Well, freedom loving, bacon-consuming, sausage-adoring Americans, we have yet another example of Islamic dhimmitude (or total submission to Islam) to add to the rapidly growing pile of crap this lawless administration foists upon us.
I know it might be shocking to hear that our (cough cough) *Christian* president, whose pastor for 20 years was a rabid left-wing, anti-Semitic radical named Jeremiah Wright, who befriended Rashid Khaledi, a left-wing, anti-Semitic PLO/Hamas/Arafat supporter, who kicked off his Senate campaign in the home of two unrepentant, left-wing, anti-Semitic domestic terrorists named Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and who once said that the Muslim call to prayer was “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset” is behind the unthinkable, truly unpatriotic and just A WORLD OF NO banning of all pork products in the federal prison system.

Notwithstanding the fact that bacon and sausage are two of the most delicious things on earth, but pork is actually quite a bit cheaper than beef. And let’s be real: we’ve all seen what they serve on “Beyond Scared Straight” and I can guarantee that a little bacon or sausage would make that sludge entirely more edible.
Now some of you may think, “Good! Prisoners SHOULD be denied succulent bacon and sausage! Prison isn’t a vacation!” I hear you. And normally, I’d agree. Let them eat slop for all I care.
But the reason pork is being cancelled in prison has nothing to do with a punishment factor (because we all know, in a liberal’s perfect world, rapists and murderers in prison would be provided with cable TV, a gym, gourmet food, and unlimited conjugal visits). It has to do with the ISLAM FACTOR. As more and more of these innocent little lambs in our prison system are being converted to Islam (I’m sure the super-fuzzy, huggable type of Islam, you right wing Nazi!), the President of Ameristan Barack Obama thinks having pork products right next to the other slop served in prison is entirely too traumatic for our prayer rug-loving friends.

The pork industry is fighting back, and if they are savvy, they’d seize upon this as a political moment on which to capitalize. Americans have had entirely enough of the hyper-political correctness that looks the other way at Islam, a religion of which some of its adherents treat women like property (or worse), genitally mutilate little girls, behead “infidels” (i.e., Christians, Jews, and sane Muslims), set gays on fire or throw them off buildings, torture and subject to the most inhumane treatment one human being can do to another, seek to usher in an Islamic caliphate in which there will be a world without infidels, express the desire to wipe Israel and America off the map, and all those other enlightened, seventh century things the esteemed members of the Religion of Peace do around the world on a daily basis.
This pathetic capitulation from a truly repulsive infiltrator masquerading as your president (not mine—I’ve still impeached him) would be annoying and alarming on its own, but it’s just the latest in a line of Islamic browbeating and refusal to assimilate to the culture and country its members chose to make their home. I am sorry to break it to them, and to anyone else who comes to America and then immediately demands concessions and goodies and submission by American citizens, but this is a country very firmly and markedly founded on Judeo-Christian morality and ethics. And, frankly, if you don’t like it, LEAVE.
Naturally, the Hamas front group and unindicted Holy Land Foundation co-conspirator CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) has mixed feelings about this blatant move of dhimmitude. “In general we welcome the change because it’s facilitating the accommodation of Muslim inmates,” Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for CAIR said. “We hope it’s not an indication of an increasing number of Muslims in the prison system.”
What’s a race-and-religion hustling terrorist front group to do? I guess the answer would probably be to just go ahead and demand the Obama administration release all the Muslim prisoners (since he’s in the process of Prison Breaking thousands already). After all, I’m sure Allah’s great army would be glad to have them back on the front lines.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to make a BLT.