On “Hate”: A Primer

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It’s such a loaded word, isn’t it? It connotes so many ugly thoughts and deeds. The Holocaust.  Child molesters.  Rapists.  Murderers.  The entire ten-year run of the blithely insipid series “Friends.” (I’m a Seinfeld girl).

Mostly today, however, it’s conservatives who get accused of hating—everyone, all the time! According to the left-wing radicals who permeate government, academia, and 90% of media, conservatives hate women, contraception, the earth, the climate, gays, Islam, black people, Hispanics, Barack Obama (because he’s black, of course), the poor, immigrants, vegetables, and basically anyone who isn’t a white Christian male.

Let’s take some of these leftist talking points and break down who’s actually doing the hating, shall we?

  1. The war on Women


This one is particularly hilarious to me. The fluffiest, pseudo-intellectual, Lena Dunham Williamsburg hipster wannabes really get shrill over this. You see, according to a left-wing radical, not supporting the murder and ripping an unborn child limb-from-limb from the womb, prayerfully protesting at abortion clinics, and educating the public about what actually occurs during an abortion is construed as hate. Not the actual killing of the unborn child or the hysterical shrieking about coat hangers and back alleys at some pro-abortion rally—but wanting to save a fellow human being. Oh–and according to the pinched-faced Sandra Fluke (failed California representative candidate), not providing her with her $3,000 per year birth control on taxpayer money is also hateful.

It’s truly remarkable how stupid some people are. Here we have a group of women (womyn? I always laugh at that one) who will rally and protest over some mythical “war on women” while women over in the Middle East are being stoned to death, genitally mutilated, forced to wear veils and burkas, and are treated like trash—but they don’t utter a word about it. In fact, if a conservative brings it up (as I am wont to do from time to time), they screech “Islamophobe!” Fiddle away, little girls: fiddle away.


  1. The war on Gays


So tiresome, this one. First of all, as I’ve said many times, I think people are born the way they are, whether that be gay or straight. Targeting someone because they are gay is antiquated and wrong. (That being said, I do not think women should have their privacy invaded in a public bathroom because a man dressed as a woman demands entry. That is simply absurd on so many levels.) I can see both sides to the gay marriage argument, although personally, while I have no problem with civil unions, I believe that a church or sacramental marriage is between a man and a woman. Up until about five years ago, this wasn’t even that controversial a stance. Today, however, if you voice anything other than what the Gay Mafia dictates you say/believe, you are branded a homophobic bigot.

What’s hateful is not the proverbial busiest bakery in America not baking a cake for a gay wedding, but militant groups targeting individuals with death threats and burning down of businesses for supporting a person’s right to disagree with gay marriage on religious grounds.  Remember a few years back, during the California Prop 8 debate? Prop 8 passed in California by a fairly wide margin, and the militant activists were disgusted by it. Instead of accepting the will of the people, they decided to make public the names and personal addresses of people who donated to the Yes on Prop 8 campaign. Those people’s lives were turned upside down and even threatened. Many lost their jobs because their “tolerant” employers evidently didn’t think these people had a right to a private, political position. If that’s not completely fascistic I don’t know what is.

Like the store-bought deodorant-eschewing feminists, I don’t see many gay people protesting what radical Islamists are doing to gays over in the Middle East—you know, like burning them alive or throwing them off buildings. Obsessing about a cake being baked for a gay wedding is MUCH more important, right?


  1. The war on the Earth


Remember when those rabid environmentalist wackjobs said the earth had about ten years left unless we changed our wicked, wicked ways? Yeah. We’re still here.

Oh, you silly leftists. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that human beings are completely irrelevant and that human life isn’t precious and at the same time claim that human beings are so uber-powerful they are destroying the earth with their plastic bags and car fumes. There has been no global warming recorded for the last 15 years.  Cooling? Sure. And guess what? It’s a pattern that’s been going on since the beginning of time. It’s called—wait for it—THE SEASONS. More broadly, it’s called THE WEATHER.  And guess what else? If we didn’t exhale carbon dioxide the trees you hug would die—and so would we. It’s called a symbiotic relationship (created by the God you deny). The earth will be here long after your hypocritical footprints leave it.

But, since you’re so keen on telling everyone else what to do and how to live their lives, I’m sure you’ll be the first to pack up, go off the grid, live off the land and eat grass. You won’t be able to take your iPhone with you, however. I’m sure Al Gore, with his $150 million bilked off suckers like you, will soon be joining you.


  1. The war on Black People


The real war on the black family has been perpetuated by the Democrat party. The Democrat party owns all major cities. The Democrat party owns the welfare state. The Democrat party owns failing schools. The Democrat party owns the food stamp program. The Democrat party , ramped up by Lyndon Johnson, basically re-enslaved generations of black Americans by telling them they could and should have babies out of wedlock they couldn’t support—and someone else would take care of them (and, by the way, you don’t need a man to do it!). The Democrat party got millions of people (of all races) addicted to government handouts.  To me, that’s hate. It’s hateful for a political party, in quest of never-ending power, to sap someone’s initiative and self-worth. It’s also condescension on the highest level to suggest that minorities are just TOO STUPID to get a photo ID to vote—even though everyone needs a photo ID to do basically anything.

That’s the message the Democrat party sends to black Americans: don’t worry—just keep voting for us: vote to keep yourselves impoverished and living in crime-ridden neighborhoods, vote for us to give you the same mismanaged, overwrought, often dangerous, underperforming schools, vote for us to give you a pittance every month paid for by those evil taxpayers we tell you are “keeping you down.” Just keep voting Democrat. After all, you remember it was those Republicans who enslaved you, started the KKK, and promoted segregation and Jim Crow laws. Oh, wait—that wasn’t the Republicans. That was the Democrats.


  1. The war on Immigrants


You notice what these leftists do, right? They leave out a very important adjective: ILLEGAL. What part of following the law, and equal protection under the law, is hateful to liberals? Why do they insist on flooding our border with illegals who will immediately become a burden to the state? Gosh—could it be for the quest for power and to make more Democrat voters?  (Insert snide tone.)

Here’s what I find hateful: politicians, in both major political parties and for different motives, sticking it to American citizens. American citizens don’t get to walk away from a DUI arrest, a car accident, or a traffic ticket unscathed. Illegal aliens do. Americans don’t get to hop the border to Mexico and demand not only should they speak English for them, but provide them with schools, health care, housing, food, clothing, and myriad other services. Illegal aliens in America do. Americans don’t get to skip out on court cases with no repercussions. Illegal aliens do. Americans don’t get to use someone else’s social security number in order to obtain employment without criminal penalties. Illegal aliens do. Americans don’t get to commit multiple misdemeanors and felonies without major consequences. Many illegal aliens do.

Americans are fed up with this garbage. They see a system that is unbelievably unfair—not to illegal aliens demanding largesse from taxpayers—but to American citizens.


  1. The war on Islam


Last but not least–the 21st century rallying cry for left-wing radicals of all stripes: Islamophobia! It truly never gets old. I don’t care how many infidels are beheaded, stoned, burned alive, or subjected to gruesome Sharia Law. I don’t care how many Christians are targeted and slaughtered for their faith. I don’t care how many times the mullahs in Iran and Islamists around the world scream “Death to America” and call for the destruction of Israel. I don’t care how many gays are executed simply for being gay. I don’t care how many little girls are married off at six years old or have their genitals mutilated. I don’t care how many bombings and terrorist attacks are carried out in the name of Islam. I don’t care how many instances of “workplace violence” occur by Islamists on American army bases.  I don’t care how many women are forced to wear a veil or a burka. I don’t care how many times a woman has to have four witnesses to prove a rape.

You see, what’s “hateful” is not what’s occurring in the name of Islam, but by bringing up these uncomfortable topics to the Muslim world and to the collective left. It’s hateful to point out that after 9-11 the Muslim world exploded in celebration. It’s hateful to bring up that after Obama’s absolutely abysmal, anti-American and anti-Israel nuclear weapons deal with Iran, the Iranian people danced in the streets.  It’s hateful to point out that it’s estimated that 15-25% of all Muslims are radicalized or support the end goals of radicals. It’s hateful to explain that Europe, due to its lax immigration and hyper-multiculturalism, is basically finished demographically. It’s hateful to address that Islamic organizations (like the terrorist front-group CAIR) are using our rampant political correctness against us to slowly but surely break down American culture and traditions. As always, I will make this clarification: most Muslims aren’t terrorists. But the funny thing is, most terrorists seem to be Muslims.

If I were Muslim, I have to say I’d be very uncomfortable with many of the violent and disturbing dictates the Koran insists upon. I might start to wonder why my holy book has so many passages that call for barbaric violence against people who do not succumb to Islam. I might start to wonder why some members of my faith want to instill Sharia Law and an Islamic caliphate by force around the world. I might start to wonder why my religion says lying to an infidel in perpetuation of Islam is noble and just.  I might start to wonder why it’s some members of my religion who are responsible for 99% of all terrorism in the world. I might start to wonder why Muslims at a soccer match in the Netherlands started chanting: “My father was in the commandos, my mother was in the SS, together they burned Jews cause Jews burn the best” and “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas.” I might start to wonder why Islamic regimes refuse to acknowledge Israel and call for its destruction. I might start to question all of it.  But that’s just me.


So: we have come to the end of my rudimentary primer on “hate.” The word is so frequently bandied about, and it’s never pretty. Then again, the truth sometimes is not. Confronting these hard truths is my singular focus, and I will not be deterred. I also will not be bullied by thought police authoritarians who equate facts with hate.

On a side note, in reference to my ongoing defamation litigation with Quanell X, I’d like to share a thought on the continuing utter hypocrisy of the left. A few days ago, after Kentucky lost the Final Four to Wisconsin, a black Kentucky player was heard on an open mic saying “f*** that n****r” about a white Wisconsin player. Nothing to date has been done as a reprimand to the Kentucky player. He apologized, and the world went on. In contrast, look at the uproar over former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling or the University of Oklahoma fraternity members caught making racial slurs—their lives were ruined immediately. In my case, however, an Al Sharpton-wannabe concocted a racist quote and attributed it to me—something I never said or wrote anywhere, and my teaching career was ended over it.  All because, personally, he didn’t like the things I say or believe.

It’s something to ponder when you’re thinking about what “hate”—not to mention intolerance– truly is.

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