Lexington and Concord 2021

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January 6, 2021:

We are being ruled by vipers and tyrants.

This week, I was going to write about the growing insanity of the fat cult – you know: the people who tell us that being morbidly obese is healthy now – but after watching what has unfolded right before our eyes in Washington D.C., I’m changing my tune. There will be time yet to unravel the #FatCult.

Today, we are on the brink of something monumental.

Are we witnessing the beginning of the next Civil War, or the next American Revolution? Was the murder of a beautiful, Air Force vet MAGA supporter by D.C. Police our Lexington and Concord? Is this THE PLAN in action, and are we watching the entire swamp be smoked out right in front of our eyes? It’s starting to feel that way — but damn, this is PAINFUL.

Today, hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters descended on The Swamp of Washington D.C. and peacefully protested the stealing of the election from Donald Trump and the American people. 

The fraud is so widespread and so overwhelming that it must be addressed and exposed — and since the courts refuse to hear the evidence, it’s up to us.

In his speech to the rally, Trump began the discussion of the fraud, with the hopes that honorable, elected patriots would grab the baton and run with it. They know that 80 to 100 million Trump supporters will not accept this fraudulent election — and the Save America Rally proves it.

Just when Congress started filing their objections and giving reasons behind them – all constitutional, by the way — alleged Trump supporters breached the capitol building. We will soon see if these are actual Trump supporters or a crowd peppered with antifa and Black Lives Matter posing as Trump supporters (as has already been pretty much confirmed).

After all, these rogue filthy leftists said they were going to infiltrate the rally, and by all accounts it seems they did – quite ably. I predict we will discover many of these “Trump supporters” who were detained at the Capitol are instead antifa or Black Lives Matter. 

As I write this now, two people have been shot – and one female veteran was killed. Why they were shot remains a mystery. Were they armed? Were they charging police? Why did the police use live rounds on these protesters but not the filthy animals of antifa and Black Lives Matter who actually assaulted, murdered, looted, set ablaze, and caused massive amounts of destruction? Why is the media having a heart attack over the breach of the Capitol but have said nothing as our cities and states burned all last summer by the filthy scum of BLM and antifa?

President Trump has called for peace. Twitter won’t let anyone directly retweet his message (and now, they’ve removed it, along with two other tweets). They claim he was stoking violence. That is a lie. He is telling everyone to go home and to be peaceful. Which 99.99% of the protesters ARE – unless, as suspected, it’s Blantifa infiltration.

And now, Trump’s Twitter account is locked for twelve hours. In addition, Trump’s Facebook has also been locked down. My prediction: Big Tech will soon be deleting Trump’s entire social media.

Funny — Trump was calling for peace. Yet, his account was locked (and as stated I think will soon be suspended forever). Seems….I don’t know….like perhaps someone is OVER THE TARGET?

Today, as all the chaos erupted, we witnessed the complete capitulation and betrayal leaders we thought we could trust. They gleefully let the world know they will allow this massively fraudulent election to stand.

Predictably, after a few hours (during which all the media and Swamp got their ducks in a row and proceeded to blame Trump and his supporters for violence and mayhem), most of the Republicans stabbed us all in the back, too.

Liz Cheney (a frequent target of Trump, for obvious neocon reasons) blamed him for “creating and inciting the mob.” Kelly Loeffler, who just lost her Senate race because she sucks, promptly let everyone know that WHOOPSIE! She won’t be objecting to the Biden electors after all. 

So many traitors – it’s demoralizing and infuriating.  

Once Congress reconvenes, and objections continue to be heard, I think President Trump has only one option left. It is time to drop the Executive Order 13848 on election interference on all of these traitors.

It is the MOAB.

It will allow the military to arrest any of these people, charge them with treason, and try them in military tribunals instead of the D.C. swamp. Trump signed it in 2018 – almost as if he KNEW what these garbage swamp creatures would attempt against us in 2020. 

We are witnessing amazing, if not terribly unsettling, history.

I wonder if the colonialists knew that Lexington and Concord was truly the shot heard ‘round the world as it was known later, or just another skirmish. Time will tell – but I don’t think people are going to take outright tyranny and treachery peacefully lying down much longer.

These filthy leftists and woke, communist, corrupted corporations, politicians, Hollywood, academia, sports, big tech, media, and all of their adherents have pushed and pushed and pushed Normal America to the brink. And we’re NOT going to take it anymore.

Our Founding Fathers envisioned a time such as this. They prepared for it in the Constitution. 

Let’s make 2021’s version of 1776 be heard loud and clear to all freedom-loving people around the world.

We will fight because we have no choice. 

We will win because we are right.

Gird your loins, America. We’re in for a bumpy ride.

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