Obama’s Immigration Policy is “Fundamental Transformation” on Steroids

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This week, Americans who actually believe following immigration laws are a good thing (which excludes most Democrats, of course) saw, once again, that we are ruled by lawless President who shows no signs of letting up.

Come on in, illegals!
Come on in, illegals!

With the NBPC’s (National Border Patrol Council) recent and unprecedented endorsement of Donald Trump for President, members of the council are thankfully becoming more outspoken and bold in telling the truth about what is happening on our southern border.

Notes from an August, 2015 meeting between the NBPC and the Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas were released. They showed that the Obama administration has no plans or inclinations to actually deport anyone, much less criminal illegal aliens.

Mayorkas “allegedly” said: “Illegal immigrants surging into the U.S. for the duration of Obama’s time in office would not be deported.”

Come one, come all! Screw you, American sovereignty!
Come one, come all! Screw you, American sovereignty!

In addition to this startling not startling admission by a high-level Obama flunkie, Mayorkas also called for an end to “notice to appear” court orders (NTAs) for captured illegal aliens without a previous felony arrest conviction (except, of course, that pesky little “criminal act” of breaking and entering into America).

Mayorkas also “allegedly” said, “Why would we NTA those we have no intention of deporting?” (emphasis added) . “We should not place someone in deportation proceedings when the courts already have a 3-6 year backlog.”

This is the insidious nature of liberals in general and the Obama administration in particular. Obama promised eight years ago America was going to get her comeuppance in the form of “fundamental transformation”—because, according to him and the radical leftist philosophers he admires, America is a white, racist, illegitimate country and, come hell or high water, he was going to take us down a peg or thousand.

The arrogance of illegal aliens is mind-blowing. Notice the assimilation! (ahem)
The arrogance of illegal aliens is mind-blowing. Notice the assimilation! (ahem)

What better way to make sure America got what was coming to her by not only ignoring immigration laws, but incentivizing criminals and grifters to sneak in the country and immediately start collecting bennies from the American taxpayer!

Now, let me give the requisite caveat.

No, not all illegal immigrants are criminals, rapists, drunk drivers, assaulters, murderers and gang bangers. And no, not all of them immediately pop out anchor babies and get on the dole. And yes, many of them are very hard working people.

But when you factor in schools, health care, WIC, Obamacare, welfare, non-assimilation, and—let’s not forget this very important adjective—the ILLEGALITY of it all—it is very clear America has a very significant illegal alien problem that the Obama administration has willingly made manifestly WORSE.

BWWHAHAHHAA! That's a good one!
BWWHAHAHHAA! That’s a good one!

Republicans are bad enough when they blather on about how “we have to get the Hispanic vote”—as if all Hispanics just vote monolithically and think illegal immigration is fabulous. What a truly racist concept.

The GOP establishment is stupid enough to believe that people who come from by and large socialist, high welfare countries and whose first act in America is to break into it will somehow start embracing personal responsibility and the rule of law, assimilate into a rapidly disappearing American culture, learn English, and refuse somebody else’s money when it is given to them and their families.

Democrats, however, are more insidious.

When Barack Obama promised “fundamental transformation,” he meant it. His immigration policy took George W. Bush’s (which was horrible), added some dynamite to Bush’s fire, lit a match, and watched the explosion.

By throwing open America’s borders, by refusing to prosecute, deport, or even detain illegal aliens, by knowingly allowing Islamic terrorists to cross our borders, by calling Americans racist for not embracing this gross illegality, by allowing illegal aliens (and immigrants in general) to balkanize communities, not assimilate at all into American culture, or learn English, he and the dastardly Democrat party knew they were creating a massive underclass of future voters who would undeniably vote Democrat—and thereby keep Democrat Party gravy train rolling along. All at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Much will be written about the truly disastrous Obama presidency—but, as all people are when criticizing the first black (and probably Muslim) President, those historians will be called rayyyyssiis if they point out that his purposeful balkanization and destruction in the guise of multiculturalism, diversity, and compassion has destroyed what was once a great country.

Fully 70% of Americans support deportation of illegal aliens and shutting down our borders—immediately. Donald Trump’s genius strategy of either taxing the hell out of or withholding remittances to Mexico—that third world paradise—is inspired. Last year, over $24.8 billion was sent to Mexico from “people living overseas” (cough cough in America)—which was more revenue than Mexico saw from oil production!

What a glorious sight of what could be in America--now finally happening in Europe. #BuildTheWall
What a glorious sight of what could be in America–now finally happening in Europe. #BuildTheWall

The future, massive border wall (fingers and toes crossed) will cost somewhere between $8-10 billion, and I predict you’d see an unprecedented volunteer force lined up to help build it. Mexico has its panties in a twist about this awesome idea, but Mexico can go pound sand.

Mexico’s arrogance and refusal to actually fix their own country continues to astound me, but I suppose they’ve got no better Arrogance Mentor than the most arrogant, most destructive President ever—Barack Obama.

It is time to stop sugarcoating what the Obama administration is doing—on purpose. They are willfully allowing people to enter America illegally, and their immigration policy in general has but one purpose: to completely balkanize this country. Once the system has completely been destroyed, then it can be remade in their dystopian vision.

Guess who will be in charge of it all then?

Hint: it’s not We the People.




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