The Angela Box Show – September 2, 2023 – S1 Ep17

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Welcome back to The Angela Box Show! Listen live every Saturday on AM 1070 KNTH on iHeartRadio or the TuneIn app!

On this week’s show:

The Sea Turtle-Killing Plastic Straw goes to: The Usual Suspects who are all covering up for Joe Biden’s traitorous activities because THEY are all traitors, too

They have been doing everything possible to blame everything on CLIMATE CHANGE yet when the weather changes they don’t seem to have an explanation for that;

They thought trying to literally throw Trump under the jail was going to stop him and it just makes us love him more;

Tucker’s evolution on Trump is very interesting to see;

The media continues to ignore the fact that six Obama-era officials (including Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Lynch) were using FAKE NAMES and SECRET EMAILS to communicate with each other;

The Worst People in the World aren’t doing anything to secure the border OR actually hide whatever nefarious activities they are doing in Maui;

The Alphabet People Mafia called out their goons to Katy ISD and the result was hilllarrrrious;


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The Sudden and Irrevocable End of Woke is Like the Sudden and Irrevocable End of Communism Hello, my fellow patriots and filthy leftist stalkers! Thank you for taking the time to watch. This is Angela’s Soap Box, and I say what you’re thinking.