Nothing makes me chuckle more than when I see Democrats and liberals start to eat their own. From the insipid, coddled college brats who decried “micro-aggressions”, shook their fists and demanded safe spaces and spaces specifically for black students, forced out liberal university presidents (but not before humiliating them by forcing them to apologize for their “white privilege”), and staged hunger protests over “systematic racism” on campus, to the overpaid marionette puppets who speak words from a script for a living screeching that there were no blacks nominated (!!!) for any Oscars, it would seem to an outside observer that, more than anything else, liberals are concerned with quotas, “feelings”, and sticking it to whitey–who also happens to be as liberal as they are.

With the silly Twitter campaign #OscarsSoWhite and the oh-so-put-upon loudmouth celebrities like Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith, Spike Lee, George Clooney, malcontent liberals throughout the country demanding JUSTICE, DAMMIT, and multi-millionaires threatening to take their dollies and go home by not attending the Oscars, the bizarre, social-engineering fetishes from liberals are on full display. Never mind the fact that approximately 10% of the Oscar nominations awarded since 2000 have been to blacks, and that blacks make up 12.5% of the entire American population (which seems pretty proportional to me)—because facts don’t matter to these nitwits. I fully expect that during the next year, when the most Important People in America (actors, producers, writers, and directors, of course) gather to discuss “diversity” that a new quota system will be enacted—because God forbid Oscar voters have their own opinions on what was superior that year. No matter what, these voters will be told, you WILL vote for a minority in each of the major categories or YOU ARE A RACIST.

Funny, then, that the same autocratic diversity police known as the Liberal Elite seem to have no qualms about their dwindling roster of commies from which to choose to nominate this year for president. With Abs O’Malley dropping out of the race (he is white, in case you weren’t keeping score), Democrats are left with downright translucent candidates in Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Now, I do realize that they have something in their favor that completely trumps skin pigmentation: they are both radical leftwing demagogues, and Clinton, the last time I checked, is a female.

I wonder what would’ve happened if Ted Cruz, who handily won the Iowa caucus, had been a Democrat. (I shudder at the thought, but play along.) Or had Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, or Bobby Jindal (before he dropped out of the Republican race). The mainstream media headlines would’ve screamed something like this: “First Hispanic (or Woman, or Second Black, or Indian American, etc.) in American History Wins Democrat Iowa Caucus.” These people in the media and on the Democrat side of the aisle are obsessed with race and gender. These facets alone, if they are coupled with virulent leftist policy positions, will automatically make any Democrat minority candidate head and shoulders above any Republican minority candidate.

Republicans, and conservatives in particular, do not see race and gender the same way as their kooky brethren on the Left. Conservatives truly do seek a color-blind society, where merit and hard work are revered. Conservatives believe in an optimistic American future, where no matter your color or circumstance, you have the ability to succeed. Conservatives desperately want to wrest power away from the failing public school system and urban areas which have been controlled by Democrats for the last 60 years, and give parents and students and people living in those areas true economic and educational opportunity. Conservatives believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the rule of law, and think that if you break our laws coming to America you should not be rewarded—no matter from where you came.
Conservatives believe in the free market, and that capitalism, while imperfect (as all economic models are), is the surest, best way to insure the most people possible can succeed. Overregulation and over-taxation kill businesses large and small—which most hurts the average American, not the elites. Conservatives believe in a sound and sane immigration policy, where American citizens decide who is allowed in the country—not the immigrant. And if you do come to this country—legally—then assimilate into American culture—and that means learning our values and language.
Conservatives believe in calling a spade a spade—and that means acknowledging that radical Islamists acting in the name of Islam are responsible for the vast majority of terror attacks around the world. We do not shirk from the responsibility of securing this country, either domestically or internationally. We do not pretend that Christians or Jews are committing acts of terror on societies in the name of Christianity or Judaism. We see reality, and we speak of it. Forcefully, if necessary.

The Democrat Party, and liberals ensconced in every nook and cranny of society, wants nothing more than to force “social justice” and racial and gender (and transgender) quotas down our throats. A sillier way to live and govern I cannot imagine. Instead of seeing everyone as an individual, who has his or her own personality, beliefs, likes and dislikes, liberals seek a weird morph of heterogenic conformity. They claim to be the party of tolerance but hatefully castigate minorities who have the audacity to be conservative. Not so the Republican Party, and especially conservatives. To us, ideas, character, and Constitutional principles far outweigh anything as capricious as gender or race. We just want to elect the best, most conservative leader—PERIOD.
It’s not like I expect Democrats to ever change their ridiculous ways, but it sure is fun to watch the implosion. Pull up a chair and enjoy the show!