Stronger Together? Only If You Hate Trump!

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Hillary Clinton, the woman who told us that we were “stronger together” is now saying that the “future will be female”. How inclusive! Forget without both genetic males AND females there would be no future for any of us.

Is that....?? What Is that??? Oh, a typical liberal tool. Got it.
Is that….?? What Is that??? Oh, a typical liberal tool. Got it.

Imagine if Donald Trump said the “future is male.” There would be riots on the streets. Oh wait, there are already riots on the streets. Every other day the Left freaks out about something Trump is doing. Very productive.

Coming together also means allowing the new President to choose his cabinet in order to run the government. Can you imagine for one second the media reaction if Republicans obstructed every single one of President Obama’s cabinet appointees? Or had to call the Vice President to be the tie-breaking vote?

What if they thwarted the Constitutional powers that a president has to determine who enters into this country, especially if they come from a region or country which poses a terrorist risk? Like Obama actually did in 2011 with a travel ban towards Iraqis and in 2015 when he identified the seven countries on Trump’s initial travel ban?  

Peace-loving leftists started a fight club to beat up Trump supporters. Nice.
Peace-loving leftists started a fight club to beat up Trump supporters. Nice.

Why, the media would be freaking out, of course. Because, after all, Obama is a saintly liberal Democrat, and Trump is Hitler with a Cheetos tan and orangutan hair.

Lady Gaga also tried the inclusion and unifying route during the Super Bowl but it didn’t get her far with her leftist comrades. She put on a great show of unity and God bless America, Pledge of Allegiance and patriotism and the left went at her so viciously you would think she was Marie Osmond. 

Lana Gaga's Super Bowl performance won cheers from normal Americans and hate from leftists.
Lana Gaga’s Super Bowl performance won cheers from normal Americans and hate from leftists.

Republican lawmakers are being almost physically attacked at town hall meetings. Peace-loving students at the University of Central Florida have started a leftist/socialist “fight club” to attack conservatives and Trump voters. Riots occur almost on a weekly basis. The violence is out of control from the Left, and then media either ignores it or excuses it.

The media and the Democrat party are responsible for this vicious atmosphere. They have no desire to come together. They seek to obstruct and to hate. They tell lies about attacks on gays, Muslims, women, minorities, and sexual assault by President Trump that never happened—all to gin up up their base of crazies.

Rep. Tom McClintock (R-California) is but one Republican who has been threatened by psychotic leftists at town hall meetings.
Rep. Tom McClintock (R-California) is but one Republican who has been threatened by psychotic leftists at town hall meetings.

In the words of mayor of Chicago Rahm Emmanuel, liberals need to take a chill pill.  Donald Trump is going to have a very busy and disruptive four to eight years.

Conservatives must learn to fight like liberals: to the bitter end.


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