Remember, Kids: Illegal Immigrants Get In-State Tuition Because the World Has Lost Its Mind

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Almost on a daily basis,  Americans’ and legal residents’ common sense and spirit of fairness is assaulted by the assbackward illegal immigrant lobby made up of career Democrats, bloated crony capitalist drones, and…illegal immigrants. This week, Texas and her citizens got a real earful of verbal vomit from no less than *former*  badass William McRaven, a retired Navy Admiral who last served as the ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command and who currently serves as the chancellor for the University of Texas System.


McRaven climbed atop of the mountain of poor illegal immigrants using government services and doing the jobs Americans just won’t do (you know, like construction and factory work) and proclaimed to the Texas Tribune that not only did he support in-state tuition for illegal immigrants but that it was the “morally right thing to do.”  I mean, come on! They’ve used taxpayer-funded schools and other government goodies from the time they got here, so why not continue the largesse? Why are you so MEAN, all you people who want our immigration laws enforced?

Oh, sure. You might be a student from Oklahoma, Kansas, New York, or California and are just dying to be a Longhorn or an Aggie, but because you had the temerity to be born in America to two American citizens, you will of course need to pony up twice the cash to attend school in Texas. However, if you had the good fortune to be born to one or more parents who were *brave* and *selfless* enough to illegally break into this country and then immediately begin collecting taxpayer-funded bennies, why, you’re in luck, because the chancellor of the University of Texas System sees you for the martyr you are and is perfectly fine with someone else’s parents getting walloped while you skate on in with in-state tuition.

I have never understood how a group of people, who jail-birded their way into this country, have the stones to demand that citizens bend over backwards for them, and if they don’t or question the logic of their amnesty arguments, are branded as raaaayyyysiss. Yes, in this Alice in Wonderland world we can never seem to escape, I suppose it’s racist to expect all people to be treated equally and fairly and for the law to be followed….equally and fairly.

So–hats off to William McRaven, the latest in a long line of capitulators, wimps, and politically-correct fools who have no problem sticking taxpayers with the bill in order to please a swath of humanity who would be drummed straight out of Mexico had they pulled that ridiculous nonsense.  It really must feel good to tell an out-of-state student and her parents that, sorry, you’re out of luck on that in-state tuition thing. However, if you sneak across the border and start demanding benefits from taxpayers like a bratty toddler, we’ll be happy to work with you!

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