It’s the Rhetoric, Stupid

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This week we have seen the worst of humanity.

Four white Klansman kidnapped and tortured a mentally challenged black Obama supporter and forced him to say “F Obama” and “F black people.”

Oh, wait.

That didn’t happen.

Actually, we saw the worst of humanity in the criminal sanctuary city of Chicago with the torturing of a mentally challenged, white, 18-year old Trump supporter by four black, dope-smoking thugs.

The Chicago animals who attacked a mentally-challenged white Trump supporter
The Chicago animals who attacked a mentally-challenged white Trump supporter

These animals beat him, kicked him, made him drink from a toilet, scalped him, made him say “F white people” and “F Donald Trump” for hours—all while uploading their carnage to Facebook Live.

This is an obvious hate crime to anyone with eyes and ears, but Barack Obama, the NAACP, the ACLU and various liberal media outlets have—pardon the pun—whitewashed the whole thing. To them, it’s just kids who lack “home training” or went a little nuts.

This picture of the victim breaks my heart.
This picture of the victim breaks my heart.

Obama, who loves to jump to conclusions with racial cases–before the facts are out—has been silent. He’s too busy erecting a wall around his new Washington D.C. rental and pardoning drug dealers.

His Attorney General has been silent.

These people, and the relentlessly liberal media who support them, have blood on their hands.

They invited racial terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter to the White House and downplayed their involvement when police officers and whites are targeted.

AFTER the lie of "hands up, don't shoot" and the riots and mayhem that followed, Obama STILL invited Black Lives Matter to the White House.
AFTER the lie of “hands up, don’t shoot” and the riots and mayhem that followed, Obama STILL invited Black Lives Matter to the White House.

Black Lives Matter may not claim these thugs, but their anti-white, anti-police rhetoric lit the match.

I’ll remind you, Obama claimed he couldn’t be elected in the South and that there’s “systemic racism” in America.

Hillary Clinton called half the country racist.

The media has routinely called Trump racist and his supporters the worst of America.

This is not the first Trump supporter who has been attacked and sadly he will not be the last. We’ve got the bloody noses, knockout games, and other racial targeting to prove it.

But, as always, the Racehustler-in-Chief can’t seem to bring himself to address this situation the same way he addressed the lies of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Freddy Gray and the lie of the Cambridge police “acting stupidly.”  

The "Gentle Giant" Mike Brown before charging a police officer for his weapon.
The “Gentle Giant” Mike Brown before charging a police officer for his weapon.

Liberals, with their words and deeds, have have unleashed the Thugs onto law-abiding America. 

This is the atmosphere that groups like Black Lives Matter and this divisive President and Hillary Clinton have encouraged for the last eight years. Innocent people are now reaping what they’ve sown. 

I expect zero introspection from liberals and the media. But I promise you: America sees everything very clearly.

This is why Trump won.



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