John Boehner Resigns, and Our “Leaders” Still Refuse to Lead

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With the sudden and surprising decision of John “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina” Boehner to step down as Speaker of the House on Oct. 30, 2015, there was figurative dancing in the streets by all conservatives throughout the country. I personally was at the gym on the elliptical and shouted out “YES!” when ABC News broke in with the report. (Shockingly, I was stared at like a mental patient. I guess the old ladies around me didn’t understand the magnitude of this announcement.) Boehner chose to resign instead of facing a vote of “no confidence” brought forth by Mark Meadows (R- N.C.), which had attached a list of grievances as long as my arm.

Unduly tan outgoing Speaker of the House John Boehner

But there’s a wrinkle in this scenario.

Not one of the members of the Freedom Caucus have stepped up to run for leadership. What we are hearing now is that Kevin McCarthy, of California, pretty much has a lock on Speaker, and that Trey Gowdy (R- S.C.) has refused all efforts (begging, really) by conservatives to get him to jump in the race for Majority Leader. This is highly discouraging. Gowdy would’ve brought energy and a fight to the Leadership and actually would’ve started pushing back against Obama and his disastrous policies. As it stands now, nobody save Daniel Webster (R-FL) have thrown their hat in for Speaker or Majority Leader.


Isn’t this what conservatives in the House said they’ve always wanted—a shot at truly making meaningful, liberty-driven, Democrat-spanking policies a priority? Why bring the list of grievances against Boehner if you’re not willing to then take the baton when it’s handed to you?

Boehner was a disaster for conservatives. He started off as one of the “Young Turks” who came to Washington hell-bent on changing it for the better. And then, as soon as he was chosen as Speaker in 2010 (because it was “his turn”), he started capitulating left and right—with the lame excuse that Republicans were only “one half of one branch of government”. He refused to defund Obamacare. He refused to defund Obama’s illegal alien amnesty grab. He refused to defund Planned Parenthood. He refused to open up an investigation into why conservatives were being targeted by the IRS. He punished members who went against him. He had show-votes on repealing Obamacare knowing he would still support its funding. And many, many more reasons too numerous to list.

On the Senate side, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should be quaking in his boots. He is just as ineffective and capitulating as Boehner, and sources say a lot more nasty and mean. This is a man who refuses to send bills to Obama he know will be vetoed. Isn’t that the entire point of divided government? MAKE THIS LAWLESS PRESIDENT VETO EVERYTHING! And then he will have to explain himself! So, in essence, McConnell is doing the Democrats’ bidding. It’s simply revolting. McConnell MUST be the next RINO forced out.

Human turtle and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

But that still begs the question: WHERE are our conservative fighters willing to stand for election as Speaker or Majority Leader? The members who vote for McCarthy are voting for another John Boehner, I’m afraid.

It’s time for our conservative stalwarts to put on their big boy and big girl panties and do what they said they would do all along. You got what we all wanted—Boehner is gone.


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