Liberal Logic: Sex Toys Used as Legitimate Protest Against Campus Carry Because Only Criminals Should Have Guns

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Liberals, as we know, are among the most pedantic, obvious, too-clever-by-half, self-proclaimed “smartest people in the room.” We received another dose of their insufferability recently when a *very* ironic and witty student at the University of Texas named Jessica Jin decided that staging a Facebook event urging students to carry around dildos in order to protest the upcoming Campus Carry law (which the Texas legislature finally passed) was, like, a really empowering and brave statement to make, like, against patriarchy and misogyny, and like, guns and stuff.

The logic of the protest is this (try and follow along): because the Texas legislature passed Open Carry and Campus Carry, laws which allow legal firearm owners to carry a weapon for protection either openly or concealed, the braintrusts at the University of Texas at Austin, itself a hotbed of leftist idiocy, are up in arms (pun intended) and have declared that this law will lead to more, not fewer, gun-related attacks. Therefore, the thoughtful organizers of this event have decided that walking around with a dildo strapped to a backpack in order to show what the campus doesn’t allow to be openly carried is, to a gun-grabber, tantamount to Rosa Parks not giving up her seat on a bus to a white man.

Never mind the fact that it’s been proven demonstrably that when individuals have the choice to be armed (you know, that whole Second Amendment thing), far fewer gun tragedies occur. Fully 92% of mass shootings happen in those magical places called Gun Free Zones, where criminals and lunatics suddenly start following the law. No, that’s not what happens. Criminals and lunatics use the people unfortunate enough to be in a Gun Free Zone as target practice.


Imagine if just one of those students in Roseberg, Oregon at Umpqua Community College had been able to stop the Christian-targeting madman Chris Harper-Mercer like the quick-thinking officers in Garland, Texas did in May when two Religion of Peace devotees attempted to mass murder people at the Draw Mohammed art contest?  Or if one person in a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado was able to stop the leftist thug James Holmes on his rampage? Or if one single school that has been a target for a mass murderer allowed at least administration and teachers to be armed for their and their students’ protection? Or if our soldiers were permitted to carry on base or in recruiting centers so as to not be targets by Muslim fanatics? Or any other mass shooting that would’ve been stopped much quicker had simply one civilian had a weapon and wasn’t afraid to use it?

A magical gun-free zone where a crazed Muslim murdered four soldiers
A magical gun-free zone where a crazed Muslim murdered four soldiers.

When hippy-dippy professors quit their jobs (as Daniel Hamermesh did at UT), citing that they are super concerned that in classes where discussions become divisive or heated, that some right-wing nut might just pull out his glock and start offing people. Actually, if that did ever happen, chances are it would not be a right-winger, but a leftist. (Look it up.) Furthermore, this being Texas, there’s also a pretty solid guarantee that there would be at least one other person in the classroom packing heat and would have the ability to stop a shooter before he could do more damage. Lawful gun owners aren’t the ones generally going out and slaughtering people. Why shouldn’t we have the ability to defend ourselves and our fellow human beings against people with wicked and evil motivations?

Even if we lived in a mythical land where the government was able to confiscate everyone’s weapon (like those sweet and cuddly Nazis did in Germany), evil would still exist. It will always take the noble and righteous to attempt to stop evil in its tracks. Giving law-abiding gun owners the ability to carry concealed or open on campus will, I predict, deter more mass shootings—not inspire them.

Murderers LOVE sitting ducks in Gun Free Zones. If the staff and students at the University of Texas in Austin, as a whole, are too stupid and dense to get that through their heads, and if they think shoving dildos in the faces of everyone is seen as protest art (or whatever), hopefully there will still be enough normal people carrying weapons just in case a tragedy occurs.

You can thank them after they save your life, liberals.


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