I wonder—will he negotiate away America? And for those of us who see our country’s culture and identity dwindling away—will he end up making deals with the very people who are destroying us?