The Media is an Enemy Combatant

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The media is simply out of control.

Can we just get that out of the way? I mean–I know it’s stating the obvious. But two things have happened recently which really take them to another level of enemy combatant.

President Trump is threatening to revoke the security clearances of several Obama holdovers. (To which I say, “DUH.”) Namely, James Comey

Michael Hayden, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Susan Rice, James Clapper, John Brennan–all former Obama holdovers from whom Trump wants security clearances revoked

, Andrew McCabe, Michael Hayden, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice – all who have been instrumental, along with the Deep State, in attempting a silent coup in order to topple a duly-elected president.

The media’s predictable and breathless response has been: “Why is President Trump trying to deny security clearances to these fine, upstanding people?”

The response should actually be: “Why the hell do these nefarious Obama holdovers still have top secret security clearances?!”

The excuse for the Deep State’s collective hysterics is that all former high-ranking administration officials from every former administration retain their security clearances. (Except, whoopsie, Barack Obama revoked certain Bush Administration officials’ credentials as well!)

However, I’m fairly certain those Bush officials who retained their clearances were not trying to attempt a silent coup to remove Barack Obama from office.

In fact, they were too busy kissing his butt, licking his boots, and pretending that he was the second coming of Jesus Christ–along with the rest of the media.

Yet, because Trump rightfully sees the unethical (if not criminal behavior) in which Brennan, Clapper, and Rice engaged, the media pretends revoking these Swamp Dwellers’ clearances is a federal offense!

On Tuesday, CNN (the lowest-rated cable network) reached a new low when they played audio tapes that former Trump attorney Michael Cohen recorded with his client.


Attorney-client privilege used to be sacrosanct. Not anymore. At this point, attorney-client privilege apparently only applies to liberals.

CNN reaches a new low by releasing the audio tapes Trump’s lawyer recorded with his client

So deep is their animosity and their hatred for this president who is actually implementing substantive accomplishments for the forgotten men and women of Normal America that they will do anything to take him down – and that includes breaking the law.

First they came for President Trump. Then they came for his cabinet. Then they came for celebrities who openly support him. Then they came for people wearing MAGA hats at Trump rallies. And then—guess what? They’ll come for you.

President Trump is the opposite of Auguste Rodin’s famous statue The Thinker.

The reason you don’t see any statues of The Doer is because The Doer is actually out there making change and doing things. President Trump can’t embody a static statue—and the Deep State Swamp Dwellers in Washington and the media can’t keep up.

The man is 71-years-old and barely sleeps. He has no chemical vices. He out-works, out-thinks, and out-strategizes them every second of every day–and that’s why they are afraid of him.

Trump is upsetting the apple cart and proving that not only can things get done quickly in Washington, but these policies greatly benefit Normal America and the people who make this country work.

Unemployment is at an 18-year low. Black, Hispanic, and female employment is at an all-time high. There are more jobs available than there are workers to fill them. We are on track to having 5% GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

Think of that!

Barack Obama could barely break 2% GDP (ONCE) and he told us that all those jobs that we were used to having in America were out the window forever. Get used to it. Go nail a solar panel on your roof and call it a day.

That is the reason they hate President Trump. That is the reason they want to destroy him. Not because he tweets. Not because he fight back against Iran and North Korea – and means it!

They hate him because he is doing all the things that all the liberal swamp-dwelling Deep State actors have always promised and have never delivered.

That is the sole reason they hate him. He is incredibly effective and is proving that common-sense ideas work when they’re implemented.

You start it, we finish it.

He brings life to the phrase “Words mean things.” He made certain promises during his campaign–and by God, he is going to keep those promises come hell or high water.

Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and every other Democrat president have appeased despots and Muslim dictators. Donald Trump refuses to do so. He is cleaning up everybody’s mess–and they hate him for that, too.

We are now on the verge of either a new soft or hard Civil War in this country. I don’t say that lightly.

We have one group of people – a small minority who live in the tech, media and Washington, D.C. bubble – who are organizing ground troops of psychotic leftists to go attack Trump and his supporters using any means necessary.

At some point the first shot will be fired. I think we’re getting close.

We know how this story will end. Patriots will be victorious.

Normal America is not going to allow the president we elected to be destroyed without a fight—and remember, liberals: we’re the ones who believe in the Second Amendment.

Tread lightly.




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