The Kate Steinle Verdict Just Got Trump Re-elected

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You (read: leftist media types) might think it’s naïve to believe that a mere year after the 2016 election, the people who voted for Donald Trump still clamor for the things upon which he campaigned.

I know it’s wacky to think that around 70% of Americans want a border wall built, chain migration ended, criminal illegal aliens deported, and a complete restructuring of our legal immigration process. I mean, only Squares want actual laws enforced!

After the five-time deported, seven-time felon Jose Ines Garcia Zarate (just trips off the tongue, no?) was acquitted of the murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco last week, Normal America shook its head in sadness and shook its fist at the blatant sanctuary city of San Francisco.

Illegal alien Jose Zarate and his victim Kate Steinle

Instead of following the law, the leftist jury decided to do a little nullification of the 2016 election.

(In their slight defense, they did ask to see the weapon the illegal alien Zarate claimed was accidentally shot, but inexplicably Judge Samuel K. Feng denied their request.)

You have to be a real proponent of sanctuary cities and liberal immigration policies to have not held this five-times deported, seven-time felon at least guilty of manslaughter. While admittedly high on drugs, he shot a gun into a crowd on a San Francisco pier, hitting beautiful, 32-year-old Kate Steinle as she walked with her father–and then died in his arms.

You have to be a special kind of liberal nutjob to not ultimately hold the city of San Francisco responsible for Kate Steinle’s death. You have to really believe in the cause of allowing illegal aliens to collect taxpayer money, terrorize citizens, drive drunk, form gangs, pop out children indiscriminately, refuse to assimilate, or refuse to learn English. You know–all those things American citizens just won’t do.

I think I can speak for the majority of North America when I say it’s about damn time for California to fall into the Pacific Ocean already. The Red States can absorb the sane among this rapidly dying state. The rest of it can go ahead and self-destruct. Let’s get this #CalExit going, Baby!

In all seriousness, this one verdict, which was celebrated by Zarate‘s leftist lawyers-–will single-handedly get Donald Trump reelected in 2020.

You want outrageous? Matt Gonzalez, one of Zarate’s public defenders, reminded everyone exactly what jury nullification looks like by invoking the name of President Trump. He smugly proclaimed that—due to the Russia Nothingburger–Trump, Mike Pence, and Jeff Sessions “may soon avail themselves of the presumption of innocence and beyond-a-reasonable-doubt standard.”

Zarate’s OTHER taxpayer-funded lawyer Francisco Ugarte said: “From day one, this case was used as a means to foment hate, to foment division, to foment a program of mass deportation … and I believe today is a vindication for the rights of immigrants.”

The. Rights. Of. Immigrants.

As always, the Left uses the cudgel of racism to scare people into silence. I don’t see this working out so well for them this time.

Matt Gonzalez, one of Zarate’s taxpayer funded attorneys, waxes eloquent after insane verdict

What’s more, Zarate’s immigration status—his ILLEGAL status—was not allowed into evidence!

Of course, unless these left-wing jurors have been living under a rock, a commune, or in a crack den (all three not an impossibility in San Francisco) there is literally no way they did not know Zarate was a five-times deported, seven-time felon illegal alien.

These leftist activist jurors did what all leftist activists have done since time immemorial: they nullified. Like the O.J. Simpson jury declaring a two-time murderer not guilty, this jury only convicted Zarate of illegally possessing a firearm. It’s pure insanity.

As I continue to say: the issues of illegal immigration, building a border wall, extreme vetting, a travel ban, and a massive re-ordering of legal immigration are issues that have between 60% to 80% agreement among the American people. The other 20% to 40% think burqas and hijabs are symbols of wonderful cultural diversity and therefore will also applaud this outrageous verdict. 

As sure as I am that liberals wear Tom’s Deodorant and eat gluten-free, free-range, locally-sourced tree bark, I am equally confident the Kate Steinle verdict will get Donald Trump reelected.

Americans have not suddenly embraced illegal immigration. They are more furious than ever that a border wall hasn’t been started and that liberal cities and states refuse to follow existing immigration law.

Beware the wrath of the righteous, liberals. Your day of reckoning is coming.

Rest in peace, Katie.



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