A curious thing happened at the Donald Trump Chicago rally last week.
Except it wasn’t curious at all, as you will see.
A coordinated, violent group of protesters funded and organized by radical leftist groups like Black Lives Matter and MoveOn.org (both funded by billionaire nutjob commie George Soros) disrupted the rally held at the University of Illinois of Chicago to the point where Trump’s security team had to stop it before it even began.

Leftist thugs were seen screaming at, pushing, and hitting attendees. The few police officers there to keep the peace were roughed up in the process, and, as usual, had to take it on the chin instead of counterpunching the vile scum back as they deserved.
The innocent radical little lambs made it their mission to deny Trump and his supporters their First Amendment rights of free expression and free assembly while claiming to represent “democracy”, “equal justice”, “income inequality”, and all the other insipid, fortune-cookie catchphrases popularized by the smug, insufferable Left.
Of course, the brain power of these groups roughly equals the calorie count of a chocolate chip cookie, so it’s no wonder they don’t find it just *slightly* hypocritical to not only suck off the teat of the American taxpayer who they ostensibly despise, but also have no qualms with a multi-national billionaire funding their entire anarchist enterprise. Ah, irony.
Guess who was also at the rally protesting the fact that Donald Trump even breaths the same white privilege oxygen he and his other enlightened liberals do?
Why, it was none other than the unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who, with his equally loathsome partner-in-crime and wife Bernadine Dohrn, have the singular distinction of being not only convicted domestic terrorists (as founders of the Weather Underground, a radical 1960s “student bowel movement” whose members later bombed the Pentagon, other government buildings, and were responsible for the murder of police officers) but also host and hostess of a kick-off campaign event to none other than a young, ambitious, community-organizing, part-time college professor running for the Illinois State Senate named Barack Obama.

He regaled the lapdog crowd and reporters with how *horribly racist* Donald Trump is (because actually following immigration law, securing the border, and having a critical eye on people we let into America from places whose populations are filled with those who wish to destroy us is WAY worse than, oh, I don’t know, being an ACTUAL terrorist like Bill Ayers and his awful wife).
Ayers went on say until whitey and the bourgeois fascists running Amerikkka are deposed, he and his merry band of psychos would continue to organize and demand “social justice.”
Never mind the fact that the entire education, governmental, union, Hollywood, cultural, and Democrat party bureaucracy has been RUN BY LIBERALS since the late 1960s, or that every rotted, decrepit city in this country is run by liberal Democrats, or the fact that America not once but twice elected a black liberal Democrat as President: No. America MUST get her comeuppance!

Then, the very next day, in Ohio, a deranged, ISIS-affiliated leftwing radical psycho named Tommy DiMassimo rushed the stage of another Trump rally and luckily was quickly dispatched by a rally attendee and the Secret Service. Instead of shunning this little nutcase, the members of the leftist community embraced him and in fact are urging more of the same.

This summer, today’s leftwing activists (like their crusty, old, adult diaper-wearing counterparts did in the Chicago’s 1969 Summer of Rage) have promised a summer of action, where well-funded radical groups will demand Democracy! Equality! and Social Justice! –all the while stifling other Americans rights to Democracy! Equality! and Social Justice!
Yes, because these awful vermin—who have dubbed themselves Democracy Spring–enjoy tormenting people who work for a living and are sick to death of seeing their beloved country being ripped apart by illegal immigrants, grifters, Islamic terror-deniers, racehustlers, a rotting culture, and the constant mocking of Christianity, they will seek to deny their fellow Americans a vote or a say in who becomes our next President. And to achieve their lofty goals they’ll use violence, intimidation, threats, and maybe, if you’re lucky, one of them will drop a deuce on the sidewalk in front of your small business.

You see, nothing says, “I’m a super serious activist” quite like rioting, looting, beating up people who don’t vote the way you do, mooching off billionaires, glomming on to hyper-racialist groups like the phony Black Lives Matter movement, calling everyone who wants laws enforced a racist, and continuing the *great work* your fellow hipster grifters started during the Occupy Wall Street movement.
They think they’re so brilliant, so clever–but these neo-Marxists are just continuing the same destructive, pointless, violent nonsense that has been played out all over the Western world from the 1920s, to the 1940s, to the 1960s, etc. And whenever you bring up the very valid point that socialism/communism/redistribution and “1984”-like opposition-silencing tactics don’t work and never have, you’re branded a racist, climate denier, oppressor, sexist, capitalist pig, etc. These people do not change, and neither do their impossible, unrealizable goals.

Europe is in the grip of the worst immigration crisis it’s ever seen—it’s an Islamic invasion brought on by their own Pollyanna, liberal, hyper-progressive policies and it’s biting them square in the ass. Citizens are galvanizing to put a stop to it, but Europe is finished. The damage wrought by a century of socialism/progressivism has diluted Europe to the point of being unrecognizable. But—the people are starting to awaken. And so too are their leftist counterparts.

It’s fun to watch this growing worldwide temper tantrum by the most entitled, arrogant group of narcissists to ever populate the planet. Whenever the Western world, which most of us believe is worth defending and saving (at least I hope so) starts to wise up and fight back against leftwing insanity, the wailing babybrat class gets *extra* temperamental.
The problem with laughing at them (which normally you should) is, as we’ve seen throughout time, they can be dangerous–not to mention filthy litterbugs.
So, as we prepare for the Democracy Spring 2016 (unintentionally ironic, considering they want to deny democracy to conservatives) and other acts of teeth-gnashing and hysterical screaming by the collective Left, just buckle up and realize this: the more aggressive they are, the more out-of-control they become, the more kook-fringe they embrace, the more sure you should be of a Republican Presidential victory in November.
And that’s when the REAL fun will begin.