Liberty is for Everyone

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I’ve been ruminating on this idea about freedom and liberty. 

Freedom and liberty mean different things to leftists and conservatives. For Democrats, freedom begins and ends with your ability to kill a child in the womb or to freely shoot up heroin on the street. Other than that, they seek to impose their will on you in ways large and small. 

Normal America (which consists of conservatives and people who like common sense, equal justice under the law, smaller government, law and order, school choice, a secure border, and lower taxes) have a much different idea of what freedom and liberty looks like. For most of us, we realize that government, as it expands, will naturally contract personal freedoms and liberties. 

2020 will be the year of many unfortunate firsts. 

It is the year our economy was purposefully shut down over a virus with an overall 0.1% death rate. The year Democrats took off their masks (figurative not literal – because they love those kinds of masks) and showed the world they are actually radical Marxists who want to tear down America as founded and replace it with some amorphous, awful police state where they run everything — including your day-to-day lives.

But it’s also the year that Americans began awakening to the tyrants around them — and started to realize that not only was their way of life endangered by leftists, but their very country as well.

This tyranny has taken many forms, all of which have been horrible for Normal America. 

Leftists have imposed their mask ordinances, which have no basis in science or logic.

They’ve shut down schools – and furthermore, they should decide what kind of school your child should attend.

They have capitulated to the racist, communist Black Lives Matter cabal – which will affect our culture in ways large and small. Mandatory “YOU’RE A RACIST” diversity training is only the beginning.

They’ve killed the economy and are doing everything in their power to keep it dead and buried – at least until November 4.

They are seeking to steal the presidential election by hook or by crook – and using the United States Postal Service to do it.

There are myriad examples of how Democrats ruin everything they touch.

One only needs to look at Portland, Chicago, Seattle, New York City, Baltimore, San Francisco, Oakland or any other left-wing hell hole to see what happens when Democrats have unfettered power. Unrestrained tyranny abounds.

2020 has shown this clearer than anything could.

In the rapidly dying New York City, The Worst Mayor and Governor in America have now installed check points to punish people entering the state. Bill DeBlasio and Andrew Cuomo will assess a $10,000 fine if visitors don’t quarantine for fourteen days. The mayor of Los Angeles – the egomaniac Eric Garcetti — has threatened to turn off water and power to people who have large gatherings. However, large gatherings of rabid, screeching leftists who want to defund police departments as they destroy everything around them are fine. Churches are shut down while abortion clinics remain open. Big box stores like Walmart and Target are thriving (to say nothing of the Amazon behemoth), and small businesses are closing. 

Americans now see very clearly who is on the side of the American people — and who is not.

The dirty little secret the left can never allow to spread is this:

Liberty has no color. 

Liberty has no gender.

Liberty has no religion. 

Liberty has no ethnicity. 

Liberty has no sexual orientation.

Of course, the sheep among us just shuffle along and comply. 

Just like Germans in the 1930s, the unawake, duped, or complicit don’t fully understand what fresh hell awaits them. But those of us who understand that when the state gets large enough to tell you to put a piece of cloth or paper over your face in order to virtue signal, the slippery slope has begun.

We must push back against this deranged mob of leftists who seek to control everything and everyone. 

The reason leftist call us racists is because they have no factual arguments. Their arguments are based on emotion and lack reason and logic. They think they can run your life better than you can. And that affects every single one of us.

A friend of mine works for a large, corporate yoga studio. The CEO sent out a companywide email lamenting the fact that not many African Americans or minorities were yoga aficionados. So, instead of understanding that different people have different interests, he blamed his customers and instructors for their white privilege, and essentially will attempt to force minorities to take up yoga. 

So, in this small example, we see the jackbooted thug nature of the left. Personal choices are not respected. We must force everyone into the box the left chooses for us.

Conservatives and normal Americans chafe and rebel against such racist, groupthink measures.

Nobody is exactly the same. That is what freedom and liberty are all about. 

We have a very distinct choice in November. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are being run by the radical, Marxist left. They all share the same goal as Barack Hussein Obama: the fundamental transformation of America.

You may not like President Trump’s tweets (I love them, btw), but he is on the side of everyday men and women. He is on the side of freedom and liberty.

Put on your big girl and big boy pants and stop being afraid of literal idiots calling you “racist.” Stop being afraid of the Mask Nazis who shame you for not putting a diaper over your face. Stop capitulating to terrorists masquerading as “civil rights organizations.”

Liberty is for everyone — and the left hates that. 

Therefore, the left must be destroyed. 

Their destruction is freedom’s only chance of survival.

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