Obama’s Slumber Party with the Castro Brothers

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On Monday, President Obama (after almost eight years of his regime, it still pains me to write that) fulfilled a wide-eyed, childhood dream.

After hearing about the wonders of communism at the knee of his mentor (radical anti-American communist Frank Marshall Davis), his mother, his father, his maternal grandparents, his classmates at Columbia and Harvard, and, later, his pastor Jeremiah Wright and domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, Barack Obama once again stuck it to the American people, Cuban citizens, Cuban Americans, and anyone with a clue or a brain.

Not only did he open up diplomatic and trade relations with Cuba, but he embraced the communist regime in a way only Obama could do: by denigrating and dissing the American people. And, for good measure, he also posed with his commie homeboys in front of a rudimentary mural of the Marxist warmongering murderer Che Guevara.

Obama purposefully posing under a Che Guevara mural
Obama purposefully posing under a Che Guevara mural

Now, liberals around the globe think that opening up diplomatic and trade relations with a brutal Communist regime are just swell, but, as usual, they lack a firm grasp on reality. Commies young and old think that Marxism is, like, super awesome and it promotes all sorts of freedom and liberty, man. They are stupendously wrong.

Nothing speaks to the incoherent wrongness of the Left more than Obama’s reaction to the latest terror attack by Christians—whoopsie, Religion of Peace—in Brussels on Tuesday. For a whopping 51 seconds, Obama spouted insipid platitudes while Belgium burned. He said the world must “come together” and “unite” (unite for what? Tea and crumpets?), and that no religion (cough cough Islam), race, or ethnicity can be blamed for terror. Except for the inconvenient fact that 99% of terror in the world is committed by…wait for it…Muslims.

Western civilization under from radical Islam attack once again
Western civilization–this time in Brussels, Belgium–under attack from radical Islam once again

It is of a similar stripe of stupidity the lengths to which liberals will defend and promote Cuba and communism.

Obama is obsessed with making sure America gets her comeuppance. On this, his final America Sucks Apology Tour, he agreed with much of what Raul Castro said about America.

After giving lip service to human rights and freedom blah blah blah, Obama said we had much we could learn from Cuba. For example, Cuba was right to demand free health care and a living wage. He agreed that Guantanamo Bay was simply awful. He agreed that the American embargo on Cuba must be ended—without Cuba having to do a thing to change its brutal ways.

Obama and Raul Castro. This picture almost makes it all worth it.
Obama and Raul Castro. This picture almost makes it all worth it.

Now, liberals around the globe think that opening up diplomatic and trade relations with a brutal Communist regime are just swell, but, as usual, they lack a firm grasp on reality.

Obama claims America and Cuba have “shared values.” What values might those be?

Are we talking about the “values” that made the Castros, Guevara and other communist murderers mow down tens of thousands of their own countrymen during the wake of the Marxist revolution? Maybe the “values” of starving, tormenting, and oppressing their own people? How about the “values” of imprisoning dissidents, gays, religious people, or journalists? Perhaps it’s the “values” of stealing property from its rightful owners and turning it over to the state? Or could it be the “values” of holding their own people hostage in a country stuck in 1957 and murdering those who attempt to flee?

Some of the fundamental transformation enacted during Cuba's Marxist revolution
Some of the fundamental transformation enacted during Cuba’s Marxist revolution

After the latest Islamic terror attack in Brussels, Obama decided the best way for him to handle it was to attend a Cuban baseball game, smile, wave, and take his seat next to a merciless dictator who has murdered and oppressed his own people.

Maybe he’ll hand out some rice cookers to some imprisoned dissidents before he leaves.



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