Syrian Refugees Welcome in America Because We Don’t Have Enough Potential Terrorists

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As we all watched the coverage of the Paris attack of Friday, November 13, 2015, the world was once again reminded about how some members of the Religion of Peace react to freedom and liberty—by mowing it down.

The shameful, cowardly, and evil attack on innocent people in restaurants, a concert hall, and potentially a soccer stadium have underscored that, yes, Virginia, Islamists and ISIS are still at war with the West—even if we try and pretend we are not at war with them.

Members of the Religion of Peace acting all peaceful in Paris
Members of the Religion of Peace acting all peaceful in Paris

Our worthless Secretary of State John Kerry (he who *bravely* threw his fake Vietnam medals over the White House fence and who sided with the Viet Cong, our enemy, in the Vietnam War) said that, unlike the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January, which were “justified” (I suppose that drawing pictures of a warmongering pedophile deserved murderous attacks by Muslims), these acts of brazen terrorism in the name of Islam just went one step too far. (Because, of course, there is no greater sin in the world than making a seventh-century barbarian upset.)

Instead of capitulating to the scum who strapped on guns and bombs in the name of Islam, France shockingly rapidly dispatched many of the still-living masterminds of the ongoing plot to their 72 Goat Virgins and announced that, indeed, at least one of the terrorists were part of the batch of mostly fighting-aged males recently transplanted from Syria. Several were homegrown terrorists, which shows the extent to which jihad and radical Islam has taken hold in the West.

(A quick side note: liberals, who refuse to acknowledge these terrorists are acting in the name of Islam, like to trot out Hitler and the Nazis as acting in the name of Christ. Besides this being patently untrue as a whole, if you take the population of Germany during World War II–80 million–and extrapolate that approximately 10% were active Nazis, that number is positively dwarfed by the estimates of 10-25% of the 1.6 BILLION Muslims who are radicalized or support the goals of jihadists—like Sharia Law. Or celebrating terrorist attacks. Or raising children to hate Jews and Christians. Etcetera.)

You would think, knowing all we know about the cockroaches who seek our destruction, we would be loath to import more potential terrorists into America. A normal president, who loved his country, wouldn’t even dream of doing such a thing. But Barack Obama does not love this country. And frankly, neither do Democrats.

This is the same Obama who “allowed” a whopping 53 Christian Syrians to resettle in the United States in the last four years—the rest of the thousands have been Muslim. And unlike Muslims, who could easily have been resettled in other Muslim countries, Syrian (and other Middle Eastern) Christians have nowhere to go in the oh-so-tolerant Middle East. As well, Obama has now doubled down, even after the Paris attack, on importing up to 250,000 potential future martyrs for Mohammed into the United States.

Some of the clean and pure Syrian migrants who only wish us well
Some of the clean and pure Syrian migrants who only wish us well

Why is he so hell-bent on ripping this country apart and changing the very culture of America? Two words: Fundamental Transformation.

As Obama promised in many of his campaign stump speeches to the truly moronic who slopped up every bit of pablum he spewed, America needs to be taken down a peg or twenty. And he’s just the guy to do it!

So, by importing people from countries who hate our guts, or allowing poor, uneducated people from Latin America to sneak across our border and then immediately begin collecting benefits from taxpayers, or by demonizing people who actually get up and work for a living, or by castigating Americans who hold traditional values and believe in American exceptionalism, or by pitting one group of Americans against another based on race, ethnicity, sexuality, or gender, he is well on his way to completely destroying the country he despises. If he can’t accomplish our total destruction in the next year or so, a future Marxist demagogue can finish the job.

Never forget who Obama is. This is a man who was raised by leftwing radicals in America and Indonesia (a Muslim country); whose mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was an America-hating, leftwing radical card-carrying Communist; who befriended Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn—two leftwing radical domestic terrorists; who actively supported Rashid Khalidi, a leftwing radical PLO/Hamas-supporting activist; and who sat in the church of a leftwing radical anti-Semitic and anti-American pastor—Jeremiah Wright–for 20 years.

America Hater-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama
America Hater-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama

Obama’s hatred of America has been on full display for decades. It is now coming to fruition with his truly reckless decision to import potential terrorists into the United States. He claims by opposing the import of Muslim refugees that conservatives and Republicans (and anyone else with a brain) are acting on our worst instincts. No, Obama—we are acting on common sense.

The “poisoned Skittles” reference has been making the rounds but it’s worth repeating. If you have a bag of Skittles and 10 were poisoned, would you take the chance and eat some of them? Of course you wouldn’t.

Even though rational people know that Islamic terrorists are already active in America, why would we take the chance of importing MORE? Remember: the Boston Marathon bombers and their psychotic Gollum of a mother were all Muslim refugees from Chechnya. (On welfare, I might add.) Explain to me how ignoring the past helps us today? Unless you’re a liberal drone who also thinks America deserves its comeuppance, it doesn’t.

Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev acting in the name of Islam

If the Republicans in Congress don’t stand firm and dismantle Obama’s terror plot on America, I have another solution: send each and every last Syrian migrant to a Blue state. You liberal fools want them? They’re all yours.


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