Make California Great Again — Only If Leftists Aren’t in Charge of It

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Why would anyone visit or move to California today?

The self-satisfied tourism commercials poking fun at all the “characters” who live in California – bypassing the reality most in California now experience on a daily basis – remind me why I left Los Angeles ten years ago this August. (Happy Anniversary to me!)

This week, California’s unbelievably smug and pompous governor, Gavin Newsom, declared that the Republican party would soon be “in the waste bin of history.” He compared today’s national Republicans to the California Republicans in the 1990s.

I have no idea how Kim Guilfoyle was ever married to this clown Gavin Newsom.

According to Newsom, the decline of the Republican Party in California was because of the passage of the very popular Proposition 187 in 1994.

Sure, Jan.

Let me refresh everyone’s memory about what that “last gasp” proposition tried to do for California, and why overturning it portended doom for the rest of America.

Prop 187 at its core denied illegal aliens ANY non-emergency, taxpayer-funded social welfare program (how radical, no?).

Schools, healthcare, welfare, etc. were to be off-limits to people whose first act in America was to break into it. It was passed by almost 59% of the people of California. In the governor’s race of 1994, its passage propelled Pete Wilson’s win over liberal nightmare Kathleen Brown – by fifteen percentage points!

Immediately after the people of California passed Prop 187, it was summarily overturned by leftist Mariana Pfaelzer (a Pres. Jimmy Carter-appointed federal judge)– who called it unconstitutional.

How the hell is protecting your own citizens “unconstitutional?” How the hell is supporting taxpayers who actually have to FUND all these programs “unconstitutional?”

Absolutely outrageous.

Sadly, as we’ve seen more and more – this type of ruling is emblematic of what federal judges do to We the People after we make our voices heard electorally.

Gavin Newsom was right about one thing — the overturning of Prop 187 DID signal the end of the Republican Party in California.

But it wasn’t, as he haughtily proclaimed, because of Republicans’ “xenophobic” fear of “the other.” (Unless “the other” refuses to come to America legally, speak English, assimilate, and get off the taxpayer teat.)

And it certainly wasn’t because of normal people with common sense.

It was because of the massive and growing influx of illegal aliens – and other grifters — who were put on a pedestal over American taxpayers.

Doesn’t this map — which shows the breakdown on who voted for Prop 187 — remind you of the Red State/Blue State map?

Guess what? Over the next two decades, between four and six million of those reliable, normal, commonsense Republican taxpayers decided hey’d had just about enough of the madness.

Sure, the weather is wonderful! Sure, the beaches are rad! Sure, as California propagandists like to claim, “Where else can you go ski in the morning and surf in the afternoon?”

But at what cost?

California “leaders” don’t give a rat’s red ass who votes in their elections, so obviously more and more fraud occurs every cycle. Voter ID is, naturally, RACIST. And of course, illegal aliens who popped out anchor babies who then became quasi-American citizens ALSO became voters.

Gosh, I wonder which political party they will support?

Why would you bite the liberal hand that’s feeding you? Why would you will learn English or assimilate into American culture when everything is given to you on a silver platter just for keeping Democrats in power?

Earlier this year, Gavin Newsom, the wealthy, self-righteous, and pandering pretender who thinks he’s going to be President of the United States one day, actually had the stones to go to El Salvador and walk around their poverty-stricken ghettos and lament the state of the poor people of El Salvador. Yet he refuses to look at the ghettos in his own state!

Skid Row in Los Angeles which now consists of over FIFTY city blocks doesn’t seem to phase him. Feces and syringe-littered streets in San Francisco where the homeless have also taken over – with no limits in sight — also warrant very little attention.

He and the rest of the rabid leftists absolutely ruining a once great state can’t look at any of these problems – because they OWN THEM ALL.

South Park’s episode, “The Night of the Living Homeless,” had a brilliant punchline. At the end of the episode, Cartman and the boys sent everyone to Santa Monica, Brentwood, and Venice (“right by Matt’s house”) where the homeless are treated like royalty. By doing so, they saved their own little town.

And really, isn’t that what’s happening?

South Park’s classic episode “Night of the Living Homeless” perfectly skewered “progressive” Santa Monica, Venice, and Brentwood and how they deal with homelessness.

By now, almost ALL of California is a sh*thole. Let’s call it what it is.

The day in 2009 I got on The 10 (I-10), left the South Bay of southern California, and headed to Texas, I felt a sense of relief I had never experienced before. And I never looked back.

By 2009, California had become exponentially worse than when I arrived in 1995. And it was a sh*thole then! It has now made the complete transformation into a Third World country – and I’ve thought so for years (credit to Victor Davis Hanson notwithstanding).

Every time I go back to see friends, it’s worse than before. Much of Los Angeles is stuck in a time warp like Havana from 1959, right before Castro ruined Cuba. The sense of depression is palpable.

Leftist polices caused all of this.  

It’s not runaway capitalism that’s causing the crisis – it’s runaway socialism.

Onerous and crippling regulations that stifle business and growth.

Crumbling infrastructure.

Sky-high and rising taxes.

Completely unaffordable housing.

Horrific schools.

Escalating crime.

Pushing the radical LGBTQXYZ agenda that tells little children they can choose their own gender.

The dehumanization of unborn babies by promoting an increasingly radical abortion agenda.

Putting the wants and needs of illegal aliens and their progeny above Americans’ wants and needs — and telling taxpayers they’re racist for not wanting their state overrun and destroyed by illegality.

Leaders of sanctuary cities not being held accountable for deaths of American citizens like Kate Steinle and Bob Clark.

Rampant homelessness – much of it caused by drug addiction, which liberals have excused and denied for fifty years.

Cultural rot that gets worse by the day.

Looks fun, doesn’t it?

They own it ALL.

California is solidly Democratic, but some have begun floating the idea of President Trump paying its citizens a visit or two during the upcoming election cycle.

Liberals should be scared to death of Donald Trump coming to town. 

Around 40% of the state is registered Republican. That may sound like a lot, but Republicans never win anything electorally except in tiny pockets of the state.

President Trump should absolutely make a few trips to California and highlight what befalls an entire state overrun by rampant leftists – and to visit his supporters stuck in the progressive, dystopian morass.

California’s priorities have become so debased and insane that only a fellow traveler or an illegal would choose to move there at this point. Unless you are a multimillionaire with “F-you money,” living and functioning comfortably in California today is nearly impossible. Forget getting ahead — most people considered “middle class” are simply treading water as fast as they can.

My friends who are still stuck are mostly native-born Californians. They are devastated to see what’s happened to their state. They are begging President Trump to come and highlight what a disaster liberalism truly is.

If anyone can shine a spotlight on what a sh*thole California has become, it’s President Trump. And to my friends still stuck there, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if during this campaign cycle, you’ll get your wish.

Make California Great Again, President Trump. Only you can expose the leftist cockroaches for what they are. 

Expose them all — and make them eat their failure.

Myth vs. Reality: California Dreaming




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