No, Mayor Parker: What’s Embarrassing is What You’ve Done to Houston

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Mayor Annise Parker continues to be the stick in the eye of Houstonians who demand a secure and stable border.  On February 16 U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen issued a ruling to stay President Obama’s unconstitutional illegal immigrant mandate—but that didn’t stop our mayor from jumping feet-first into the fray.


Among fellow sob-sisters brought upon the stage to lament how evil are the people who simply want the laws as they are written to be followed and enforced, Parker proclaimed that Houston has 200,000 illegal immigrants living among us, and by God, they have a right to claim the American citizenship they never sought to obtain legally.

Parker has even gone so far to set up a website so, even while a federal judge has told the federal government to stop the amnesty influx, those people who use taxpayer-funded healthcare, use taxpayer-funded housing, whose children use taxpayer-funded schools and who use all manner of taxpayer-funded goodies, can continue (in Spanish!) their grifting—I mean, AMNESTY–paperwork so that one day, Obama-willing, they will become legal to live in America. Frankly, all those “shadows” amnesty advocates tell us about don’t seem all that bad, do they?

Before Judge Hanen ruled in favor of the 26 states seeking to stop Obama’s illegal amnesty, Parker decided to join with 27 other mainly Northeastern mayors to let the world know how far Houston has fallen. “The public interest across the country is served clearly and overwhelmingly by implementing immigration reform by executive action,” The Washington Post reported as the mayors’ joint statement.

(Yes, that same immigration reform by executive action Obama said 22 times that he doesn’t have the power to implement. But I digress.)

A few days ago, our fair mayor decided to wade into the Rudy Guiliani “Obama doesn’t love America” controversy by tweeting out that Guiliani was “an embarrassment.” She wrote: “There’ve been presidents I’ve disliked.  I’ve disagreed with each at times. But they all loved America. Giuliani’s an embarrassment.”

No, Mayor Parker. Guilani isn’t an embarrassment. What’s an embarrassment is that in the city of Houston there are potholes the size of Jeeps. What’s an embarrassment is that you thought asking ministers for copies of their sermons to see if they made any references critical of gay marriage wasn’t fascistic. What’s an embarrassment is you demanding private businesses kowtow to your hyper political-correctness and forcing them to have transgender bathrooms. What’s an embarrassment is your continued flouting of our immigration laws in order to have more eventual Democrats voting to keep your ilk in power.

I’m not sure how much more Houston can take of this actual embarrassment Annise Parker.

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