#ShoutYourAbortion: Because Having One Just Isn’t Enough

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In an attempt to buttress the detestable and morally reprehensible Planned Parenthood abortion-mill organization that thankfully faces defunding by Congress, tens of thousands of women have now taken to social media to, what else? Blast out to the world that they willingly took place in the murder of their unborn child.


I am not here to say abortion is an easy decision. I think for some it’s as simple as washing their hands, but for many, it is agonizing. I have friends who have had abortions. They choose not to talk about it, and that is their right. I don’t know what is in their hearts or consciences regarding their choices but I can tell you, unequivocally, these friends would never be so callous as to take to the interwebs and blare out to the world, “Hey! I let some hypocrite doctor rip my unborn baby limb from limb from my womb and then scrape my uterus to make sure he got all the leftovers!”

However, the hyper-radical feminist movement knows no such boundaries. There are Tweets, Facebook and Instagram posts, and whatever else all the cool kids are up to these days, all extolling the fact that, yes, “I chose to exterminate a human being.”  A human being that was maybe the next Mozart.  Or Albert Einstein.  Or Dr. Ben Carson.  Or Mother Teresa.

Some of the more disturbing tweets involve the almost nonchalant bragging of having a late-term abortion and in later years allowing another child to live.

This is Ruby Seineich @Ruby. "#ShoutYourAbortion In 1988 a late-term abortion got a teenage me back on track for college, career, & motherhood. " Via Twitter.
Ruby Seineich @Ruby. “#ShoutYourAbortion In 1988 a late-term abortion got a teenage me back on track for college, career, & motherhood. ” Via Twitter.

Let me describe what a late-term abortion entails.  The “pioneer” abortionist Dr. George Tiller (how it pains me to have to place the “Dr.” in front of this murderer’s name) came up what he called the M.O.L.D. technique: Misoprostol, Oxytocin, Laminaria, and Digoxin, which takes about three to four days to complete. In a nutshell, the first stage involves showing the mother an ultrasound of her baby and explaining that the abortionist will be injecting her abdomen with a drug whose needle with then penetrate the baby’s beating heart in order to give him a massive heart attack. (We certainly wouldn’t want that pesky fetus to be born alive and then have to kill it some other way, now would we?)

The second stage involves getting the mother’s cervix ready for birth—shoving some tampon-like sticks made of seaweed into the cervix to prepare to deliver her dead baby. She is also given a drug to stimulate uterine contractions. The woman is sent home or to a hotel and then will repeat the same procedure on day three. Often the woman cannot make it back to the clinic and must deliver their dead babies in cars, hotels, at home—all without medical supervision.

However,  for those lucky ladies who make it all the way to Day Four of Death, the woman is given further drugs to stimulate labor and, when the dead baby is ready to be delivered, the woman will be escorted to the bathroom and told to push the dead baby out until it is delivered….into the toilet.

If the wave after wave of reprehensible Planned Parenthood baby-parts harvesting and selling videos released by the Center for Medical Progress have shown us anything, is that these people who run and promote this organization are as devoid of humanity and character and are as heartless as those harpies “shouting their abortions” on public social media.

The braintrusts who started this movement, in defense of Planned Parenthood and to presumably stave off any defunding by Congress, are Lindy West, Amelia Bonow and Kimberly Morrison.  (I’m sure the souls of their dead babies are cheering them on from Heaven.)

So brave are these pioneers for Womyn’s Rights that they took to cyberspace to tell God (if they are provincial enough to believe in a patriarchal God, that is!), their parents, their fifth grade teachers, and the perverts lurking in chat rooms they seem to have zero qualms about ending a human life. In fact, they revel in the destruction–not seeming to grasp the obvious fact that they have a hand in killing a new generation of little baby girls who *usually* grow up to be women—you know, the women they claim to support. (I say *usually* because, of course, I wouldn’t want to offend any transgendering types who hate being a girl, so my apologies to the LGBwhateverwhatever Community.)

Let’s give a slow clap for these women, who, nine times out of ten, had a “Whoopsie!” moment and then chose not to take responsibility for it. It takes real courage to admit to the world that instead of giving your child life, you chose death.


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