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Our Orwellian Overlords have been awfully busy lately.

For conservatives and Trump supporters, the relentlessness of leftists and their overwhelming onslaught on our culture, media, traditions, and American way of life is now a daily, commonplace reality.

When we realize we’ve been censored and shadowbanned on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, demonetized on YouTube, or de-platformed in some other way, we get angry. We feel powerless. We wonder — how can we go on when so many powerful voices are doing everything they can to silence opposition?

It has been well-documented and proven that social media companies (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and now Pinterest) are actively and purposefully censoring conservative voices — both large and small.

For some of these larger conservative voices, who don’t have a nightly or weekly television show on Fox News, social media and YouTube are the way they make a living. And a lot of those voices are being silenced.

Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulous were merely the first casualties of the left’s War on Truth. And ladies and gentlemen, that’s exactly what this war is all about.

Milo Yiannopolous and Alex Jones have both been silenced and banned by our Orwellian Overlords.

People like Paul Joseph Watson have openly lamented his future – both personally and financially. He has been banned from Facebook and Instagram. He feels downtrodden. He’s been called a hatemonger, a racist, and a bigot – just like the rest of us have been. He is none of those things, but our Orwellian Overlords say he is — so off with his head. 

People like Lauren Southern, a wonderful conservative voice, decided she’s going to lead a private life for a while because all of this has gotten to be too much to handle.

Steven Crowder of “Louder with Crowder” was demonetized by YouTube for making fun of a Vox reporter. The Vox reporter, a gay, Hispanic wimp (three protected classes) used his power working at a large corporation to silence Steven Crowder. And by demonetizing his content, that’s exactly what YouTube did.

Pinterest — your mom and sister’s favorite #Blessed / #Gather/ #LiveLaughLove and #IHopeYouDance hobby — has BANNED Live Action. What was Live Action’s crime? Calling out Murder Inc.Planned Parenthoodfor SELLING BABY PARTS and changing hearts and minds on abortion.

Just yesterday, it was discovered our Orwellian Overlords at Google have removed any auto-populated results involving the Jussie Smollett fake hate crime hoax. Check it out yourself. Notice what pops up first. His “attackers.” Nothing about the HOAX. Down the Memory Hole we go!

Try putting in “Jussie Smollett hoax” and see what DOESN’T pop up.

The truth has become a dangerous commodity.

It just seems the mountain never gets smaller. The left has the culture, media, the Deep State bureaucracy, and the worldwide dominant political view. They are wrong about everything, but they own all of those pieces of the communication puzzle. And they do whatever they can to stamp out any voices of opposition – especially voices that are cogent, intelligent, and have ideas which actually work.

Which brings me to President Trump – and how for me, and millions like me, it’s MAGA or Bust.

I am so grateful for what this man has done and what he has exposed. Whether it be exposing the left in the culture, bureaucracy, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Deep State in general – he has taken the mantle for all of us.

But we cannot let him carry this load alone.

We must be like the Minutemen who had no idea that their actions at Lexington and Concord would set off the greatest political revolution the world is ever seen. They had no idea their one shot would be heard around the world.

We cannot be discouraged.

Keep crying, leftists!

We must continue to shout out the truth every day — whether that be to a friend, coworker, or a neighbor who watches a lot of CNN and MSNBC.

In our own little corners of the world, we can help buttress President Trump.

He has shouldered the burden for every single one of us in Normal America. He has shown, not in a traditionally conservative way, but as an iconoclast, that conservative ideas work. They work every single time they’re tried. That fact is what the left fears the most – because it’s provably TRUE.

As they continue to shove the cult of abortion down our throats, try and change our country to the point of unsustainability by importing millions of poor, illiterate illegal aliens, and push the unworkable dream of socialism or the farcical Green New Deal – we must continue to push back with everything we’ve got.

And yes, that sounds like a cliché. But as conservatives, we’ve got two choices as we engage in this fight with political enemies who have endless money and power. We either roll up into a ball and say, “Forget it — I’ll just vote for Trump in 2020” or we do something every day to fight the left in all of its incarnations.

I am going to fight.

Let’s MAGA, baby.







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