The Great 2017 Do-Over

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I love the New Year. Always have. It’s a manmade line-in-the-sand where you can say goodbye to bad habits, negative thoughts, and petty grumbles. It’s pretty much the Universe’s way of saying we all get a do-over.


I am extremely optimistic about 2107. A year ago at this time, Obama was continuing his lawless push to amnesty illegals, destroy the energy industry, deny Islamic terror, and generally behaving like a petty, arrogant brat. The general consensus among the ruling class and media was that Hillary Clinton would be annointed Madame President, and would continue America’s degeneration into leftist, Liberal Hell.

But in June came Brexit—and in November came Trump.


What a difference an election makes! The American people feel more optimism than at any time since 2001. The Dow is through the roof, jobs are coming back, rogues are getting in line—and Donald Trump hasn’t even been inaugurated yet.

First came Brexit, then came Trump. #ThankGod
First came Brexit, then came Trump. #ThankGod

But enough of that.


I’ve been feeling very contemplative lately. As we deal with individual or family struggles, we are made aware daily how precious life is—how little time we truly have on this earth.

Each day is a gift—clichéd, but true. Some days it seems like the gift is a lump of coal, but it’s still a blessing.

I try not to make New Year’s Resolutions—they’re so easily forgotten in a week. But this year, I’d like to share some advice I’m giving myself.

Be yourself. Always. Standing up for what you believe in is the best thing you can do. Do not be afraid to tell the truth. Do not be intimidated by bullies who try and silence you. Silence in the face of tyranny is cowardice.

Confront those who have wronged you in a constructive way—and then forgive them. Forgive them seven times seventy times. That way, when you are in need of forgiveness, it will be granted to you.

Be kind!
Be kind!

Let go of past anger, resentment and hurt. Ultimately it only hurts you.


Spend time with those you love. You don’t know how long you will have with them. Say what needs to be said. Love them unconditionally.

Always strive for something—whether that be a weight loss goal, stopping smoking, being kinder, praying more, working harder. We should all always have a goal—no matter what.

Finally, remember the words of the Desiderata: “With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”

Happy New Year!

The Desiderata. My mother had this up in our house. Read it daily!
The Desiderata. My mother had this up in our house. Read it daily!


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