The Latest Islamic Terror and Black Lives Matter Incidents Just Got Donald Trump Elected

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This week the terroristic little lambs in Black Lives Matter, who’ve amassed $110 million from leftist groups so far, jumped to conclusions yet again in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Shutting down freeways, throwing rocks and concrete at police and motorists: SUPER PRODUCTIVE
Shutting down freeways, throwing rocks and concrete at police and motorists: SUPER PRODUCTIVE

Before all the facts have been complied, the thugs who live to riot and rage took their angst out on productive citizens and police—because a black police officer shot a black man.

Another day, another city to ruin. Courtesy of Black Lives Matter in Charlotte, North Carolina
Another day, another city to ruin. Courtesy of Black Lives Matter in Charlotte, North Carolina

But all this conclusion jumping—which happens every single time with Black Lives Matter, and 90% of the time they turn out to be dead wrong—doesn’t seem to happen when we are dealing with the very legitimate threat of Islamic terror.

The latest examples of either homegrown or imported Muslim terrorists in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota do not deter leftists, Muslim apologists, and reality deniers from promoting their insane policies that are putting Americans at risk.

You know, policies like illegal alien amnesty, open borders, and a 550% increase in Syrian Muslim refugees allowed in America.

Barack Obama, who has welcomed the terrorist-tied Muslim Brotherhood into the White House several times, again refused to label these acts “Islamic terror”.

Instead he insisted, through his little puppet Josh Earnest, that we have a “narrative problem” with Islam, and that if we engage in the “narrative” then the terrorists win.

The latest round of good times sponsored by radicals in the Religion of Peace started in New York and New Jersey, where Muslims—plural, MUSLIMS—not a “lone wolf” as the administration would have you believe—planted pipe bombs and pressure cookers in dumpsters and near subways. One detonated, and many people were injured. Thankfully, the other devices were discovered in time and no loss of life occurred.

Muslim terrorist Ahmad Rahami
Muslim terrorist Ahmad Rahami

And what do you know? Hillary Clinton immediately blamed Donald Trump’s rhetoric for the attack! Not her and her boss’s precipitously pulling out of Iraq, which gave rise to ISIS, nor their actions in destabilizing Libya—but Trump’s WORDS.

Never mind the fact that the Chelsea bomber Ahmad Rahami’s father warned FBI TWO YEARS AGO that his son was a terrorist or that he loathed Donald Trump.

Nope, says Hillary, it’s all Trump’s fault.

Now we come to St. Cloud, Minnesota. Dahir Adan, a Muslim Somali immigrant screaming about Allah and asking victims if they were Muslim before he stabbed 10 people was shot down by an EEEEVIL white, off-duty police officer with a concealed carry license. These facts alone are a leftist’s worst nightmare. I mean—who can they support here?!

The scene at a St. Cloud, MN mall after a Somali Muslim terrorist went full jihad
The scene at a St. Cloud, MN mall after a Somali Muslim terrorist went full jihad

What’s shocking— but not shocking—is that the terrorist’s name was not revealed for hours.

I promise you, had he been a white, Christian man going on a rampage we would’ve known about his identity in 30 seconds.

Dahir Adan, a Somali migrant Muslim terrorist. By all means, let's invite MORE!
Dahir Adan, a Somali migrant Muslim terrorist. By all means, let’s invite MORE!

The Collective Left has made it their mission to deny reality and to promote lies in order to further their divisive policies. They don’t know it yet, but the latest Islamic terrorist attacks and Black Lives Matter incidents just got Donald Trump elected.

Choke on it, leftists!

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