Liberal Fascism and Susan Sarandon vs. the First Amendment

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I’d like all you liberals to sit down and take this in:
For the last 5,000 years, marriage has been defined as being between a man and a woman.

Many religious organizations, including Christians and Jews, (and yes, Muslims) still believe this to be the case.

People who believe in the sanctity of male and female marriage are not freaks.

People who believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman are not racist, homophobic, or evil.

They simply believe in what 5,000 years of tradition and their personal faith has taught them.

I came across this story about Patricia Jannuzzi, a 57-year-old theology teacher at the Catholic Immaculata High School in Somerville, New Jersey, who had the audacity to post something that was of pro-Catholic doctrine on her personal Facebook page, and, after it was discovered by the gay nephew (Scott Lyons) of the liberal fascist (yes, I said it and I mean it) Susan Sarandon, Ms. Jannuzzi’s life became hell.


Sarandon, who abandoned her Catholic faith decades ago,  who has waged a personal war against the Church, and who was sort of common law gay-married to Tim Robbins for about 20 years (let’s be honest), had the cojones to say that this woman, who was simply exercising her First Amendment right to free speech, and expressing her understanding of the Catholic faith she loved, was essentially a hate-monger who must be removed from her teaching position, because Sarandon’s nephew was “offended” and was “married” to another man.

Now here’s where it gets batsh*t crazy.

Ms. Jannuzzi was quoting, in her own vernacular, Catholic doctrine regarding gay marriage. You might disagree with the Catholic Church’s stance on homosexuality and gay marriage. That is entirely your right. It is also Ms. Januzzi’s right to DISAGREE with your opinion.

The Speech and Thought Police by which liberal fascist Susan Sarandon and her gay nephew seek to become Numero Uno Generals cannot deny this woman her Constitutional right to free speech. The frightening thing is that Ms. Januzzi has been silenced by the very Church whose beliefs she espouses. The Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski of the Diocese of Metuchen has tried to walk back what Mrs. Jannuzzi’s bosses have done: placed her on administrative leave for her personal and (in a sane world which seems to elude us at this point) Catholic doctrinal beliefs. Her bosses, Monsignor Seamus Brennan and Principal Jean Kline, decided to kowtow to the liberal fascist Susan Sarandon and her gay nephew instead of backing Catholic doctrine. But more importantly and more disturbingly: they decided not to back this teacher’s ability to speak freely on her own social media page on her own private time.

I can identify with Ms. Jannuzzi in a substantive way. When a hack reporter named Randy Wallace, a race-hustler named Quanell X, and a terrorist front group named CAIR came after me, my life was turned upside down.

I have decided to fight back against these tyrants–these fascists–with everything I have. I hope that Ms. Jannuzzi does the same. I am in her corner.

All liberty-loving, freedom-espousing, First Amendment advocates need to support this woman and broadcast her story far and wide.

In Liberty, in Freedom, and in the First Amendment: I support you, Patricia.

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