It’s HARD Being a Liberal in Hollywood!

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It’s so hard being a liberal in Hollywood. 

It’s just so oppressive being surrounded by fellow high school dropouts and art school blowhards spewing the exact same leftist talking points 24 hours a day.


Poor Meryl Streep, with her millions of dollars paid for each role, sipping champagne and eating foie gras, with her gated home and her armed guards. She just doesn’t understand why 63 million rubes would vote for Donald Trump.

The People Who Play Pretend gather to participate in the first circle-jerk of the awards season.
The People Who Play Pretend gather to participate in the first circle-jerk of the awards season.

The Woman Who Plays Pretend made several false claims during her ridiculous Golden Globes speech.

The biggest was that Donald Trump mocked a disabled reporter. This has been debunked hundreds of times. Donald Trump is a man who speaks with his hands. He did it before and after the reporter incident in the same fashion.

But! Meryl Streep doesn’t seem to have a problem with Hillary Clinton referring to mentally challenged children as “f—ing retards” during her time as Arkansas’ First Lady–as several witnesses have reported.

Several witnesses have reported then Arkansas First Lady Hillary Clinton referring to handicapped children as "f----g retards."
Several witnesses have reported then Arkansas First Lady Hillary Clinton referring to handicapped children as “f—-g retards.”

She also didn’t have the decency to bring up the case of the mentally challenged white Trump supporter who was kidnapped and tortured by four  deranged, black liberals.

Did the liberal hypocrite Meryl Streep bring up THIS handicapped person?
Did the liberal hypocrite Meryl Streep bring up THIS handicapped person who was tortured by four black thugs for being a white Trump supporter?

Meryl also equated legal, talented immigrants working in Hollywood to criminal illegal aliens and illegal aliens who whose first action in America is to break our laws. 

Insufferable rich liberal Meryl Streep trashing half the country during the Golden Globes.
Insufferable rich liberal Meryl Streep trashing half the country during the Golden Globes.


She claimed that Donald Trump is a bad example for a little girls and women.

But! She didn’t seem to have a problem with Hillary Clinton defaming and smearing women who accused her husband of assaults and actual rape.

You know what else isn’t a good example for little girls, Meryl? How about setting up a private server in your basement to thwart national security.

How about shaking down foreign governments for money for a pay-to-play scheme. 

How about lying about how four brave Americans in Benghazi were killed by Muslim terrorists and instead of calling it an Islamic terror attack, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama blamed it on a film.

The ONLY redeeming part of Streep's stupid speech was the reactions from Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn.
The ONLY redeeming part of Streep’s stupid speech was the reactions from Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn.

Hollywood, this is why America despises you. 

The media, Hollywood, and the bureaucracy are all doubling down to destroy Donald Trump. 

What they can’t seem to get through their peabrains is that the more they try to take him down, the more the people will support him.

Keep it up, guys.

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