Earlier this week, people actually paying attention were once again shocked, frightened, mortified, angered, and appalled at the latest incarnation of terror perpetrated by radical Islamists.
In Russia, a Muslim nanny (clad in a black burka which showed off her *lovely* face) paraded down the streets of a small town main street holding by the hair the BLOODY HEAD OF A THREE-YEAR-OLD GIRL. The woman had beheaded the developmentally-disabled child before setting fire to the home of the girl’s family. The demon Islamist was shouting “Allahu Akbar!” and “I am a terrorist!” and “I hate democracy!” and “I will kill you!” and all sorts of other super-peaceful things.

I’m not sure what horrified me more about this story: the fact that this woman walked around for at least half an hour waving around this poor child’s head without being stopped by ANYONE, or the fact that the only reason I heard about it was because of the Drudge Report and Breitbart who had linked to the Daily Mail UK article. No other outlet I could find, in America, even mentioned this horrific lone wolf Muslim terrorist attack. Not ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC or even FOX.
Also head-scratching was the Daily Mail article itself. The author, while reporting the facts of the case, went out of his way to make it clear, several times, that authorities “could not think of a motive” for the brutal attack.
My goodness, they just *couldn’t* think of any sort of motive for this crime!
What could possibly be the motivation for a Muslim, clad in a burka, grasping the bloody hair attached to the head of a child she had just beheaded and whose family’s home she had set on fire, shouting “Allahu Akbar!” and “I am a terrorist”?
Here’s a motive: ISLAM.

This deliberative, purposeful whitewashing of the real and growing threat of radical Islam by the majority of the media is nothing new, and is, in fact, continual.
In Ft. Hood, TX, the media and the Obama administration called the terrorist attack by Muslim Nadal Hassan on an army base that killed 14 soldiers “workplace violence.”
In Oklahoma, the media deemed the beheading of a coworker by a Muslim convert “workplace violence.”
In Sydney, Australia, the media downplayed the fact that it was a Jewish, Kosher deli that was attacked by Muslim terrorists.
In Chattanooga, TN, a Muslim terrorist opened fire on an Armed Services recruitment center and the media called it “workplace violence” and an “isolated incident.” It wasn’t until about a week later it was characterized as an Islamic terror attack.
In New York City, the media called the attempted murder by a Muslim of two NYPD police officers by hatchet an “isolated incident.”
In the second Paris attack in 2015, the media at first ignored the eyewitness accounts of the Muslim terrorists screaming “Allahu Akbar” and instead insisted they couldn’t yet call it a terrorist attack.
In San Bernardino, Muslims Syed Farook and Tafsheen Malik slaughtered the very coworkers who had thrown them a baby shower months earlier. For hours, the media refused to identify or even describe the terrorists. I assure you, had they been “angry white men” the public would’ve known about it within 30 seconds.

There have been so many Islamic terror attacks in the past few years it’s hard to even remember them all.
Why do the media act this way? Well, to understand the disturbing phenomenon of the constant whitewashing about the threat of radical Islam, you must understand the media. Approximately 90% of all people either in front of or behind the camera, or reporters for newspapers and magazines, are liberals–hard core leftists. As such, they have a bizarre fixation on moral relativism: namely, that no culture is superior, no religion is superior, America is not exceptional, and we are a global village.
Conversely, they believe Christianity is far more dangerous than Islam, and America as a country is a bully, colonialist, imperialist, crass, immoral thug. Those two world views live simultaneously in their warped minds. So, when something is obviously a Muslim terror attack, they will do the requisite contortions to remind the American people that not all Muslims are terrorists, you Islamaphobic rubes, and even if this IS a terror attack perpetrated by members of the Religion of Peace, they have taken Islam out of context—and we are just too dunderheaded to understand the finer points of this wonderful religion.

Unfortunately for the media, the American people aren’t as stupid as they wish we were. We know full well the threat we face with radical Islam.
For seven long years under Barack Obama, America has taken a backseat on the world stage as we have capitulated, apologized, and tried to understand the motivations of seventh century barbarians acting in the name of Islam. Obama has invited the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic dictators personally to the White House, where they were feted with the pomp one would expect for a legitimate world leader.
The rise of Donald Trump and, to a lesser extent, Ted Cruz, is an obvious repudiation to the establishment—not only the political establishment, but also the media.
These political and media kingmakers have danced around the obvious since the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001: namely, that radical Islam is a major, growing threat and Islamic psychotics have been at war with the West since the Crusades.
The “outsider” candidates running for the Republican nomination have made it abundantly clear they will give these pedophile, raping, murdering, Islamic thugs no quarter in their administration. The Hounds of Hell will be released on them, and we will decimate them. Any candidate who subscribes to this aggressive, proactive foreign policy is overwhelmingly supported by the Republican voter base, and by a majority of the American people.

The Republican side of Super Tuesday (Democrats are still obsessed with abortion, LGBTXYZ, and making sure the lazy get their fair share of other peoples’ money) should be a wake-up call to the political and media establishment who, despite the growing animosity felt for them by the American people, will continue to shove their moral relativist, leftist agenda down our throats.
Lamenting the rise of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz—the anti-establishment–should bring about some self-reflection—but it won’t.
The media will continue to lie about what’s happening, Islamic terrorists will continue their jihadic rampage against civilization, and people around the world will continue to see the rapid crumbing of Western civilization…wondering if there’s anything we can do to stop the bleeding, or if it is already too late.