In Case You Haven’t Figured It Out Yet, Democrats Hate You

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I’m going to attempt not to belabor the overwhelming doom and gloom that lies ahead for Americans who cling to silly notions of freedom and constitutionally protected activities. But it will be hard.

Joe Biden, who has run for president three times and failed, didn’t win this presidential election, either. Instead, he and the loathsome Kamala Harris will be installed after overwhelming and systemic election fraud was ignored by every level of government we expected to protect us and be the stopgaps preventing corruption. 

They tell us Biden is so popular he has to have 30,000 National Guard troops on hand in Washington D.C. and other state capitals for an inauguration that won’t even really exist — except virtually. Yes – those hillbilly, knuckledragging troglodyte members of our military he and other filthy leftists despise will now “protect” the super popular Biden from angry white supremist Nazis.

Woke, pampered Hollywood asshats will be on hand to tell us plebes how awesome the new boss will be – but will anyone be watching? Not if Biden’s past forays into YouTube are any barometer – on a good day, Biden’s proclamations get about 24,000 views. (Trump, on the other hand, regularly gets 800,000 views for a simple speech on the same platform. No wonder he’s such a threat to democracy!)

Why so much military presence? Why the wall (complete with barbed wire) around the Capitol? Could it be Biden didn’t actually win the election and he knows that there are a lot of pissed off Americans who will not accept this China bought-and-paid for traitor as president? 

The short answer is yes.

In other words, Democrats hate you, and by extension, hate America as founded. Cheating their way into power is seen as a justifiable means to an end. Because what they are promising is antithetical to people who love America and the American people. Democrats’ policies are meant to punish Trump voters.

If President Trump was the man who promised to put America first, Joe Biden is the grim, grifting pretender who will put America last. 

Every single policy that helped ordinary man Americans is on the chopping block by Democrats. This shows a level of distain and hatred for citizens never before seen. They will have us submit by hook or by crook.

On day one, Biden has promised to amnesty 20 million illegal aliens living blatantly and freely in this country. He and Democrats are doing this because they want open borders and a permanent underclass who will vote for them no matter what. Naturally, woke big business wants all the cheap labor they can get. Screw the American worker and American taxpayers as much as humanly possible! Bonus: Biden has promised a 700% increase in “refugees” from Islamist and terrorist-sponsoring countries, AND will get us back into the disastrous Iran nuclear deal.

He’s also making transgender bathrooms and boys competing in girls’ sports a top legislative priority. A complete smack in the face to actual science and normal America. Dismemberment abortion up to and including birth will also become law. Who cares if you don’t like it! You will obey and you will toe the line, or your masters will destroy you.

The woman Biden is putting in charge of the Civil Rights Division in the Justice Department is a radical, Harvard-trained (natch) harpy named Kristen Clarke. Dr. Clarke has said many eyebrow-raising things, but top of the list is her claim that black people are morally, emotionally, physically, and intellectually superior because of the melanin in their skin. (Duck Duck Go it if you don’t believe me.) This neo-fascoracism practiced by people in the highest levels of our government should scare the crap out of anyone who still believes in the antiquated notion of content of character, not color of skin.

Want some insane environmental policies which will do nothing but enrich the people involved in them? Step right up back into the ridiculous, America-punishing Paris Climate Accord and the horrific Green New Deal. Say adios to energy independence! Fracking, the Keystone Pipeline, and other deregulations made possible by Trump’s America First policies will all be destroyed. 

You say you liked that tax cut? Well, wave that goodbye! Biden has promised to eliminate ALL of Trump’s tax cuts – the cuts which helped our economy roar to new heights.

Democrat priorities also include massive censorship – but only for one side. Conservatives are censored left and right under the guise of protecting people from “hate speech” or “disinformation.” When actual facts are brought out about the coronavirus scam, election fraud, or any number of subjects that don’t fall in line with big tech’s domination and control over the narrative, they simply deplatform or call us Nazis.

Again, if their ideas are so popular, why would they need to censor anybody? Why not have a free exchange of ideas? Oh, that’s right – because their ideas SUCK. THEY are the fascists. They are the totalitarians. And they hate our guts.

Gone are the days where Americans accept the president as legitimately elected. Now, no matter who wins, half the country believes the president and his administration are illegitimate. Only this time, conservatives and Trump voters have mountains of evidence to prove the fraud. But don’t worry, Democrats: big tech tyrants and corrupted institutions like the Supreme Court are shutting down anyone who dares question the narrative that some senile old pervert locked in his basement somehow got 80 million votes.

Brainless, moronic narcissists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her comrades have promised reeducation camps for anybody who can’t get their thinking right. This dumb heifer doesn’t know what hornets’ nest they have kicked. They will find out if they implement their little “reeducation” scheme.

Americans will only take this wholesale defamation for so long. 

They defame our military and promise to look into the background of National Guard members to make sure they aren’t Repbulicans – you know, in case they want to assassinate Biden. 

They call one million Stop the Steal/Save America rally goers Nazis and white supremacists and rioters, when there is mounting evidence that – surprise! It was antifa/BLM all along who stoked the flames. More evidence is showing they were aided and abetted by D.C. police officers who allowed the incursion to happen.

They scoff at First Amendment freedom and promise to persecute those who have the audacity to go against their far left, oppressive, tyrannical, globalist, Great Reset agenda.

Major corporations are helping move this defamation along at a steady clip. Delta and United Airlines have put Trump supporters on no-fly lists or kicked them off planes for singing the National Anthem. Other corporations have sprung headfirst into the defamation when they spent the entire summer of 2020 telling us how awesome Black Lives Matter and antifa rioters are.

The milquetoast Republicans who sat back and allowed this to happen are almost as bad as the traitorous, treacherous Democrats. Republicans are very comfortable being in the minority because then they don’t have to actually do any work. President Trump upended all of that and that’s why they’re trying to impeach and convict him for the second time – so he can never again be president.

Yes, they hate him – but they really and truly despise all of US.

And that’s the lesson. How can we coexist with people who have no ability or inclination to coexist with us? 

How can we coexist with people who think that silencing opposition is perfectly acceptable? How can we coexist with people who think that OAN and Newsmax should be silenced and taken down off of television platforms, but the Ayatollah Khomeini (the leader of Iran and the number one state sponsor of terror) should be free to spew his anti-Semitic rage? 

How can we coexist with people who believe the things they do? How do we coexist with those who torment people who don’t want their children indoctrinated with communist, color revolution garbage and who want to make a decent living, live a happy life, and be left alone? We can’t.


These demons defame everyday men and women as white supremacists and Nazis.

The line in the sand has been drawn. You’re either on the side of liberty or tyranny. And it’s never been clearer than today.

Joe Biden and leftists everywhere – be careful what you wish for. You didn’t win. You know you didn’t. 

And guess who else knows it? WE THE PEOPLE know it.

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