Je Suis Pamela Geller–And You Should Be, Too

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On Sunday, May 2, 2015, a group of free speech advocates, led by Pamela Geller and the AFDI (American Freedom Defense Initiative), brought their merry band of asskickers to Garland, TX, a suburb outside of Dallas, for some good, old-fashioned, in-your-face First Amendment revelry. The conservative Dutch activist and politician Geert Wilders, who the collective Left loathes because he dares speak the truth about the effects of unfettered immigration, was also in attendance.

As expected, so were some bloodthirsty radical Muslims.

You see, the attendees were there to award $12,500 from the AFDI to the Best Cartoon of Mohammed Drawn by an Infidel. (Side note: is it Muhammed? Or Mohammed? Whatever.) The winning piece was drawn by a former Muslim named Bosch Fawstin. Here it is, in all its glory:

winning muhammed pic

Naturally, the free-speech enthusiasts known as adherents to the religion of Islam were none too pleased with Geller’s “provocation” and panned the event before it even happened. The Left (predictably– because by and large leftists embrace the quashing of free speech with which they disagree) and some on the Right (sadly–including Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingraham, and Donald Trump) also expressed their sincere displeasure with this uppity woman and the attendees expressing their First Amendment rights.

So what’s a good radical Islamist to do about this affront to their “peaceful” prophet Mohammed (shhh…don’t mention the pedophilia/infidel-slaying/subjugation of women/warmongering)? Well, naturally, such a martyr would bring an AK-47 machine gun to mow down some of those dastardly people attending the event—and, Allah willing, maybe even Ms. Geller herself.

Because, you know, drawing a cartoon of Mohammed is about the worst thing one can possibly do, and if one is offended by such things, one would have the right to kill the person doing it, right?

Thankfully, these two cockroaches (Elton Simpson of Arizona and Mujahid Miski of Minnesota), who met online in social media forums, were quickly dispatched to their 72 virgins by a quick-acting Garland police officer–who has yet to be named to protect his safety from other “peaceful” Muslims.

ISIS took credit for the attack, and has placed a fatwa (a death warrant) on the head of Pamela Geller—who has refused to back down.

Stop to consider how those on the Left have reacted to this event (blaming Geller, dismissing the attack as a right-wing provocation, jumping to the defense of those who would kill in the name of religion if provoked enough) to how they reacted to this:

piss christ

This is a “sculpture” called Piss Christ by the (ahem) artist Andres Serrano which was the winner (!!) of a grant from the National Endowment of the Arts. You know, the NEA that taxpayers subsidize. It was championed by the Left as the ultimate in free speech—much like the Broadway play the Book of Mormon, which satirized the Mormon religion, and the painting The Holy Virgin Mary by Chris Ofili—in which Ofili threw elephant dung on a picture of Mother Mary. They scoffed at religious people who took offense to this and screeched how if we silenced these artists we silenced free speech. And you know what? They were right.

Now—what’s missing in these examples of “offensive” speech in comparison to the Draw Mohammed contest? Hmmmm. I can’t quite put my finger on it. What. Could. It. Be.?

Oh—that’s right. Christians who were offended didn’t threaten to kill anyone or actually carry out a plot to do so. It didn’t even cross their minds. You see, when you’re confident about your beliefs, and you know who Jesus is (a peaceful, living Savior), you have no need to silence someone by force. Instead, you pray for those people–that they open their eyes and heart to God.

As always, we are seeing the relative silence about the actions of these lunatics from the mainstream, moderate Muslim community, and that is truly unfortunate. A few organizations have denounced the attack as horrific and how the great majority of Muslims do not agree or approve of these tactics—but in the next breath, they insist Geller, the AFDI, and anyone who agrees with her is essentially an Islamophobic hater. In essence, they negate their first denunciation by the second.

You’re either a supporter of free speech—even speech deemed offensive by some—or you’re not. You will either be silenced into submission by fear of a group of seventh-century psychotics who use Islam as a weapon in order to achieve Sharia Law and an Islamic caliphate—or you won’t. You will either blame those who seek to promote honest discussion about the reality of radical Islam—or you won’t. You will either unequivocally defend a person’s right to offend you—or you will seek to silence them.

Je suis Pamela Geller. Are you?


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