Megan Rapinoe and Her Merry Band of Harpies Are No Heroes

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You might have heard that the U.S. Women’s National team won the World Cup last Sunday. Oh, and they won’t be visiting the White House because they hate President Trump. It’s been shoved down our throats nonstop for almost a week, so how could you miss it?

Chants of “equal pay” were heard all during the ticker tape parade. Free market be damned!

And as with everything else within the dominant #woke narrative, which is ubiquitous and never-ending, the wokest of the #woke among us have browbeaten the idea that Megan Rapinoe and her ilk are somehow “heroes” instead of simply exceptional athletes.

As CNN breathlessly played wall-to-wall coverage of a New York City tickertape parade featuring the Women’s Woke World Cup champions, I noticed a couple of curious things.

Number one, everyone seemed to be drunk. Number two, there was an awful lot of rancor towards America and even the sport these women loved.

Drink up, ladies!

The actions of Megan Rapinoe, the captain of the world-championship team, seem to be aimed at one thing only. Not so much the screeching about equal pay for female athletes – no. That’s the pretense.

Speaking of “equal pay” and the reasons for variations in pay scale, I’ll remind Rapinoe and her sycophants that this very same team was beaten 5-2 in 2017 by a Dallas soccer club of under 15-year-old boys.

This is not a slam on women’s soccer.

It’s just the reality that men and women are different (at least 2,500 biological distinctions) and therefore have different athletic abilities. In the real world, the free market determines what you get paid.

If more people were interested in women’s soccer (or any other women’s sport Title IX foisted upon us), they would get paid accordingly. Until pissed-off lesbians who kick a soccer ball around for a living can literally force all Americans to watch them play, they’ll get paid what the free market determines.


To me, the equal pay sideshow notwithstanding, it seems clear Megan is trying to GET THAT MONEY (for herself). She’s jonesing to be the next Colin Kaepernick. She already has that kneeling during the National Anthem part down pat!

Megan learned well from the Human Muppet

After all, Nike has pretty much staked its anti-American flag proudly into the leftist sewer by canceling the Betsy Ross flag shoe — because the Human Muppet told Nike Ross’ flag was racist.

It would seem fitting that Rapinoe — an angry, chip-on-her-shoulder, leftist, feminist, LGBTQXYZ type — would want to muscle in on that action.

Rapinoe’s ongoing tantrum and the behavior of several other women on the team show a gross disrespect to the office of President of the United States. We get it: they hate Donald Trump – because all leftists hate him. There’s nothing remarkable about that.

Instead, their behavior shows a disrespect for their very country.

The Human Muppet who started it all. Get that money, Megan!

Megan Rapinoe is giving interviews to every friendly media outlet possible (read: 99% of them) whining about how Trump hates gay people and black people and all the other nonsense leftists constantly spew about the 45th president. She, like every other leftist robot, parrots that MAGA – Make America Great Again — really means “make America white again.”


They are stubbornly ignorant, and they are cheered on by those who control the dominant narrative.

“Make America Great Again” means a lot of things to different people, but for me it’s simple.

I love my country. I want it to be great. I want it to be mired in facts, truth, national sovereignty, equal justice under the law, Judeo-Christian ethics, and capitalism.

When I was a little girl, we stood and pledged allegiance to the flag with pride. We sang the National Anthem, God Bless America, and America the Beautiful.

MAGA means so much to so many.

We learned about Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Betsy Ross, and other important figures in American history.

We also learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. and how his entreaty to judge people based on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin actually meant something to us. 

America was seen as the good guy in the world. People ROOTED for America.

Our economy was something to be envied and emulated — not spat upon and called evil. Capitalism was naturally understood as the best way to economically lift up the greatest number of people. No economic system can insure equal outcomes — that is a fallacy. But capitalism versus anything else is the best way to empower — yes, actually empower – the greatest number of people.

God was at the center of our country and in our nation’s discourse. For 225 years, that wasn’t seen as a bad thing. That was a good thing! It didn’t mean we excluded people if they were atheists or didn’t believe in Jesus Christ or even God. Quite the contrary. America, as it was founded, believed in equal rights for every individual — equal rights granted to them by their Creator. Those rights were not granted by a particular state, man, or institution.

We celebrated our history, and we learned from the mistakes of our history. We didn’t attempt to erase things that happened — like the left is hellbent on doing today. Bad things happened which changed our country for the better. Nobody is celebrating slavery, Jim Crow, or wanting it to be brought back to America. That is simply insane. But if you listen to the left, Make America Great Again means we want to go back to the days of slavery! Utter madness.

Leftists elevate illegal aliens over citizens and legal immigrants.

When I was a little girl, most immigrants came here legally. They learned English, they took care of their families, and they assimilated into American culture. They were so proud to be Americans! Nobody looked down on them because they were of a different race, ethnicity, or religion. We loved learning about their home countries and culture.

Immigration wasn’t a bludgeon with which to hit people over the head – shrieking “racism” every time someone points out how monumentally destructive illegal immigration has become. (Not to mention legal immigration which is not merit-based.) It wasn’t used as a weapon by which to accuse “white America” of being racist if we don’t want our streets flooded with Third World “migrants” who refuse to follow our laws, learn English, and assimilate.

Making America Great Again also means restoring our military to its superior position of the past. It’s used as a deterrent — not so we can go out and conquer, colonialize, and impose our way of life onto other countries. America has always been about liberating people who have been legitimately oppressed. How can you “impose” freedom on another culture? Hell, we didn’t even take OIL from Iraq as payment after we liberated them! (Although we should have and were accused endlessly of doing so by the left.)

Megan Rapinoe is merely the latest example of an archetypal leftist. She hates this country and its people – not for beliefs the majority of Americans hold, but because of the rancid, anti-American, leftist bill of goods she’s been sold by the media, academia, Hollywood, and the dominant culture. 

The left is so desperate to prove their “White America and Trump are evil, racist pigs” narrative they’re INVENTING hate crimes — because REAL hate crimes aren’t occurring.

Megan Rapinoe said that “gays” caused them to win the World Cup. Okay…

Rapinoe is not original. She’s not thought-provoking. She’s hackneyed. She’s a cliché.  She is simply the latest vessel by which the people who run the dominant cultural narrative are now putting their hopes to try and ruin Donald Trump and stop the stampede of We the People.

She’s pathetic, banal, small-minded, angry, and childish – in other words, a perfect tool for the left.

So, no, Rapinoe and Company. Even though CNN says you’re heroes, you’re not. You didn’t liberate anybody. You didn’t save anybody’s lives. You didn’t stand up for the little guy against a dominant media culture narrative. You’re just very talented soccer players who won the Women’s World Cup — and you’re going to get paid for it. 

The reasons for the anger you have towards our president, this country, and its citizens are juvenile, unfounded, and simply untrue.

Good luck with Nike, Megan. As you’ve seen from the example of Colin Kaepernick, being a hateful, lying shrew pays.


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